Have you used ZeroTol for Powdery Mildew or sterilizing your grow equipment yet?

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I've noticed that zerotol has given me 100% success eliminating Powdery Mildew alongside proper environmental control (dehumidification, air conditioning, airflow (fans) and such) and literally before I tried nuke em, plant therapy by lost coast, purecrop1, regalia (This works but is funky smelling and leaves residue)

ZERO TOL 2.0 literally 1oz/gal you spray the plants top to bottom and it removes any mold and also any bacteria/germs/viruses/algae or anything of that sort.. You need to wear full PPE when spraying it but understand zerotol chemistry is basically stabilized h2o2 (hydrogen peroxide) and once it dries it converts back to water and oxygen. Totally safe, literally no harmful potential..

Seems like no one talks about it for some reason, everyone recommends those $80 quarts which make only 32 gallons of 1oz/gal spray like plant therapy, green cleaner etc.. When you can buy 2.5 gallons of Zerotol at most hydro shops for around $120-150 which makes 320 gallons of spray treatment mix.

I will say though you should throw in something like AzaMax @ 0.5 oz/gal or AzaGuard to prevent insects as well, its just concentrated Azadachterin from Neem Seed Oil.. I wouldn't spray any AZA products on buds though.. ZEROTOL is safe to spray on buds and will mirk off any active bugs trust me. I found some dead ass lady bugs from it when I finished spraying.

Good luck, fuck powdery mildew up with some ZeroTol. I like to think they named it ZeroTol as in ZERO TOLERANCE but not sure. Please Clarify biosafe! Cheers on making safe products too!