Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

SE Cupp: Congress won't fix mass shootings, but I know who could
44,730 views Jun 2, 2022 In this week's episode of "Unfiltered," SE Cupp argues that it's up to law-abiding gun owners like her, not Congress, to stop mass shootings.
does she actually have a poster of her own face in her office?..... :roll:
i like what she says...and fucking hate how she says it...she should hire a spokesperson who doesn't come across as a pseudo intellectual who is bitchsplaining down to those not smart enough to keep up with her....totally lost track of her point as she continually annoyed me
and her point seemed to be reiterations of points that have already been made numerous times, by more pleasant to listen to pundits

SE Cupp: Congress won't fix mass shootings, but I know who could
44,730 views Jun 2, 2022 In this week's episode of "Unfiltered," SE Cupp argues that it's up to law-abiding gun owners like her, not Congress, to stop mass shootings.
I was an NRA lifer. It is astoundingly difficult to terminate it, but last year I succeeded. I chose American Shooter as my free periodical. It was wall-to-wall MAGA. That is when I knew they are not about Joe Six-gun.

It made me realize that despite their propaganda, the NRA is purely a lobby for gun and ammo manufacturers. Knowing this makes much clear to me.
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does she actually have a poster of her own face in her office?..... :roll:
i like what she says...and fucking hate how she says it...she should hire a spokesperson who doesn't come across as a pseudo intellectual who is bitchsplaining down to those not smart enough to keep up with her....totally lost track of her point as she continually annoyed me
44% of household own guns in America, 81 million gun owners, she says. How many would be turned in, with pistol and semiautomatic long guns with removable magazines requiring registration with a fee or the government buys it? Think it would drop to 50 million gunowners or less after a few years? When you have as many gun owners, as you had smokers before the public education and restrictions on ads and where you could smoke. Where I live it is illegal to smoke in a car with a child under 10 for instance. Seat belts and motorcycle helmets are the same idea, education and changes in regulations along with buy backs, registration and restrictions on selected types of arms capable of mass shootings. Ya gotta start somewhere and guns are a pretty big hazard to the gun owners and their families.
I wonder if the American public were ever exposed to the mass murder crime scene photos, with 9 year olds shot into pieces laying dead on the floor in a river of blood... if that would be the tipping point to do something?

Or would the NRA complain more about the graphic bloody pictures than what actually made that amount of violence possible? And if you don't have the stomach for the pictures...well, you know.

The American government isn't just dysfunctional...
It's a special kind of dysfunctional to tolerate daily mass shootings.

I had to pass a test to get a driver's license. Probably so they could check me out to see if they felt I was safe.

But I can go to WalMart and buy several AR-15s. No test, no questions... just, "will that be cash or charge? And if you apply for our WalMart credit card you can save even more today."

