lmao, I don't have a problem with my neighboors I don't have any. when I want to go out shooting guns I step on my back deck. my dogs run free and I smoke weed on the road. I use to have wild parties all night anwith loud ass music, guns, boxing gloves and use the dirt road as our boxing ring. never had to deal with the cops or nothing no bitching neighboors for me the closest one is a 1/4 mile down the road. it don't matter if I take only 1-2 shots in the middle of the night nobody calls the cops.
I miss my house in Oregon, it was kinda like that......
I had a couple neighbors but they were cool, old, and deaf except for the closest one.
He was only about 50 yards away, but when I would go after coons, skunk and possum in the middle of the night, he and his wife never woke, but would be up to visit usually within a week to ask if I had gotten something recently, as their cat was hanging around the house again.
I only shot at night with my .22, with some real quiet shells I kept just for that reason.
They also liked my cat, saying when they would be in the kitchen cooking, my cat would come sit on the shelf under the kitchen window and look in, waiting for a hello or a handout.
I was outside city limits by a quarter mile, and could shoot anytime I wanted, so once in a while, would sit out sighting in a rifle, or just plinking.
Once the old bitch over the hill, (inside the city limits)about half mile away, started complaining to the sheriff about my shooting habits.
The sheriff came up and looked around the yard, saw the tree I was using, and I even just happened to have a target hung at the time.
Said 'thankyou' and left.
Of course, my shooting habits became a daily thing, and about a week later, I came back from shopping, with a nasty and threatening note taped to the door, with her phone number on it.
Atfer asking a couple people, I found out who it was, and proceeded to call the sheriff-tit for tat, right?
About 2 hours later, I received a visit from the sheriff and he told me........
"That woman on the other side of the hill, I can't tell you which one.......(as he pointed directly towards the big Oak on top of the hill) just moved in last month, and has been complaining because you shoot 'all day, every day' which I/we know you don't, because I have asked your close by neighbors, and they weren't even aware you had guns.
This woman has been informed that we have been to discuss this with you, and we have checked and approved your shooting facilities, and as you are outside the city limits, are well within your rights, and not to harass you further."
The very next day, I received a message on the machine as I got back from somewhere again, saying if the shooting didn't stop, she was going to call the sheriff again.
I saved her the trouble, and made the call for her.
Shortly thereafter, the dispatcher called me back, saying she had called the woman, and told her 'If she didn't like the noise from my shooting to go in the house. If that didn't work, to close the windows. If that didn't work, to move.'
Coincidentally, LOL the following night, about 11, I heard a raccoon playing with the beer bottle with cat food in it I used as bait because I couldn't hear them emptying the cat's bowl.
Instead of using the .22 from the kitchen window like I usually did, I got the Mossberg, and squeezed off 3 rounds in quick succession.
That is how I figured out how to get a 6 minute response time out of the sheriff.
He pulled into the driveway, as I was sitting on the porch with a cig in one hand, shot glass next to me, and a beer to my lips.
As he started to step out of the car, he almost stepped on the dead 'coon.
He looked at me, grinned, glanced up the hill, in the direction of the Oak tree, and said 'well, I see the reports of gunfire were accurate.......... What did you get him with?'
'Here, wanna see?' I said grinning.
He said 'No thanks, have a good evening.'
Scribbled something on his little notepad and slid out the driveway.
Never heard from that bitch over the hill again for another 2 years until the day I moved out