Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

If these shooters intend to blow their own brains out doubt your mandatory min sentence means much. If they don’t it’s a life in prison. How did the mandatory sentence idea work on any other crime
if it gave them life in prison, that's good enough for me...if violent criminals want to beat each other to death during their incarceration, that's one less violent fuck that has to be fed, clothed, and supervised.
Id advise you to become one of those new gun owners because as much as you want they ain’t going anywhere without serious conflict. Thats not any threat its just unfortunately the way i see it
i think you would be surprised...90+ % would do what the law required them to do...that other 10 %....they might need some persuasion, but i think when they see what happens to the first of the holdouts, over half of them would fall in you're down to the hardcore 4 or 5% that will fight about it...that will just get them dead, along with some law enforcement personnel...which will villify gun owners even more, and make any kind of statement they might try to make in protest laughable..
other countries have had very successful buy back programs, which would take a lot of guns off of the streets, out of closets and nightstands where they're just gathering dust anyway, to be destroyed, so no one can steal them. cut off all person to person sales, make them illegal at gunshows and on a private basis. if you want to sell a gun, you have to use a licensed dealer as a middle man, and pay them a modest fee to do the same background check they themselves would do if they were selling the gun.
just common sense shit will help a lot. if all person to person sales are illegal, and there is a penalty for not reporting a stolen weapon immediately, you take a lot of weapons out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill.
Long ago when this country was formed a group of people didn't want another group to have muskets..Google the group who did this. You might be surprised or outraged or not.

That is where 2A comes from.

Who said they're going anywhere? But just like if you want to drive? You get us now?

I'm starting to think mass shootings are a way to drive up gun telling what you crazy asses have in your minds.
Please provide precise search terms.
Heres a quick thought. States seem to have the power on regulation of guns. According to the feds I can buy an AR according to my state I can’t. According to the feds weed is illegal according to my state its not. right? So how about a uniform set of laws across the board for one. I personally don’t believe laws work well enough but alot of you do and im willing to do whats best for EVERYONE. Its hard to talk if we all have a different page for starters. Getting background checks at dmv? Crazy please explain. That happens in the cheif of polices office here initially then at every purchase along with thumb scans. We have a pin number just like your debit card we need also. Straw purchase is big trouble….. so lets talk
that needs to happen all over the country...25 of 50 states have no requirements at all for person to person sales...i could sell people guns all day long here, and no one could say shit to me about it, even if those guns were each and every one used to kill someone illegally.
another 4 or 5 states have lip service statements that hold no legal authority, and allow counties to require checks if they want....none do really 30 of the 50 states allow a private person to sell a firearm to anyone with the money to pay for many people do you think are going to gun shows and then turning around and selling those weapons to criminals in their home states where it is illegal to do so?
one thing you've said that actually makes sense is that we need one set of federal rules that trump all state and local laws, and define the rules for the entire country.
and while we're at it, federally abolish "constitutional carry" need an education and a permit to carry a weapon, concealed or not, and a good reason to carry, not just that the black family that moved in down the street make you nervous...
imo to buy an Assault Weapon....person need to be 25, and go through a comprehensize background ck (this includes military service)....will it happen, prolly not
Okay, name a weapon that is not used to assail.

