Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

i have mixed emotions about that too...they should be counted as property and taxed like everything else is, and if any are sold it should have to be through licensed dealers who perform the proper background checks.
I'd like to say melt them down, take them out of circulation, but they're private property, you would at the very least have to reimburse the estate at fair market value for each one destroyed.
It's also quite possible that there will be real emotional value attached to some of them, family heirlooms, that represent hours bonding with family members that cannot be replaced. There is quite a difference between going out with your grandpa and his 22 and learning the basics, and going on a family trip to a commercial range to fire off full auto machine guns, most of which you already own....
DIY wants pre-64 model 70s, English sidelock doubles, Revolutionary War flintlocks, Olympic free pistols all slagged. It’s over the top.
i have mixed emotions about that too...they should be counted as property and taxed like everything else is, and if any are sold it should have to be through licensed dealers who perform the proper background checks.
I'd like to say melt them down, take them out of circulation, but they're private property, you would at the very least have to reimburse the estate at fair market value for each one destroyed.
It's also quite possible that there will be real emotional value attached to some of them, family heirlooms, that represent hours bonding with family members that cannot be replaced. There is quite a difference between going out with your grandpa and his 22 and learning the basics, and going on a family trip to a commercial range to fire off full auto machine guns, most of which you already own....
As I said register them for taxation purposes and tax them annually, if the family wants to keep some guns they can pay the transfer taxes, if they don't want to pay taxes on grandpa's shit then they turn in the guns. That is the only way it could work legally or constitutionally, don't pay a dime for any gun, tax them instead. Increase the costs, burden and liability of having guns laying around, the free ride on the taxpayers back is over.
As I said register them for taxation purposes and tax them annually, if the family wants to keep some guns they can pay the transfer taxes, if they don't want to pay taxes on grandpa's shit then they turn in the guns. That is the only way it could work legally or constitutionally, don't pay a dime for any gun, tax them instead. Increase the costs, burden and liability of having guns laying around, the free ride on the taxpayers back is over.
Annual taxation might be a tough sell unless you have an amenable Scotus. One-time transfer tax and registry would be more attainable imo, and delivers the huge advance that one can now legislate that possession of an unregistered firearm can become a Federal crime.
Annual taxation might be a tough sell unless you have an amenable Scotus. One-time transfer tax and registry would be more attainable imo, and delivers the huge advance that one can now legislate that possession of an unregistered firearm can become a Federal crime.
Changes will be incremental and acceptable to the majority, the democrats can't afford to get on the wrong side of the issue and, even though very important, they must make moves to protect the constitution and republic first. What I'm speaking of will be the eventual outcome from this, it will start small but will build over time. Securing the country from fascism and restoring democracy to some parts of America are more important, things like an automatic voter registration checkbox on your income tax form, like we have here in Canada. There is much to be done and they need to hold power to do it.
Fallacy. You’re confusing sentiment for argument.
They set up roadblocks to change and the desire for change got pent-up and built overtime. When such things happen, the change can be sudden and shocking. The NRA brought America to this point and the polls are telling. I advocate incremental change leading to an end point of reducing the number of guns over a decade.
Changes will be incremental and acceptable to the majority, the democrats can't afford to get on the wrong side of the issue and, even though very important, they must make moves to protect the constitution and republic first. What I'm speaking of will be the eventual outcome from this, it will start small but will build over time. Securing the country from fascism and restoring democracy to some parts of America are more important, things like an automatic voter registration checkbox on your income tax form, like we have here in Canada. There is much to be done and they need to hold power to do it.
No. You advocated for a stripping of all guns.

There are two poles of unreason here — the permissive, which leads to e. g. Rittenhouse and a mass shooting a day, and the restrictive. You went all in on total restriction. Canada, Britain etc. do not go that far, and they don’t have our epidemic of shootings.

