Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

Or just get some baseball bats from the gym. I hear they are equally effective.
can you believe don jr didn't bludgeon an illegally baited bear hunt instead of using his trusty old rifle??? sad!

I can’t determine which is more terrifying. The fact that you own guns or the fact you have children and are homeschooling them.

That is because fear clouds your judgment, when you shouldn't be judging anyone anyway.

I suggest meditation, and doing the deep inner work that is required so you are not terrified anymore.

Fear is a disease, and the main factor in violence.
To make that happen, 2A needs to go away. Good luck getting 38 states to ratify changing something in the first ten. This is not in the ambit of Scotus, even if it were a liberal-minded panel. Or the executive. Or Congress. The states are in the saddle. The tax scheme you suggest won’t fly.
It's not a tax, it's a registration fee, like for machine guns and large caliber weapons. It is clear that the federal government can regulate fire arms and registering pistols and semi automatic long guns with removable mags. Would a federal buy back program also be unconstitutional? Perhaps in light of recent events the courts opinion on some aspects of the 2nd might be agreeable to them. Striking down the gun laws in DC could be fatal for them and politicians.

Semi automatic long guns that don't have removable 5 round mags would be exempt from registration, hunting rifles and target rifles, without removable mags. 6 shot double action revolvers could exceed the 5 round limit. Home made guns are confiscated and the government might just confiscate the gun without payment, if you try to turn in junk or are pulling a scam. Banning the manufacture and importation of guns and ammo is another thing the Feds could do, as well as explosive powder and primers. Suing gun manufactures and sellers. They already had a ban that expired on assault rifles, if you need a list and definition, we can provide one to you.

There are many things the feds can do, including if you own an assault rifle they can make you qualify for it every year, like the marines do and what a well regulated militia would do, that's a two week annual course in the US marines and every marine is a rifleman. Own a military style weapon and want to play soldier, then get treated like one for two weeks a year that you have to pay for. I'm sure the SCOTUS will get around to striking down some laws, after they are done dealing with Trump, I expect laws to stand for many ears before making it onto the court docket. many times here the government passes laws that it knows the courts will later strike down, like the 4 plant limit per household here, what if two adults share a residence, do they have less rights than a single person? It has never been challenged and the cops don't want to find out! This made the people who opposed legalization happy, but they never realized it would likely be struck down by the courts.

Changing the 2nd is too difficult at this point, the interpretation has been politicized however, much to the eventual detriment of gun owners IMHO. When right wing billionaires and politicians start getting plugged by .50 cal sniper rifles from a mile out, attitudes can change in a hurry. A SCOTUS justice getting nailed by one would change attitudes on the high court instantly. There are radical women's rights advocates too, that are also at war with society, just like the Trumpers, though their numbers are far fewer. Of course liberal politicians everywhere will be a target of the thousands of right wing nuts and gun freaks.
Not in years. I matured pretty good spiritually, and quit thinking I was a victim long ago. I real eyed that all the shit that happens is just the fertilizer that makes us grow. I'm happy for everything, and existing, even if it is painful. It's not really against us, only we are to ourselves.

I think the world is amazing and life is awesome. Even you guys, even if it sounds like I don't :P

I really love psychedelics too man 8-)

(CNN)At least four people were killed Wednesday in a shooting on a hospital campus in Tulsa, Oklahoma, police said in a news conference Wednesday evening.
The gunman is also dead, police said. Authorities believe the shooter's gunshot wound was self-inflicted, Tulsa Police Department Deputy Chief Eric Dalgleish said in the news conference.
Several people were also wounded, though no one has life-threatening injuries, police Capt. Richard Meulenberg told CNN on Wednesday night.
Dispatchers received a call about an active shooter at the Natalie Medical Building, a physicians' office building on the St. Francis Hospital campus, shortly after 4:50 p.m. local time, Dalgleish said.

Officers responded to the scene within minutes and made contact with victims and the suspect roughly five minutes later, Dalgleish said. The officers who arrived could hear shots inside the building, which directed them to the second floor, according to the deputy chief.
"The scene is fairly limited to one section of that floor, on the second floor," Dalgleish said. At least part of the scene was in an orthopedic office on that floor, according to Dalgleish.
No officers were injured, he added.
Investigators are interviewing witnesses that were in the building, Dalgleish said. One witness was found locked in a closet, he said.
Police said they are "getting close" to identifying the suspect, who Dalgleish said had one rifle and one handgun with him. "It appears both weapons, at one point or another, were fired," the deputy chief said.
Authorities were notifying the victims' families Wednesday night, Meulenberg told CNN.
"It's a horribly tragic event," Meulenberg said. "I'm very, very proud of the officers for getting there as quickly as they did, very well potentially stopping more people from losing their life today."
Tulsa Mayor G.T. Bynum expressed "profound gratitude" for the first responders who "did not hesitate today to respond to this act of violence."
"The men and women of the Tulsa Police Department did not hesitate," the mayor said.

Hayes: The Bid To Blame Uvalde Shooting On ‘Anything But The Guns’
32,014 views Jun 1, 2022 Chris Hayes: The repeated missteps and errors from Texas officials in the wake of the Uvalde shooting all seem to have one thing in common. They were produced by a desire—whether explicit or implicit—to find anything to blame that is not the guns, the access to guns, or the police officers involved in the response.
Which 'yesterday's mass shooting' is the hospital in Tulsa or is it still today?

It was the orthopedic center..bad outcome for back surgery? Don't let them crack your back- you'll be sorry.
children are a part of the future, what we do now as adults are a bigger part...and we're fucking those children over, hard. many of us will pass away before the consequences of our actions start effecting those children, and they will not remember us fondly.

Make sure you tell them who, how, and why. They should know so they don't buy into bullshit later.
Of course the story keeps changing. It no longer matters. This is what happens when the public has gotten used to their politicians lying to them and no longer seem to care.

Does this sound familiar: The election was stolen by hacked voting machines. The election was stolen when Italian military satellites changed the votes. The election was stolen when Trump votes were invalidated because they were given Sharpies to vote. The election was stolen by corrupt vote counters. The election was stolen when the Chinese shipped in millions of pre-filled out ballots. The election was stolen when Democrats used thousands of "mules" to stuff ballot boxes.

The only thing that is important is their conclusion which will be accepted by their idiot thralls. Namely, that the election was stolen and restricting guns in any way won't help this problem.

That was a big thing to come out of the trump years. He killed truth and it's importance. "My stupid ass opinion is as good as your educated view" applied to everything. Truth and facts don't matter anymore to a large chunk of the population.