Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

Since when did banning anything ever stop actual problems?
It worked in other places amazingly well, shootings dropped like a stone and stayed down, we have plenty of data, you know, actual facts to back this up. So banning and regulating guns works along with reducing their numbers by imposing costs and liabilities on the owners and sellers of firearms. Well off white gun owners will register their weapons while paying the fee and poor people in cities won't, they will take the buy back cash. People with lot's of guns will pay the most and that will discourage ownership as well.
Got a 1000 guns @ $100 a pop and it's $100K in annual fees, you license your car every year don't you?
Insure it too?
Have a drivers license?
Get that renewed every year?
Are you qualified annually on each of the arms you posses?
Are 5 round limits on mags for rifles and automatic pistols really unconstitutional?
It sounds like your the paranoid ones. I'm not a control freak. Your just projecting your own gun control freak realities onto me.

Since when did banning anything ever stop actual problems?

The problems are people like you (I'm guilty too, I've done it) who play victim all the time, and live in fear. And call people freaks, and gang up together on them like you guys are now.

Just like the bullies in school who call the shooters freaks. That's who you guys are starting to sound like, when all i'm trying to say is get your kids out of the schools so they are safe, and even have proof to back it up. You want people to pull guns, so you can say see I told you so! You want to blast their own kids 911 calls so they hear it over and over, as if that isn't gonna make them want to kill someone too.

You like to get people wound up, as if you are in control. That is the only way to really control someone, is with emotions. You don't want to get shot for it though, I get that. So take away all the guns, call people out as if they are mentally ill, and have them hauled away instead. Go look at any of your guys 20-50,000k each worth of post (wtf can you post that much, and work, and pay attention if you have kids?) at how you reacted towards people just for having different beliefs. I guarantee its all you guys teaming up and calling someone mentally ill, or likewise. Especially against "right wingers". As if you've been programmed to immediately act that way. Agents of the divide and conquer strategy.

Countries don't get invaded after they give up their arms, no, that never happened ever.

If the US is the worst country in the world, then why are people fleeing to come here from everywhere? By the millions, and we can't even figure out why there actually is a baby formula shortage, lol.

It sounds like your the paranoid ones. I'm not a control freak. Your just projecting your own gun control freak realities onto me.

Since when did banning anything ever stop actual problems?

The problems are people like you (I'm guilty too, I've done it) who play victim all the time, and live in fear. And call people freaks, and gang up together on them like you guys are now.

Just like the bullies in school who call the shooters freaks. That's who you guys are starting to sound like, when all i'm trying to say is get your kids out of the schools so they are safe, and even have proof to back it up. You want people to pull guns, so you can say see I told you so! You want to blast their own kids 911 calls so they hear it over and over, as if that isn't gonna make them want to kill someone too.

You like to get people wound up, as if you are in control. That is the only way to really control someone, is with emotions. You don't want to get shot for it though, I get that. So take away all the guns, call people out as if they are mentally ill, and have them hauled away instead. Go look at any of your guys 20-50,000k each worth of post (wtf can you post that much, and work, and pay attention if you have kids?) at how you reacted towards people just for having different beliefs. I guarantee its all you guys teaming up and calling someone mentally ill, or likewise. Especially against "right wingers". As if you've been programmed to immediately act that way. Agents of the divide and conquer strategy.

Countries don't get invaded after they give up their arms, no, that never happened ever.

If the US is the worst country in the world, then why are people fleeing to come here from everywhere? By the millions, and we can't even figure out why there actually is a baby formula shortage, lol.
so, mr. sound, how long have you had this feeling that the world is against you? does that make you feel? can you show me on the doll where the bad bad world touched you?
it's like the anti gun liberals are always staging false flags (allegedly) to ban guns but now the shoe is on the other foot.

my spidey sense is tingling with bullshit.

they have already switched down here to arming teach and shit, one story is trying to blame the newly elected county sherriff of uvalde, no mention of gun legislation or anything....kinda like they just wanna broom it under the rug or something.....something is really weird bout this....

the propped open door was already debunked.

and also, why didn't any of the parents run back home to get guns? it was supposedly 90 mins of them standing outside the school before the border patrol got him? and even the police station was 2 miles away: go back and get some high powered rifles that i know they have on hand.

the propped open door was already debunked.

and also, why didn't any of the parents run back home to get guns? it was supposedly 90 mins of them standing outside the school before the border patrol got him? and even the police station was 2 miles away: go back and get some high powered rifles that i know they have on hand.

nother goofy one Uvalde supposedly spent 40% of they're money on the police, they supposed even have a swat......where tf were they, eating taco's
It worked in other places amazingly well, shootings dropped like a stone and stayed down, we have plenty of data, you know, actual facts to back this up. So banning and regulating guns works along with reducing their numbers by imposing costs and liabilities on the owners and sellers of firearms. Well off white gun owners will register their weapons while paying the fee and poor people in cities won't, they will take the buy back cash. People with lot's of guns will pay the most and that will discourage ownership as well.
Got a 1000 guns @ $100 a pop and it's $100K in annual fees, you license your car every year don't you?
Insure it too?
Have a drivers license?
Get that renewed every year?
Are you qualified annually on each of the arms you posses?
Are 5 round limits on mags for rifles and automatic pistols really unconstitutional?
To make that happen, 2A needs to go away. Good luck getting 38 states to ratify changing something in the first ten. This is not in the ambit of Scotus, even if it were a liberal-minded panel. Or the executive. Or Congress. The states are in the saddle. The tax scheme you suggest won’t fly.

the propped open door was already debunked.

and also, why didn't any of the parents run back home to get guns? it was supposedly 90 mins of them standing outside the school before the border patrol got him? and even the police station was 2 miles away: go back and get some high powered rifles that i know they have on hand.
Or just get some baseball bats from the gym. I hear they are equally effective.
Nah man, I wouldn't ever take a mental health evaluation, ever. Not even for a gun, when I can make my own guns if I wanted too. People get DUI's for failing optional field sobriety tests all the time, when they haven't even drank, and had a tail light out. They smoked weed a week ago, but tripped walking the line because they have a bad knee.. and if you guys get your way, they can't even own a handgun afterwords, to protect from drug addicts who get free needles from the gov from breaking in at night.

