Your weapon of choice?


Well-Known Member
Spring cosh, Rambo knife, English bull terrier & typical kitchen knife are my castle weapons.
on road it's about Stanley blade (carpet fitters knife) or hammers.
i carry old school.punks carry guns an weapons.i got i problem w/ you,ill look u in the eye an tell you so.not a cowardly drive-bye or ten friends helpin me beat you down.ill handle it myself.carryin a weapon doesnt make you tuff.
it helps when you got thousands of other fucks with guns trying to kill you, but good point ;]

also, got a pic of my baby:]

the one on the bottom is mine, i use to have the .203 grenade launcher, but my shooting is way more efficient with the grip instead. :]


Well-Known Member
even tho i live in a pretty rough area i never carry a weapon and tbh i think anyone that carrys a weapon as a rule is just asking for trouble and is a right twat. but having said that i do have a pick axe handle sat by my front door and by my bed i have one of these in a sock
it weighs 800 grams but its soft so it's not as likely to cave in their skull but will realy fuck you up . im a hippy at heart and although i will defend myself i have no desire to kill anyone doing it its just unnecessary

smoker toker

Active Member
I carry just your basic pocket knife, but my weapon of choice is the AR-15 assult rifle =).. My proudest shot (not being prodessional and all) is a 90 yard shot at a soda can through it's little peep site.. Other than that, over the years I've collected numerous mid-evil weapons ranging from daggers to halberds.. but my favorite out of all them are my Wolverine like claws which fit on just like brass knuckles... perfect for close quarters combat

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
How dumb is it to talk about weapons, and drugs in the same sentence, on the Internet?

You don't know who you're really chatting with here, and weapons charges + drug charges = a mandatory felony conviction

Use some common sense... :wall:


Well-Known Member
How dumb is it to talk about weapons, and drugs in the same sentence, on the Internet?

You don't know who you're really chatting with here, and weapons charges + drug charges = a mandatory felony conviction

Use some common sense... :wall:
not illegal to cary a pocket-knife.


Well-Known Member
How dumb is it to talk about weapons, and drugs in the same sentence, on the Internet?

You don't know who you're really chatting with here, and weapons charges + drug charges = a mandatory felony conviction

Use some common sense... :wall:
Not everyone is in the US and the same laws do NOT apply as there are other country's outside of the US.

you use some common sense, this isn't America online, this is worldwide.


Active Member
Green Cross, you have a point and I would agree, but this is a Marijuana forum. I know we aren't exactly "crisp" when we're high (to quote the only Chappelle skit I've seen), but I don't call it "common sense" to not talk about weapons just because we smoke weed. We're not talking about smoking weed and then playing with lethal weapons, nor are we talking about toking up and then fucking up our local quickie mart with hunting rifles. Even if weed had any part in this discussion, so what? I've never done anything life threatening while high, and I'm usually within reach of some kind of deadly weapon. Weed isn't really like that, brah.

i carry old school.punks carry guns an weapons.i got i problem w/ you,ill look u in the eye an tell you so.not a cowardly drive-bye or ten friends helpin me beat you down.ill handle it myself.carryin a weapon doesnt make you tuff.
I don't carry a weapon, but if I did, it wouldn't be to perform drive-by shootings or to gang beat people. It would be to defend myself from shitheads like that if the need arose. Don't associate weapons with aggression. They can be used defensively, you know.


Active Member
Model 66 J S&W(.357 snud nose 2" barrel) Is what I carry six chambers of hydroshock nastyness!!! I have many others but this the most reliable. Al the rest can jam. My glock 21 has issue and its had the breach polished but still sometimes stover pipes.


Well-Known Member
M16A2 Service Rifle. I can shoot the eye out if a humming bird at 500 yards with a peep sight.
Not a better weapon made


Active Member
Really the m16 a2 would be your choice to carry a little hard to conceal don't you think? Why the love for the A2?


Well-Known Member
i have a lil machete i keep under i seat.,.,when i walk i dont carry anything.,.,sometimes i carry a 5th only when its hot tho,dont like guns