So don’t walk back your display of the extreme. That fails to own the raw priggery of it.
At his age he could be dead before trial, and we don't know what kind of physical condition he is in and putting someone that age in prison might be pointless if his condition warrants it. We will see, people die of old age in prison every day in America, they are often cared for by black prisoners who are assigned to the duty. These are normal compassionate men caught up in the racially based justice system and can they be trusted with such duties unlike many others who actually deserve to be there. One reason crime is high in America is that black people are often doing the time for a white person's crime, and they continue to crime because someone innocent was punished for it. Often black men are convicted of crimes and imprisoned for no other reason than to disenfranchise them. Pot has disenfranchised many black people; the cop tosses the white kid's dope and charges the black kids, less voters.
dude, I'll give you the fact that Stand Your Ground laws give people like that old man a strong defense. All those cowards need to do is say they got scared and so they dropped the hammer. It works in Florida, probably will in Kansas too. There have been a rash of that kind of thing lately. All we need is go back to what, @ActionianJacksonian said about pulling his gun every time he heard a noise to understand why. Those old fuckers live in perfect safety and when they take that gun out, they raise the risk of a shooting to everybody around them. So, naturally we're seeing it happen. Scared assholes with guns are everywhere now. And everywhere stand your ground laws are in place, it's likely that those cowardly old men will be found not guilty.

But, to give the killer a pass for his age. Nah, lock him up.
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No. You advocated for a stripping of all guns.

There are two poles of unreason here — the permissive, which leads to e. g. Rittenhouse and a mass shooting a day, and the restrictive. You went all in on total restriction. Canada, Britain etc. do not go that far, and they don’t have our epidemic of shootings.

So don’t walk back your display of the extreme. That fails to own the raw priggery of it.
What I spoke of was an eventual result, you cannot do such a thing legally or constitutionally, first there has to be laws about registration and taxation and that would be the mechanism used. As I said on several occasions, change must be gradual and acceptable to the majority, but the end point is quite clear. Pot was made illegal using taxes, the stamp act and many farmers grew hemp, suddenly they did not.
What I spoke of was an eventual result, you cannot do such a thing legally or constitutionally, first there has to be laws about registration and taxation and that would be the mechanism used. As I said on several occasions, change must be gradual and acceptable to the majority, but the end point is quite clear. Pot was made illegal using taxes, the stamp act and many farmers grew hemp, suddenly they did not.
They should all go to the federal government for destruction, ammo too, make it the law, when someone dies, their guns die with them.
dude, I'll give you the fact that Stand Your Ground laws give people like that old man a strong defense. All those cowards need to do is say they got scared and so they dropped the hammer. It works in Florida, probably will in Kansas too. There have been a rash of that kind of thing lately. All we need is go back to what, @ActionianJacksonian said about pulling his gun every time he heard a noise to understand why. Those old fuckers live in perfect safety and when they take that gun out, they raise the risk of a shooting to everybody around them. So, naturally we are seeing it happen because assholes like him are everywhere now. And everywhere stand your ground laws are in place, it's likely that those cowardly old men will be found not guilty.

But, to give the killer a pass for his age. Nah, lock him up.
As I posted, people die in prison every day and the irony is, he will most likely have a black man taking care of him in prison, they pick out normal people for such duties and many black people are in prison who shouldn't be. I posted a video on it above.
Normally yes, unless they want to pay the taxes and claim ownership, other than that they get melted down. I was speaking of someone inheriting 2,400 guns. I'm sorry if I didn't include the full text of the proposed legislation! :lol:
It is an interesting point though when ya think about it, 3% of the population owns 50% of the guns. How many are over 50? How many are over 60? I'd be willing to bet that 90% of them are over 50, perhaps 60. So, when they croak the family pays a huge tax bill on the arsenal or the government gets them for disposal. It might be a good way to get rid of a lot of guns with little difficulty as they die off and have to at least pay a transfer tax per gun.
Here are some of the consequences of no gun laws and allowing Cletus to open carry and conceal carry. It is why gun owners need to start paying their full share of the cost of guns to American taxpayers and society. How these freeloaders have cost you so much without helping out with the costs is amazing, what a free ride, the biggest one in history. How much will this add to the city's property taxes, if they win? It happens every single day in America, local governments being sued and the added expense of dealing with the aftermath of gun violence. Perhaps it is time to sue state governments for such irresponsible action? It is the state who allows these people to murder others, it gives them permission and prepares them for combat with their fellow citizens.