Like talking to the cops.. When you run your mouth, they can use anything they want against you and fabricate charges, even if you were completely innocent.

People that pretend to be victims lie (and sometimes need to be evaluated), and the people testing believe them as well. I don't see it backround checks doing much to prevent this, now or in the future. You can't stop lies and bad people cheating the programs either.

Do you expect the unarmed mental health police or some 3rd parties to conduct investigations, as if they aren't any worse at doing their jobs than the armed ones? I'd say there is good and bad ones, but still..

No way would I let some leftist social worker (with no kids that hates men) sit there and check off marks on any piece of paper that could take my rights (as if we even still have any), and expect me to sign it. Or agree to some computerized check that they already do on everyone anyway.. Do I sound like I'm to scared and paranoid of the world to tell them to fuck off? lol

You guys think I am, when I can take my proofs right to the courthouse and win, and have. Even family law. Ya'll sound like his mom in court, and would get shredded to peices by the parasites in the system if you were against me, trying to explain how my kids should be in school with all the BS going on.

I'd sue the school system and the courts and win, for them violating so many policies that have been overlooked since the pandemic. I wouldn't have any hard feelings for you either, because I don't take things anyone does personally.

The most delusional people I know are all liberals. Logic that completely contradicts itself on so many levels. Same with anyone on any sides of the political spectrum really. Everyone is delusional to some extent. I don't really judge anyone though, I know its hard to see past the illusion of some 2 party system.
I live this direction....and something smells about this.....story changes like every night.....
cause news sells and until they get it "right" story will continue to change till we all "know the absolute truth " lol . hate the current news miss when it was friday night specials . you only had to watch such sad shit every once and awhile now it's everyday b .
I live this direction....and something smells about this.....story changes like every night.....
Of course the story keeps changing. It no longer matters. This is what happens when the public has gotten used to their politicians lying to them and no longer seem to care.

Does this sound familiar: The election was stolen by hacked voting machines. The election was stolen when Italian military satellites changed the votes. The election was stolen when Trump votes were invalidated because they were given Sharpies to vote. The election was stolen by corrupt vote counters. The election was stolen when the Chinese shipped in millions of pre-filled out ballots. The election was stolen when Democrats used thousands of "mules" to stuff ballot boxes.

The only thing that is important is their conclusion which will be accepted by their idiot thralls. Namely, that the election was stolen and restricting guns in any way won't help this problem.
so, mr. sound, how long have you had this feeling that the world is against you? does that make you feel? can you show me on the doll where the bad bad world touched you?

Not in years. I matured pretty good spiritually, and quit thinking I was a victim long ago. I real eyed that all the shit that happens is just the fertilizer that makes us grow. I'm happy for everything, and existing, even if it is painful. It's not really against us, only we are to ourselves.

I think the world is amazing and life is awesome. Even you guys, even if it sounds like I don't :P
Nah man, I wouldn't ever take a mental health evaluation, ever. Not even for a gun, when I can make my own guns if I wanted too. People get DUI's for failing optional field sobriety tests all the time, when they haven't even drank, and had a tail light out. They smoked weed a week ago, but tripped walking the line because they have a bad knee.. and if you guys get your way, they can't even own a handgun afterwords, to protect from drug addicts who get free needles from the gov from breaking in at night.

Like talking to the cops.. When you run your mouth, they can use anything they want against you and fabricate charges, even if you were completely innocent.

People that pretend to be victims lie (and sometimes need to be evaluated), and the people testing believe them as well. I don't see it backround checks doing much to prevent this, now or in the future. You can't stop lies and bad people cheating the programs either.

Do you expect the unarmed mental health police or some 3rd parties to conduct investigations, as if they aren't any worse at doing their jobs than the armed ones? I'd say there is good and bad ones, but still..

No way would I let some leftist social worker (with no kids that hates men) sit there and check off marks on any piece of paper that could take my rights (as if we even still have any), and expect me to sign it. Or agree to some computerized check that they already do on everyone anyway.. Do I sound like I'm to scared and paranoid of the world to tell them to fuck off? lol

You guys think I am, when I can take my proofs right to the courthouse and win, and have. Even family law. Ya'll sound like his mom in court, and would get shredded to peices by the parasites in the system if you were against me, trying to explain how my kids should be in school with all the BS going on.

I'd sue the school system and the courts and win, for them violating so many policies that have been overlooked since the pandemic. I wouldn't have any hard feelings for you either, because I don't take things anyone does personally.

The most delusional people I know are all liberals. Logic that completely contradicts itself on so many levels. Same with anyone on any sides of the political spectrum really. Everyone is delusional to some extent. I don't really judge anyone though, I know its hard to see past the illusion of some 2 party system.
I can’t determine which is more terrifying. The fact that you own guns or the fact you have children and are homeschooling them.