Too easy to be a mental case and buy a cheap military 'style' weapon. I say cheap because they aren't the best made guns. They get hot, they jam. But if your plans are for one mass shooting, they will probably work fine. They always seem to use guns they just bought.
44% of household own guns in America, 81 million gun owners, she says. How many would be turned in, with pistol and semiautomatic long guns with removable magazines requiring registration with a fee or the government buys it? Think it would drop to 50 million gunowners or less after a few years? When you have as many gun owners, as you had smokers before the public education and restrictions on ads and where you could smoke. Where I live it is illegal to smoke in a car with a child under 10 for instance. Seat belts and motorcycle helmets are the same idea, education and changes in regulations along with buy backs, registration and restrictions on selected types of arms capable of mass shootings. Ya gotta start somewhere and guns are a pretty big hazard to the gun owners and their families.
I will participate in a gun buyback so long as I get my purchase price X the percentage increase in the S&P 500. So for the AR purchased in ‘97 (which is not a collectible) that is $1100 times around five. All the so-called biybacks I’ve seen so far are insults.
Collectibles should index off latest values realized at auctions, multiplied by S&P index ratio for time since purchase.
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44% of household own guns in America, 81 million gun owners, she says. How many would be turned in, with pistol and semiautomatic long guns with removable magazines requiring registration with a fee or the government buys it? Think it would drop to 50 million gunowners or less after a few years? When you have as many gun owners, as you had smokers before the public education and restrictions on ads and where you could smoke. Where I live it is illegal to smoke in a car with a child under 10 for instance. Seat belts and motorcycle helmets are the same idea, education and changes in regulations along with buy backs, registration and restrictions on selected types of arms capable of mass shootings. Ya gotta start somewhere and guns are a pretty big hazard to the gun owners and their families.
i don't think buy back programs would do a fucking thing, people are still buying guns, in high numbers....they aren't going to turn around and sell them to the government at a loss.
actually, the best way to control a lot of them would be to restrict reloading equipment, ban the sale of powder, primers, even used brass. you restrict ammo sales, you can only buy ammo for weapons you have registered in your name, and you can only buy so much at one time. if you want to fire an extra box at the range, you buy it at the range, and it stays there if you don't finish it, waiting for you to come back and shoot again.
close every loophole, because they'll use ANY that you leave open...
I will participate in a gun buyback so long as I get my purchase price X the percentage increase in the S&P 500. So for the AR purchased in ‘97 (which is not a collectible) that is $1100 times around five. All the so-called biybacks I’ve seen so far are insults.
Collectibles should index off latest values realized at auctions.
As a Canadian it is for Americans to decide gun policy, my only dog in the fight are smuggled firearms that are driving our homicide rate higher than it needs to be. You can be legally blind and buy an AR 15 FSS, at least with a driver's license they give you a vision test, make sure yer sane and give you a secure ID and drivers license. Drivers licenses are as state matter, so I guess Texas could drop the requirement to have one and children could drive cars, registration and car licensing too, because that is an infringement on that messianic sense of freedom. Think of all the money they could save by getting rid of big guberment. Think it is far fetched? Remember these people are fucking lunatics and anything is possible if they are elected, if someone convinces a segment of the base that getting rid of vehicle regulations was the Christian thing to do, they would do it.
As a Canadian it is for Americans to decide gun policy, my only dog in the fight are smuggled firearms that are driving our homicide rate higher than it needs to be. You can be legally blind and buy an AR 15 FSS, at least with a driver's license they give you a vision test, make sure yer sane and give you a secure ID and drivers license. Drivers licenses are as state matter, so I guess Texas could drop the requirement to have one and children could drive cars, registration and car licensing too, because that is an infringement on that messianic sense of freedom. Think of all the money they could save by getting rid of big guberment. Think it is far fetched? Remember these people are fucking lunatics and anything is possible if they are elected, if someone convinces a segment of the base that getting rid of vehicle regulations was the Christian thing to do, they would do it.
I want my equity position respected. I want the money back that I didn’t spend on an index fund. It’s a price gov’t is capable of paying, and it isn’t the “get $100 for your $3500 gun” fraud I’ve seen. You sort of fall off the cliff on this one; it suggests you’re being punitive.
I am offering a real solution and you’re arguing price!?
i don't think buy back programs would do a fucking thing, people are still buying guns, in high numbers.... they aren't going to turn around and sell them to the government at a loss.
actually, the best way to control a lot of them would be to restrict reloading equipment, ban the sale of powder, primers, even used brass. you restrict ammo sales, you can only buy ammo for weapons you have registered in your name, and you can only buy so much at one time. if you want to fire an extra box at the range, you buy it at the range, and it stays there if you don't finish it, waiting for you to come back and shoot again.
close every loophole, because they'll use ANY that you leave open...
There are many approaches that will help, but you have to start and that won't happen with the republicans in power. They might do some small thing this time around though, Mitch is worried about abortion and guns, the radicals in the states are kinda fucking him. There is an election in November, the Trump troubles corruption and insurrection. Mitch might pull his horns in temporarily. However fucking things up to the max, impeding progress and blaming Biden are the only plan they have. They still create problems, refuse to fix them, blame Biden and then, "Only I can fix it"! The basic plan is the same one Trump had, gain power and abuse it to cling to power while lining your pockets. It's not about the country or good government, it is only about power.
I want my equity position respected
You can't always get what you want and firearms need to be a poor investment choice, you are not guaranteed a return on investment by the government unless you buy treasury bonds. Offer $100 for a buy back and $100 for registration no matter what the gun. The cheap ones will be turned in by poor people and the white rural guys who make $100K a year can register theirs. Gun freaks with vast collection will feel the pain the most and a small number of paranoid fucks own most of the guns in the country. Gun collectors can switch to stamps, I hear it is a fascinating hobby, or have a welding rod fused inside the barrel making them inoperative.