So, if someone is walking down a crowded street with an AR-15 and dressed like a soldier, you are supposed to ignore him, until he opens fire. Not even a cop can ask him WTF he's doing, it's his rat! Sounds like a paradise to me, if you are a fucking psycho! It does give cops a good excuse to shoot black people however, if it was a white man, they would have apologized about interfering with his 2nd amendment rats! Nod nod, wink, wink with a mealymouthed rationalization. It's just black people killing each other in big cities, it doesn't happen in red state America, God's country, there are more murders there than in the big cites though, but by watching foxnews you would never think so.

Tyre Nichols’ family files federal $500 civil lawsuit against Memphis and police officers

'Stand your ground' makes dangerous mix of guns and fear of young Black men

11,860 views Apr 19, 2023 #msnbc #standyourground #trayvonmartin
Alex Wagner looks at how an increase in "stand your ground" laws since the shooting death of Trayvon Martin has created a dangerous, sometimes deadly situation as the proliferation of guns mixes with a media-encouraged fear and suspicion of young Black men.
What does the article and tax implications of police murdering people all the time have to do with it? Are you aware of the sort of people you are advocating to be the only ones with weapons? They beat the man to death, so again, how do you tie this to gun violence and mass shootings? Who is going to be enforcing your legislative solution?

Tbh, that is the self defense scenario that comes to my mind in regards to the 2nd amendment debate, its not protecting against foreign invaders. People afraid of the good ol boys that work hard in hand, and often are, the police force of whatever area.
In 2014, in a movie theater BEFORE the movie began, a father was on his cell phone talking to his daughter. This was against theater policy and an old man with a gun got an usher to shush the father. Father asked old man with a gun WTF? Old man responded in kind. Father threw a bag of popcorn at old man with gun who drew it and shot the father.

Old man with gun pleaded not guilty because the bag of popcorn was scary.

(Posted at 8:59 AM, Feb 14, 2022 and last updated 6:21 PM, Feb 25, 2022)

PASCO COUNTY, Fla. — The high-profile murder trial involving retired Tampa police captain Curtis Reeves, has been decided by the jury.

Late Friday night, the jury began deliberations and after several hours the jury found Reeves not guilty on all charges.

Reeves, 79, was tried for second-degree murder and aggravated battery with a deadly weapon in the 2014 shooting of Chad Oulson, 43, in a Wesley Chapel movie theater after an argument over the use of a cell phone.

After eight years, the case was heard by a jury of six people with four alternates. The trial was delayed by legal motions, appeals, and even the pandemic.

Reeves claims he shot Oulson in self-defense after Oulson threw a bag of popcorn and cell phone at him.
What does the article and tax implications of police murdering people all the time have to do with it? Are you aware of the sort of people you are advocating to be the only ones with weapons? They beat the man to death, so again, how do you tie this to gun violence and mass shootings? Who is going to be enforcing your legislative solution?

Tbh, that is the self defense scenario that comes to my mind in regards to the 2nd amendment debate, its not protecting against foreign invaders. People afraid of the good ol boys that work hard in hand, and often are, the police force of whatever area.
When you catch a criminal with a gun you can give them 5 years. America is supposed to be a civil society, not a war zone and what you are describing is a paranoid Hellhole, not a civil society. I need to be armed because the next guy is, is like being in prison, the first thing they do is make a shive from their toothbrush for self-protection or murder. You have a choice at the polls, to live in fear or to live in a civil society and not like a fucking savage constantly in fear of your life and in an arms race with you Goddamned neighbor! Wake up and get woke!