Yield from Plants


Active Member
i have a bunch 18 inch plants. they seem to be going very well but i was wondering how much bud i should expect to harvest??? this is my first harvest so i am lost at this point. any help is appreciated. thank you.


Well-Known Member
how old, what's the light, how many plants... you don't really have these plants do you? haha give some more info man


Well-Known Member
yea you cant just have some plants and expect a yield number. its all about the lighting and the conditions and the strain we need more info to "try" and give u a number

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
I say 9 OZ's of some weed that will get you high if you smoke at least a full joint between two people. If you are lucky. 18 plants is to many for the first time, meaning you will be over loaded more then most new growers. And more times then not new growers screw up the first crop. I think 4-6 plants is a nice number for the first crop. I still remember the guy asking for advice for his first grow. He wanted 150 plants.. HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! I hate it when I have to harvest 8 plants!!!! It is a lot of work. Buds do not just jump off the plants into the baggies. You have to harvest, manicure,dry, clean, scrub. cure blah, blah, blah.....


Active Member
sorry i wasnt to specific i have 10 plants about 18 inches tall.about 3 months old(maybe less) seem to be going rather well. 2 have one node, 4 have 2 nodes, and 3 have 3 nodes.i am using 2-4 foot fixtures with florescent bulbs 2 plant and aquarium and 2 cool. tempeture stays pretty warm in my closet. i have half my closet flowering while half is vegging. i pull the tarp back during the day to let them get some air. i got a small fan. ive been flowering them for a lil while now maybe 3 weeks i killed all the males a while ago. here is some pictures but they were taken a week ago. so slightly bigger and one of my dumb friends snapped one in half and it didnt make it so i really have 9. i hope this is enough info. like i said before this is my first time growing. let me know what u think. i will get more pictures tomarrow i dont want to disturb my ladies while they sleep. thanks for the posts. let me know if you need to know anything more. thanks for the help. the 2 pictures of the plant with the single node are the same plant. on pic was a week ago and one i just found on my phone from yesterday.



Well-Known Member
I say 9 OZ's of some weed that will get you high if you smoke at least a full joint between two people. If you are lucky. 18 plants is to many for the first time, meaning you will be over loaded more then most new growers. And more times then not new growers screw up the first crop. I think 4-6 plants is a nice number for the first crop. I still remember the guy asking for advice for his first grow. He wanted 150 plants.. HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! I hate it when I have to harvest 8 plants!!!! It is a lot of work. Buds do not just jump off the plants into the baggies. You have to harvest, manicure,dry, clean, scrub. cure blah, blah, blah.....
haha ur high :) he said he has a bunch of 18 INCH plants... not he has 18 plants... and yea dude, I remember that 150 plant guy, that shit was crazy. we were all like, nah man, ur just gonna get busted! It was an apt grow i believe haha

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
This is my advice on a first grow.. Do not worry about YIELD..... WORRy about quallity. worry about yield in the 2nd to 3rd grow.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
My first 3 grows were each 2 plants. My current grow is six. It is all I can do to keep up with all of their quirky personalities. Hahahahah.....

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
My last crop I grew 8 plants. By the time I finished harvesting, I was very, very close to selling all my equipment for cheap. 8 plants was way to much for me. way to much work for personal stash. I am going to keep my crops at about 4 plants. Get them bushier, since more light can hit them. I will be cutting off all the lower skinny branches and leafs like Arjan does. Like a half Lolly-pop. I can not wait for my next harvest. I am almost out of Finger hash.


Well-Known Member
No shit, I'm on my first grow with 8 . Theres more caring than I thought , but i basically live with my plants so I got the time. I don't have the brain though. Pity.


Well-Known Member
Pfft I only start with 4 and if im lucky I get to keep 2 after weeding out genetic freaks and males by the time I figure out what my choice picks like me to do for them im spent.