Zeus' 1400w Canadian Basement


Well-Known Member
Thats from Nirvana. I've heard alot of hate on this forum about nirvana, and while i'm sure some of it is probably warranted, it seems a little excessive.
I'm 1 for 1 from them so far. With some jock horrors in veg that have had nice growth so far.
I like to think that most of the time its the grower and not the seeds that make for good bud. Obviously some plants are better than others, but for the most part you can get good weed from any genetics with enough love.

Thanks for the kind words.

C'mon over and i'll toss you a couple clones... =p :hug:
:lol: As much as I appreciate the offer SZ...
I long for that personal discovery of such a pheno.
I'm jealous. As a grower should be.
You got a lot of good stuff goin on mate.
;) Lovin it.

Anyone here the flute in the CH?
It makes it .... bongsmilie:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
[youtube]XNPX-9QXgGM[/youtube] keeping with the woodstock hippy dippy theme. Here is a monster performance by alvin lee that should have made him just as big as hendrix or townsend. I love the way the energy drops around 4:00 and the subsequent pick-up over the next couple minutes.
Have I mentioned my dislike for 3 minute radio-friendly music?
Fact of the matter is, music is art. It makes me so sad that we think a song has to be 2-7 minutes or the band will never see commercial success.

Snip snip.

fuckin cleanup is so much less fun than harvest.

I think i'm gonna put together a 3rd part for this system soon and scrap my soil grow.


Well-Known Member
No pictures or updates today. I've been too busy enjoying summer-themed weather and activities.
Just some good tunes for y'all.



Well-Known Member
NOFX Proving without a doubt that not all punk is three chord slop.
I'd place this song among some seriously epic music without hesitation. If you've never heard it, do yourself a favor and listen to the whole thing. It will take 18 minutes, but will take you on a musical journey.

Speaking of Journeys...

Won't you come with old Gulliver here to an unknown land.
A land where all the buds are tiny.

Somehow, this didn't bother our protagonist though.

in fact, he noticed a couple of the plants we're almost normal sized.


But moving on, our wandering weedsmith comes across a land of the large, where the buds are gigantic and take 16 weeks to mature.
Fortunately for him, today the end of those 16 weeks. (or thereinabouts.)

Snip snip.

chop chop.


Also, he travelled to the veg room, where some stuff was happening.

LIKE ROOTS!!! After only 5 days, almost every plant has at least a taproot growing out of it.

This little fellow is a clone of a reveg of a very sour smelling and fast growing SZ seed. Very nice to see roots, the line shall survive.

Let me once again say to anyone reading this, TAKE CLONES OF EVERY SEED YOU PLANT.
It will always be the seed you threw into 12/12 at 2" that has the magic weed you want to grow, and nothing is more frustrating than a reveg. I decided at about 50 days of flowering that this was the aforementioned magical marijuana. So given no other choice but to lose this plant, I tossed it back under 24 hours of light. It took almost 4 months to get this little plant to push out enough growth to give me clones. That is time I could have been growing, and smoking this weed. Thankfully it didnt push out any staminate growth, which leads me to believe it may be a contender for using chemical stress to get some feminised pollen. But that is another story for another time. Long story short, I cant wait to grow out a few of these plants and see if its really all i'm cracking it up to be.

Oh yeah, and gulliver fell down a well and was never seen again.

The end.


Well-Known Member
Nice SZ...

Them buds look awesome!!!

16 weeks eh?!?!

I'm really liking this c99 I've been playing with...

She's 3 weeks in and looks about half way done...

Everything I have found on her says 50 flowering...:lol:

So at 8 weeks she should be over ripe...:shock:

But we'll see...

Anyways.. Great update!!!!



Well-Known Member
Huge delicious buds and NOFX to listen to in the background?!?!??! Thank you for making my morning Spruce :hug:


Well-Known Member
For those of you who haven't seen it.
Whether you like their business practices, you have to love their passion for marijuana. I'm a happy customer.

One of my reservoirs sprung a leak, so I went shopping.

Ended up with a third 2x4 table and all the accourtrements. Also I opted for the little square pots, meaning I can put 44 plants on that table. Woohoo. I think I'll probably replace all my netpots with these guys.
I'll also be phasing out the soil area in my flowering room, It has become too much work and too much waste for my liking. Eventually I'll also (probably) add a 4th table

great great great update and great great choice of song/music.

Love NOFX.
Cheers man!
I also love NOFX, We played a terrible cover of "bob" in a punk band I used to be in. Good times. Nowadays I listen to too much crunchy granola music.

Nice SZ...

Them buds look awesome!!!

16 weeks eh?!?!

I'm really liking this c99 I've been playing with...

She's 3 weeks in and looks about half way done...

Everything I have found on her says 50 flowering...:lol:

So at 8 weeks she should be over ripe...:shock:

But we'll see...

Anyways.. Great update!!!
Thank you,

Yep, 16 fucking looong weeks. And the buds are still embaressingly sparse. But i'm bailing on this particular plant, I have another AUH#1 that I just pulled some cuts off of, I'm gonna give it a try on the tables, see if I have the ability to tame this pure haze beast. At least if I can get the flowering length down to 12-13 weeks I'd be okay with that. But to have it run double the length of a table full of Frosty zeus plants or the infamous church, and I'm just not sure how game I am for that kind of wait.

C99 sounds pretty nice, I wouldnt mind giving that a whirl. Mind you, I'd love to grow every strain on this green earth if I had the choice.

Huge delicious buds and NOFX to listen to in the background?!?!??! Thank you for making my morning Spruce :hug:
Right arm!!! Glad I helped wake you up properly.

Anyhow, I'm all Hazed and high on silly-cone fumes from putting the Ebb and flow fixtures on the table.
Bit of work to do yet before lights off, so its time to say goodbye.


Well-Known Member
Hahaha, I dunno... I just picked out some square pots that looked about right. I'd say about 4 1/2" or so. They were only 20 cents a piece so If I decide they're too small, its not like I dropped a fortune.
I'll just use them for houseplants if they don't work out.


Well-Known Member
I'm just curious...

Mine are 5.5"... and I can fit 28 in the 2x4.... loose.. but that's all I can fit... not a true 2x4 either...:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Well I kinda roughed it out in the hydro store so I could be way off on my numbers. We'll find out in a few days how much she'll actually hold. In any event, i've been playing a suckers game running 21 pots per table, so any improvement on that is a plus in my books.


Well-Known Member
Prolly fine for the roots...

I have been convinced that MJ does not get rootbound...

I was more worried aboiut crowding up top, with the bigger plants...