Yes, another "how are my plants doing?" thread...


Hi and welcome to another newbie "how are my plants doing?" thread!

This is my first grow and I'm just wondering how you guys think I'm doing and if you've got any advice. I'm not worried about anything in particular, so if it's all good it's all good.

I'm growing 4 x Pure AK feminised seeds in a 2'2" x 2'2" x 4'9" grow tent. My set up is as follows:

400W Dual Spectrum HPS in the above tent
BioBizz All-Mix soil
BioBizz Grow & Bloom nutrients

I've got either 1 or 2 4" extractor fans pulling hot air from the top of the tent and a passive intake of cool air at the bottom. Also I have a 6" fan inside the tent which is cooling the bulb and providing turbulance to strengthen the plants.

These seeds popped out of the soil 4 weeks ago. Initially I had them in pretty small biodegradable seedling pots (the kind you are supposed to plant directly in the soil once the roots start to "break through". I kept them on my windowsill for a week or so but they started to get real stretchy so I put them under the HPS. I realise that I left them in the little pots for far too long so my plants aren't as far along as they should be. Once I moved them to the larger pots they are in now (about 2.5 US gallons I think - they are 10" across by 12" tall) they really took off and started bushing out.

My grow space isn't the tallest so I'm hoping these plants will end up being at most 3ft tall. Remember my tent is 4'9", the pots are a foot tall and the light takes up say 6 inches at the top plus I need some space between the light and the plants! (I know that I should be doing a SOG/SCROG method but as this is my first grow I'm trying to keep it simple as possible)

I'm watering every 2-3 days and about a week ago I started introducing the BioBizz grow nutrient at 1/4 strength every other watering, which means I've watered with nutes twice now. I must have been a bit heavy with the nutes on my second watering because I got some nice nute burn but it's clearing up now.

My plan is to flip these to 12/12 when they hit 12" tall so hopefully they will end up at 2.5-3'. I am aware than 4 plants in this tent is going to be a squeeze so I don't want them to get too big and crowd each other out. Do you think I'm right to do this or would you do something different?

I know you guys love pictures so here we go. A bit random sorry but there is a shot (or two!) of each plant there plus an overview and then some side-on shots to try and shot some more detail of the plants:


Questions welcome, general comments, encouragement and advice all gratefully received.


Thanks for the info re. LST, it is something I will consider for my next grow for sure.

Overwatering - yes I think I suffered with this early on, but I'm getting better at it now. It's hard to not water when the top couple of inches looks and feels so dry, but I'm learning to trust my moisture meter and the plants themselves!


I'm still trying to get the hang of the "feel the weight" method, but I'll get there. Learning loads as I go along and I'm really enjoying it :D


Well-Known Member
looking good! any one else notice the face in the back of the tent? picture 6 above the box! lol looks like someone with no nose wearing sun glasses.


Oh I see it now. Kinda like the man in the
moon, you have to know what you're looking for before you see it!

Wait a minute though -- pale face, no nose, dark glasses -- could it be the ghost of Michael Jackson come to have a peek at my young 'uns??? Well I got some bad news Mike, ain't no males in here, only girls!!!!