You Know You're a Stoner if....


Well-Known Member
You know your a stoner if you go outside to smoke a cigarette and realize that you are holding your one hitter, and then say 'fuck it, might as well finish this thing off'


Well-Known Member
you might be a stoner if you drive your car to the local convience tons of snacks and walk home cause you forgot you drove your car there............yep i did it.


Well-Known Member
I had a guy that worked for me. HE was not the brightest bulb on the tree. He couldn't read, couldn't think etc. Totally fried his brain on hard stuff. We were all sitting around the lunch room one day on site & the topic of weed came up & someone said about how much it was by the oz & I was thinking hard to figure out how much that was per gram ( imperial to metric calculations) well this guy who we will call Stinky. he just rips through the entire conversion table just lickety split.

I have a college education, I run a company with about 10 employees but we do almost 10 million per year in volume. I own my house, I have had life insurance since a young age etc. A pretty got it to gether kinda guy. & heres Stinky who can do this complicated math in his head but can't spell his own name.

Hmm.. I swear, if he could put that much brain power into being a normal person in society his life would be much better..

Almost sad..


Well-Known Member
Ok I got a few
You know your a stoner when zig zags are on your grocery list.
You know your a stoner when you try to unlock your ipod when it's off.
You know your a stoner when you walk in your house and immediately lock the door.
You know your a stoner if you wake up in the morning after smoking the night before, and have 16 lighters that aren't yours in your pocket. (me)
You know your a stoner when you know the way to McDonald's like the back of your had, but cant remember where your stash is.
You know your a stoner when you go to spit your gum out the window, and the windows down. (my friend)


Active Member
You know your a stoner when you spend New Years high and free instead of drunk and locked up.
I did both....some of us are responsible enough to keep it simple. Drink some beer, shoot some shots...smoke some weed. Play video games and talk shit. Great night.