You know you are a grower when...

I'm not offering an opinion one way or another, but which would you prefer:

Case 1: Believe that there is a God of however you perceive him and be wrong?
Case 2: Not believe that there is a God and be wrong?
I'm not a Bible thumper. Jesus's philosophy is the second worst thought crime commited against humanity, which allows you to commit any atrocity if you only say you're sorry and repent.

The worst atrocity is atheism which makes people selfish since they think this is the only life, and everything happened by chance, so morality is a made up concept. Which led to over 100 million deaths through the atheistic "humanist" cause called communism.
So you're saying it's not possible to have a virtuous society without religion?

It's a bit a stretch to equate atheism with communism... :dunce:
I'm not offering an opinion one way or another, but which would you prefer:

Case 1: Believe that there is a God of however you perceive him and be wrong?
Case 2: Not believe that there is a God and be wrong?
2 for sure.

If there is a god, he/she is inconsistent and cruel.
Not mysterious, cruel.

I would hate to waste my life serving such a being -- assuming one actually exists.
So you're saying it's not possible to have a virtuous society without religion?

It's a bit a stretch to equate atheism with communism... :dunce:

That's correct. Everyone has to have the same organized morals, if we let anyone do what they want without consequence, we have nothing but state of complete chaos. Only when we agree on some sort of humanism based religion, can we all live in peace. The moment one group considers their views over those of society, virtuosity disappears.

Whether you call your religion secular humanism, Buddhism, Hinduism, or any of the Abrahamic religions, they're all a form of religion. All that's required for religion is belief in a higher power. It doesn't matter if it's for better good of humanity, the Dharmic universal laws, a divine creator, or the uncaring cosmic consciousness.

Marxism is an atheist propaganda death trap psy-op. The only way to make communism "work" is by banning religion and instead making the worship of the state as provider mandatory. There has never been one communist nation based upon the writings of the lunatic Karl Marx which weren't based on veneration of then state.
This thread has started to unravel. Think I'll find another one.

You can't base your opinion of God based on the spoiled child in the Bible.

Telling someone they "can't do something" isn't a rebuttal.

It's also not his fault you're having trouble describing how your deity behaves. I mean, IT IS a bit presumptuous of you to describe something supposedly perfect with something as imperfect as human communication methods.