Your Stoner Lingo


Active Member
iam form the dirty dirty down south, and we roll up some monster legs and super blunts. get peeled back and then couch locked. lol
we also got some codes like
Pounder= Elbo
Blunt= L
quarter pounder= cheeseburgger


Active Member
Most people I know "Toke" and then there's getting blazed.

What does change from person to person is the word we use in public to describe the activity of seeking out buds of the cannabis plant.

Joy it's getting some cologne.

With Dustin it's watch Mystery Science Theater.

With Kayla it's going shopping.
Whenever I say I'm going shopping it means that me and my buddies are going on a lifting spree!


Active Member
I'm from the very rural midwest and it seems like every older person who smokes calls a joint a "hooter". I'm 23 so by older I mean people around the age of my parents' generation. Do any of you guys actually use this or remember a time when it was actually popular?
East Coast Australia here.. for us, Hooter is used as a word for weed in general .. and a poorly presented chain of american influenced restuarants where the girls keep their kit on.. dangit!


Well-Known Member
blunt= L or elly
marijuana= weed, tree, herb, ganja, nug, sunshine
bong/bowl= piece

as far as using code goes wed just for some odd reason say "hey you wanna go waste some life?"

though i dont consider it a waste at all :weed:bongsmiliebongsmilie:weed:


Well-Known Member
when we are going to hot box we say " let's get lost In the fog" ... Or bomb buds " one hitter quitter" ... Mostly jus say "let's blaze it"" but In Spanish there are alot of ways to speak about smoking in code


Active Member
we say let's go do that thing we do so well!! lol and whenever we leave eachother or whatever we say peace, love, and bubbles. (As in bubbles in a bong!) lol original, we came up with it all on out own one high night!


Active Member
Stoned + drunk = Strunk. me and my brother and best friends use to use that all the time. we use to have a bunch of other random terms but i forgot most of em.


Well-Known Member
We were huge scooby doo fans.

We'd take rides in the Mystery Machine (get high)
If we needed weed we'd get Scooby Snacks
Due to a disagreement on who was who and no women around
instead of being any of the Scoobies we opted to call ourselves
the three stooges, they were regular 'guests' on the original cartoon.


Ramen Shaman

Well-Known Member
My friends and I have specialized slang, not really cover words.

Burn and Earn: Blazing before work
Burn and Learn: Blazing before a class
Burn and Yearn: Lighting one up before going to the club

Or, the most often, Burn and Adjourn, when you blaze and everyone passes the fuck out. Thanks, indica, you couch-locking bitch.

Pyro Peaches

Well-Known Member
I'm from Maine. My friends all call it gettin stoned, or tokin up. One of em says "i'm pokin smot". lol she's weird though. :-)