Also, please note that assault rifle is a technical term whereas assault weapon is merely a pejorative.
Actually it is a military term for a specific kind of weapon with a large magazine and capable of rapid or automatic fire and was first developed by the Germans for assaulting defensive positions and was then copied by the soviets. Most infantry weapons were rifles that were repeaters and focused on range and accuracy. Some assault weapons use cut down ammo like the AK 47 and others use full sized. In military garb the are full auto select, in civilian semi auto, magazine capacity and semi automatic rates of fire are the real issue, both are unnecessary for hunting or legitimate use. Cock an shoot with a five round mag limit and make the penalties mandatory and meaningful. Flay a drone in the wrong place or way and the fines are in the tens of thousands of dollars and they don't kill people, except in war, at least yet.
Actually it is a military term for a specific kind of weapon with a large magazine and capable of rapid or automatic fire and was first developed by the Germans for assaulting defensive positions and was then copied by the soviets. Most infantry weapons were rifles that were repeaters and focused on range and accuracy. Some assault weapons use cut down ammo like the AK 47 and others use full sized. In military garb the are full auto select, in civilian semi auto, magazine capacity and semi automatic rates of fire are the real issue, both are unnecessary for hunting or legitimate use. Cock an shoot with a five round mag limit and make the penalties mandatory and meaningful. Flay a drone in the wrong place or way and the fines are in the tens of thousands of dollars and they don't kill people, except in war, at least yet.
If we are getting technical, most assault rifles are carbine-length.
Has Alex Jones set up a broadcast booth outside the school yet? You know surrounded by goons in body armor with assault rifles? A place where he can exercise his 2nd amendment rights and speak about the crises actors? Why if they put up a few crosses for the unborn up and flew some Trump flags, republican politicians would be eager to line up, maybe even Trump would call in! Freedumb, boy that would sure trigger the libs eh!

How are those new gun laws working out Abott, the good people of Texas just love the results.

I can assure you Steve Bannon is gleeful, not sad, this is just the thing he and his allies want, chaos and blame Biden for something they created and fueled. Fuck the kids, they want to take your gun! White America will respond, trust me, guns are a symbol of white supremacy among fear driven white males and symbols of tribalism and manliness. Oh yeah, some people hunt with them and some target shoot, a very few collect them. Why are guns more popular and deeply embedded in the American south? Why is it a lot of places have a general store and a gun shop as the only business? Why does the NRA not speak up for black gun owners gunned down by cops? Why is having a gun in a car a death sentence for a black man?

The extreme right loves the chaos and social breakdown, it's how modern civil wars are fought, make the government look as bad as possible, cause problems and block the solutions. Then, only I can fix it! Next destroy democracy and the rule of law from with in until you can remain in power no matter what you do, or how badly you fuck up, just like Trump, just like Putin.
How come they don't have open carry at the NRA conference? Practice what you preach and buy politicians for? Could it be, if you had open carry, killing you in large numbers would be easy? I mean just shut the lights off and drop a pack of fire crackers on the fucking floor and run for the exit, the carnage would be immense, as the dumb paranoid fucks slaughtered each other in a frenzy of fire.

The NRA Will Still Hold Its Conference in Texas This Weekend

The National Rifle Association has announced that it will not be canceling its conference in Houston this weekend despite Tuesday’s school shooting across the state in Uvalde, which left 19 children and two adults dead. “Our deepest sympathies are with the families and victims involved in this horrific and evil crime,” the NRA said in a statement posted to Twitter. “Although an investigation is underway and facts are still emerging, we recognize this was the act of a lone, deranged criminal. As we gather in Houston, we will reflect on these events, pray for the victims, recognize our patriotic members, and pledge to redouble our commitment to making our schools secure.”
The teacher was just doing her job. Why didn't the coward police do theirs? "To protect and serve" should be "To bully and seize"(assets).>:(
You gotta remember most of them are fascists and it kinda puts them in a bind. Any cop who is against gun control is an idiot or a brainwashed racist fascist, since it is a major safety risk for them. However guns harm society in many ways, including citizens having guns dawn on them for routine traffic stops and the distance security must put between the politicians and officials and the people they serve. They give weight to the tens of thousands of death threats the receive every year, every one from a gun owner over a variety of issues, if they don't own a gun, it's because the cops took it in their state. It all leads to increased social stress, costs and breakdown. It destroys souls and dreams, while giving the illusion of safety, statues and power.
Does anybody think that the same bunch who didn't want kids to wear masks in schools in the middle of a deadly pandemic will actually give a fuck about these dead kids? Understand what you are dealing with here.