YouTube Continues Its Cannabis Purge

I agree. Doesn't make sense. But folks were doing screen shots and posting in on Facebook. The news picked it up. Ford did what it thought was best for their bottom line.

SJWs strike again. Virtue-signalling about identity politics rather than just getting on with their own fucking business. PC culture, the lovers of all cultures, is killing our cultures.
Why? I don't see any reason for example a company that makes diapers to want their ads running with a marijuana video. In this day and age companies have to be very careful to avoid being associated with anything controversial or political. youtube did the same thing with firearm related videos. They're trying to get ahead of things. Makes perfect business sense to me. But that may be the remnants of the corporate world I worked in for 20 years. If you want to boycott someone then boycott youtube. They're the ones that pulled the videos. Not trying to start a fight or anything. Just my opinion which is meaningless anyway. (: :bigjoint:
Then they can categorize it like everything else, no one wants ads for auto parts in their baby videos either.