Yellow spots on seedling after transplanting

Hey rollitup,
I need your help :-( I recently started my first grow project and I have run into my first major problem. I didn't really know when the seedling was ready for transplant so I think I kind of rushed the process. About a day or two into transplanting, the leaves have developed yellowish spots. My guess is that the plant may be dying due to transplant shock, or maybe the soil pH is off. Please take a look at the attached images and let me know what you think. Thanks!



Well-Known Member
The main thing is that they are not dying. Sometimes though in an effort to get grows to look like those photoshopped grows on cannabis mags, you can end up killing your plants trying to 'fix' them when what they need is time to recover.


Well-Known Member
Just be patient, and vigilant, keep an eye out for bugs, moving dots on your leaves. When plants are stressed they can emit an odor that attracts bugs during that phase until they settle down and get on with growing.


Well-Known Member
It looks as though the plant is suffering from magnesium deficiency and the usual cure is to add epsom salt. Then again I'm also thinking it might be nutrient lockout. A low PH can cause this.

Before you go adding epsom salt or any other nutrient, check your plant's soil. You can go to your local garden store, buy a soil test kit for a few dollars, and use it to check the PH and NPK properties of your soil. Try to rule out as many problems as you can before you attempt to 'fix' the issue.

Hope this helps.

- Vin bongsmilie