Your Stoner Lingo


Well-Known Member
Uh. now its fuckinn. Herb. Roaches are Joints or the little end of your joint/blunt is a joint..I think thats weird..states are gonna be cuntries one day.

No matter where I go I just call it bud or weed or pot..or dope cause my mom calls it that cause and its pretty funny..dope.smokin dope. A pipe is a pipe a joint is a joint. A roach is a roach. Chronic is chronic schwag is schwag. Buying and ounce or a papapapapound?!?! I just need another fix. You can get anything you need at the minimart! a slurpy orrr a gram of speed.

is mersh an arizona thing? or does anywhere else call schwiggity schwag "mersh" short for commersh which is short for COMMERCIAL.

all you need to know is if you see brown..turn around.

bam*poof**I'm gone


Active Member
Im from Cape Cod (the thing that gives massachusetts its funny shape)

My friends and i normally just say,
wanna smoke? im pretty stoned or im real stoned
good pot is headies,
we normally dont roll blunts, but we call them blunts, i roll joints and we call them joints or j's, thin joints are pinners, and shitty joints dont generally get a name except for a slobbery mess, and we just wrap another paper around it
when we fill a car we call it fishbowling, i had never heard it called hotboxing before i came on this sight, everyone i know calls it fishbowling
occasionally we will say wanna burn
after rolling or packing a bowl and your hands are all sticky or stinky its called poo fingers
rolling something is rolling wrapping or twisting
when i bowl is finished and all that is left is ash we say its caked, purple, ka-put, done, or cashed
we call pot, pot most of the time, other than that, herb ganja, green

our secret lingo is all pizza based and we get REALLY into sometimes when we are stoned,
pizza= pot
calzone=spliff (tobacco+pot)

the other day i told my freind that my dough was rising and i was talking about my plat growing

we dont call it weed, or blazed, or say rip a bowl and we make fun of those who do sometimes and call them "blunt kids"
This dude I know has been saying torched lately. "I'm so torched, man." Sounds dumb to be. I just say blitzed or baked or stoned.. or just High as shit.
Mmm.. "Parking in the grass.." Theres another one.. meaning you're talking wayy too much, shut up and hit the shit!


Active Member
Get elevated..

Get blazed..


The most common thing is just for someone to make the "L" gesture with their fingers like one would do while smoking except not by your mouth.

My favorite after trying some new buds:

Person 1:"Are you fucked up?"

Person 2:"Well I'm not fucked down.."


When I got to high school my friends and I always smoked dirty schwag but when we upgraded to nugs we were newbs and paranoid so we hated talking about weed on the phone bc most of the time we would be around parents or people not cool with smoking so we called KB Kelly Broussard haha.. Someone would call and be like "what's up man?" .. "I'm about to go chill with kelly broussard you down?" or something along those lines.. good times
me and my friends call it Green Pizza, Pizza for short..... and once i was really fucked up and came up with the word Retarderky so whenever we're really fucked up we say we have Retarderky