There are many solutions and there will be many unhappy people, if gun laws are common sense, there will be fewer of them, according to statistics most gun owners favor regulations so say 20% of gun owners will be livid with even the most basic regulations, less than 20 million voters nationally. Regulations will remove much of the pressure for more radical solutions that would be even more disagreeable to gun owners.
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Random food for thought.

How do you think the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict affected the mindset of the people carrying out these shootings and those who haven't done so yet?
I will participate in a gun buyback so long as I get my purchase price X the percentage increase in the S&P 500. So for the AR purchased in ‘97 (which is not a collectible) that is $1100 times around five. All the so-called biybacks I’ve seen so far are insults.
Collectibles should index off latest values realized at auctions, multiplied by S&P index ratio for time since purchase.

The gov't will be happy to print more money like they always do, I'm sure.

It's another covid related situation.

Everything for the last 3 years is covid related.

I should have invested in 5 used cars in 2019.
You can't always get what and firearms need to be a poor investment choice, you are not guaranteed a return on investment by the government unless you buy treasury bonds. Offer $100 for a buy back and $100 for registration no matter what the gun. The cheap ones will be turned in by poor people and the white rural guys who make $100K a year can register theirs. Gun freaks with vast collection will feel the pain the most and a small number of paranoid fucks own most of the guns in the country. Gun collectors can switch to stamps, I hear it is a fascinating hobby, or have a welding rod fused inside the barrel making them inoperative.

There are many solutions and there will be many unhappy people, if gun laws are common sense, there will be fewer of them, according to statistics most gun owners favor regulations so say 20% of gun owners will be livid with even the most basic regulations, less than 20 million voters nationally. Regulations will remove much of the pressure for more radical solutions that would be even more disagreeable to gun owners.
No. Less stick and more carrot. What I propose is equitable and effective. And it’ll cost us 5% of that man’s tax giveback.
In America 12 children a day are killed by guns and 36 wounded on average, the price of freedumb is high. America is one of the few countries that sell body armor in child sizes.
As someone who has had a back surgery, I might be able to understand someone taking their own life due to pain, but how stupid must he have been to assume a back surgery = pain free and to blame the surgeon and his staff is monstrous


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As someone who has had a back surgery, I might be able to understand someone taking their own life due to pain, but how stupid must he have been to assume a back surgery = pain free and to blame the surgeon and his staff is monstrous

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Crazy motherfucker, the picture says it all, bought the gun the same day, the picture looks like a mugshot, previous contact with police, probably for being insane. We don't need no stick'n background checks or regulations by big guberment, freedumb! Another shithole state with no gun laws, they made themselves into shitholes where children need body armor.
Random food for thought.

How do you think the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict affected the mindset of the people carrying out these shootings and those who haven't done so yet?
i don't think it had much effect either way on people planning on mass shootings, but it did open a door for people to go to protests to try to escalate the situation, so they can then murder people in the ensuing chaos, and use the same totally bogus lying self defense excuse that Killer Kyle from Kenosha used...
Sooner or later there is gonna be a Tylenol incident(s) with ammo, someone substituting high explosive for double based powder in rounds. What would a pistol round packed with plastic explosive do when fired? It would not be pretty and there will be radicals against guns and they are at war, like many gun owners. There are other easier to make explosive options than C4, just a fast detonation time is required. So some guns could blow up in the future.
Sooner or later there is gonna be a Tylenol incident(s) with ammo, someone substituting high explosive for double based powder in rounds. What would a pistol round packed with plastic explosive do when fired? It would not be pretty and there will be radicals against guns and they are at war, like many gun owners. There are other easier to make explosive options than C4, just a fast detonation time is required. So some guns could blow up in the future.
Not much without a pinch of lead azide over the primer. Without that twist, you’ll get a weak discharge or a squib.

An easier way to blow a gun up is too much of a too-fast powder.
