Your Stoner Lingo


Well-Known Member
high = blazed, ripped, blasted, retarded, blitzed (not used too much)
weed= nugget, nug, nugs, tree(s), green, greenery, middies=regs, bangins=bang bangs (not used really at all)


Active Member
roastin tones.... me and my buddies fuck around alot...and we sometimes call weed tony danza... "hey man, you wanna roast some tone?" its pretty funny...just imagine that ass hole when youre loadin up a bong...lolbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Weed - apples, watermelons.
Getting high - plowing watermelons.

Me and a friend thought of this stuff out the other day because we wanted to speak about weed and we were in public.


Well-Known Member
finished bowl= cashed
yes it's a bowl, a pipe is something homos and crackheads smoke.
Green paint= weed sack (phone)
gallon=oz ,,,1/2 oz= 1/2 gallon green paint ect...
White paint can be used for blow.
was this tread started by the cops?


Well-Known Member
finished bowl= cashed
yes it's a bowl, a pipe is something homos and crackheads smoke.
Green paint= weed sack (phone)
gallon=oz ,,,1/2 oz= 1/2 gallon green paint ect...
White paint can be used for blow.
was this tread started by the cops?
guess i smoke bud in my crack pipe then.

started by the cops... is that joke... cops don't need to know the lingo they just smell it, search you, nick you. jeez.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
Im convinced my city have the funniest, strangest stoner lingo, some of them are very strange and dont ask me how these came about, but they are extremely common plain language in my city....i dont want to say my exact location but its in southern cali, LA region but anyway heres some:
want to smoke="tryin to taste it/yaste it?"
lets smoke="yaste it"or taste it
very potent weed="the heavy" or just "the heav"
do you have weed for sale="you got eem?"(yes "eem" refers to the weed and ppl will know wut your talkin about in my city lol)
swisher sweet tobacco="blunt gutz"
good at rolling blunts="having the "rollies", or "strollies" ex:"I got the rollies bro"
small sack of weed or small anything having to do with weed="a skimp" ex: "Thats a skimp blunt."
light the blunt ,joint etc: "spark eem" or "yark eem"( i kno some of these are unbelievable lol)
fat ass weed sack or fat blunt="a chonk" like chunk but with an o.
to be super high="zooted" and "noaded" or the normal shit, loaded, gone,faded,high as fuckkkk
do you sell weed?(in general)="do you serve?"
going to buy weed="pickin up"
weed dealer="connect" or "mush man"
Theres some more but becuz im trynna think of them, i cant lol


Active Member
you wanna blaze? come scoop me and ill burn one. we'll blow a fatty blunt. go to cincinatti ;-]

we will take a country drive ( out in the dirt roads )

i got some stinky-stinky nuggets. This dankarnolds smell like baby poop (this one dank claimed to be blueberry, but i think it smells sour like baby poop) . shit bro im kinda broke i dont got enough cash for that good, but ill throw down on a satchel of reggie millers. my pops always bitched for spending all my money on fatsacks, but i love that gangreen lettuce way too much to ever quit takin them trips to cincinnatti.

ounce - zone. zip. one.

keif - keith

mostly the normal ones you know... bleezys, doobs, rillos,

P.S. I'M freshly baked!


Well-Known Member
where i use to work it was always, you got your box with you? or lets get close to nature.
We spark a jay, get baked, ripped, stoned, all the norms. but we love to make up new ridiculous ones like hitting the green prince dankington, or sparking the dank nugs.


Active Member
hanging with the jolly green giant. haha or getting blasted or my favorite....gettin zeeked


Active Member
we say chief. chief'n. cheif'd. :)
and faded-ly
when you faded-ly do smthing,
its usually pointlesss. something u
normally wouldnt do, unless ur stoned ;]]