Well-Known Member
You could have guards without guns, and possibly achieve the same effect. Tasers and such.
whatever works and can actually be implemented I am all about.
You could have guards without guns, and possibly achieve the same effect. Tasers and such.
Eventually the majority will tire of the carnage and you'll lose your gun.
which gun?
Gun owners still have a chance to take action to stop the ever increasing rate of gun homicides, but if gun owners won't step up to stop this, the majority who don't own them will.
what exactly should gun owners do when you say step up to stop this? You mean like citizens patrol?
You'll complain, of course. But if you don't care about people's lives then I don't care about your gun rights.
Strange as time and time again you seem to suggest half the population should be eliminated for one reason or other.
You seem to have this all planned out
There are many different types of "mass shootings". I think people are mostly frustrated with the entitled-white-guy category of mass shootings in recent years. (except entitled white guys, they seem to be fine with it)
With Repugs blocking infrastructure spending, this is not practicable.If it’s practical to send 54 billion dollars in taxpayer money to a foreign country for the sake of it’s defense, it is highly practical to spend whatever it costs to retrofit every school in America with safety measures and employ guards where possible.
It is exponentially more practical to pursue ideas like mine, than to ban semi automatic rifles in the US, if the intention is to actually mitigate school shootings. Banning certain rifles is a bandaid approach and further action which is even LESS practical (attempting to ban firearms altogether) would have to follow.
I’m for realistic fixes, not emotional responses with good intentions that can’t actually happen
edit: and when I say it can’t actually happen, it’s not like I wish it couldn’t happen. If guns didn’t exist my what a world it may be. It just won’t happen, so I am moving on to things that can actually be implemented.
View attachment 5138982
The US gun laws are too restrictive. If grade schoolers were allowed to carry, this wouldn’t have happened.
Why would they be any less frustrated by any other kind of mass shooting? Thats some twisted ideology
agree: it must be practicable and very effective. But what that is (elaborate shrug)whatever works and can actually be implemented I am all about.
Entitled lmao
earned it all
Funny cause ive been wondering why though
If only there existed a country that had effective gun control that you could emulate.agree: it must be practicable and very effective. But what that is (elaborate shrug)
… and had a Second Amendment or functional equivalent.If only there existed a country that had effective gun control that you could emulate.
Who is SCHUYAAR?View attachment 5139111
sorry bud just washed them and its hard writing lefty
That bit is important. It sharply limits available process.
Whatever makes you feel safe, cowboy.That bit is important. It sharply limits available process.
It removes the process more restrictive countries used: fiat.