I had a moment when I picked up Ram Dass 'Be Here Now'. The format was unusual for the day and really planted a seed. It was quite fascinating to look at and felt to work on many levels. You gotta admire someone who creates their life actively, with intentional desire.
As for LSD being illegal, I for one am glad that it is. There is so many DUI's now, do you want someone in control of heavy machinery tripping or babysitting your kid?
As for the enlightened state of consciousness that LSD has the potential to invoke, I am glad I exist in a time where it exists and that I can choose to use it or not.
Do you want someone drinking alcohol and operating heavy machinery or babysitting your kid?
How come when both of these things will effect say, the operation of heavy machinery why is alcohol legal and LSD illegal. I`m sorry to compare these 2 in the same manner
But someone who will take LSD while operating heavy machinery is quite fucked up anyway, same goes for alcohol. However the person who chooses alcohol as their preferance can just buy it...
Plus while taking LSD the guilt of putting peoples lifes in danger would fuck my trip over, i could never do such a thing. The thoughts LSD invokes in my head are friendly, unharmful and creative... If i had a fight with someone in the past i would literally phone them up after the trip and make ends meet.
However most of the people in the world are fucked up with guilt, greed and revenge which is to be blamed on human nature and the society we created. With or without LSD things in the world are still pretty fucked up...
Why isnt there a nice forest to go around with an experienced guide with no dangerous animals, kinda like a national park for trippers? Or dosing under the supervision of a psychaitrist?
Why does nobody give a shit to perfect the way LSD is taken to reduce dangers, just like we put crash barriers around the road? Plus massive fines and prison sentences can be given for people taking LSD irresponsibly. But nobody seems to give a shit, it remains under the thumb of the law where nobody can give a shit about it, its what young and stupid people do and a great risk in lots of peoples opinion.
Why cant you book an LSD approval appointment, take it 3 times under supervision and get a certificate to prove you didnt mentally lose control? Once this has been done the fines issued to someone caught making, taking or selling LSD can rise too. Think about the matter being half as serious as getting a gun even?
The real worry here is what it will do to the ridiculous headonistic and consumer society we have created. The rich bastards and authorities dont give a shit anyway, they are way more interested in the benefits society can bring to them, not societys psychedelic trip luxurys and mental states of awareness... For someone who is eager for power and money, LSD isnt their icing on the cake...
I mean were the amazonian tribes killing their fellow tribesman while tripping on ayahuasca?
I really hope they make alcohol illegal in 5 years fucking time and that idea originates from the fact im so angry at alcohol being legal and the fact it causes so much trouble. And escape-ism for a lot of people who cant handle things.
Lets see things for what they really are. I mean can you imagine the queen of england or barack obama tripping on LSD? I dont think they would like that...
Edit: Oh, and on my saturday LSD trip in the park there were around 200 people and i could see a very beutiful world around me and held it all in, didnt look around at the beutiful plant life around me much and especially didnt touch it, didnt appear suspicious (cannabis spliff in pocked too) and just passed through smiling with big pupils. I wouldnt give 2 shits if i was drunk and could literally walk around falling over...