Long ago when this country was formed a group of people didn't want another group to have muskets..Google the group who did this. You might be surprised or outraged or not.Id advise you to become one of those new gun owners because as much as you want they ain’t going anywhere without serious conflict. Thats not any threat its just unfortunately the way i see it
Well, they were all disabled and couldn't run away from a knife attack, which is why there were so many dead.Really. Explain why its not relative.
A gun license to demonstrate knowledge and proper use; they don't do background checks at DMV other than other states DMV.Thats almost as stupid as a red saying its to take them away. Ya these sick fucks are killing everyone so we buy more…..
Tell me what you’d be happy with as far as lawful guns and ownership. I think if you go back and read some of my posts schuylaar you’ll see im not opposed to restrictions or what it takes , its just nobody’s come up with anything but take them. Look im just saying even if they could it wont solve everything maybe anything and I don’t think it’s possible without conflict but if Americans think theyre ready for that if thats what it takes, I guess we’ll see
only for those who require a gun to feel like they can defend themselves...usually from threats that only exist in their own mindsRegulate doors. Only 1 door per church, school, stadium with armed nests and bionic security systems. Regulating guns will result in chaos and terror.
There are a few knob's out there I would like to see removed...As a temporary solution to these shootings we should remove all door handles, save the children remove a knob.
I think the point to take away from this is people like the recent shooter should not have had such an easy time purchasing both the weapons and ammo. People like yourself who've gone through the process of safe firearm handling, situational awareness when carrying and transporting, and provided the paperwork and proper background checks typically aren't the issue. For the most part. Until you blow a gasket of course.Im with you. I have one and the requirement certificates to get it. I’ve owned since 18. I have preban firearms that are no longer legal to buy here
Im not your problem
that's a load of shit...most people do not have the nerve, the sense of being able to control a situation without a gun in their hands...you know why a knife attack that kills a lot of people is news? because it hardly ever happens. most of the psychos that are killing people are cowards who do not want to have to actually fight anyone, they don't want to take a chance on getting killed themselves, if they cannot have a gun, their sick fantasies will remain just that, sick, unfulfilled fantasies, it's the rare one indeed who will have the balls to use a more hands on method...and this is not a theory, it's been proven, just check the statistics worldwide, no arguing with hard numbersNope just letting you it will be knife attacks, bombings, axes who knows but evil is evil and it’ll find another way
you're offering bad proof that doesn't show what you think it does....You just dont get it. Im not making a comparison. Just offering proof a gun isn’t needed
there it is, right there, the problem is jumping up and down in your post, waving it's arms..."i've got a gun, whut you gonna do bout it, boy?"...unless your weapon of war if a knife? in which case, i feel pretty confident that i can take it from you..a lot more confident than if you were holding a firearm which could kill me before i can close the distance between us...Hey bill if i have my weapon of war and you don’t
How you getting mine