You men are Sissies

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Some Dutch TV hosts decided to give childbirth a try. Here is the results in the shortened version. Sissies I tell you. LMAO.



New Member
I remember a nurse explaining to us boys in High School that if we took our septum and pulled it to the corners of our mouth , we would know the splitting feel of Child Birth .. We passed on this method and took her word lmfao ..


New Member
My grama said all women are weak nowadays lol , she gave birth to one in the barn and the other under her kitchen table and never saw a damn Dr lol

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I had a friend that said she wanted to go natural. Then the pain hit her hard. She told a nurse she wanted drugs and the nurse said that she really should stay with the no drug birth. The next time the nurse leaned over her, my friend reached up and grabbed her by the throat and started to squeeze and say, 'I want something for pain - NOW!' And that's all she remembers when she woke up she had a beautiful baby girl wanting for her.


Well-Known Member
they have T.E.N.S units on their abbs... I had to use one of those for about 10 years on my back to kill pain.. it worked great for the 1st year then it was too weak



Well-Known Member
My dad had his tonsils taken out on the kitchen table.
My father had a compound fracture on his left leg from a motorcycle accident. He remembers picking up pieces of his own bone and throwing them as he laid there bleeding out nearly dead. Two people never went back to there volunteer firefighter/emt jobs after they were on scene for his accident. He still rides to this day.


Pickle Queen

Rule 1 - in life, NEVER refuse the good legal stuff :P

Rule 2 - all men should be required to wear this device when their ladies give birth. lol

A friend recently told me that while she was having contractions her man kept telling her to " take it like a champ " he was also grabbed by the throat.

Rule 3 - As a man it's best to just stand and watch. Less is more, we just want to crush ur hand, then watch ur face light up when u see our baby.