Zeus' 1400w Canadian Basement


Well-Known Member
Its a beautiful day.

Having a look at my Jock Horror plants, 3 of em i can positively call ladies. And they're nice ones.

The table is coming along.

White Rhino is looking great.

Especially the ones hanging upside down.

The brownies are especially stong today, its almost nap time.


Well-Known Member
Lets listen to the great Wilson Pickett doing the beatles.
Now look at these.

Whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiite Rhino. Promises to be pretty fat upon the tables.

Very good...
Now lets get high

I'll just pull out a nice frosty nug of the white rhino and toss it in my flaming pink hand grinder. (don't hate, it came free with a bong)

Grind that sucker up.

I normally prefer a thinner paper, either a zigzag white or a rizla silver, but the zig blues are what i have next to me.

Now that we're nice and lit, we can check out my review of nirvana's White Rhino here
(and look at the same pictures again.(plus some other ones))


Well-Known Member
I really enjoy your journal SZ.

The buds are always tasty, and the tunes complete the buzz.

Mr Pickett is special ;)


Well-Known Member

I really enjoy your journal SZ.

The buds are always tasty, and the tunes complete the buzz.

Mr Pickett is special :wink:
Cheers friend, glad to hear you've got good taste as well. =)
Very nice my friend.. very nice... :hump:
Aww thanks!!!

Times are really good around here. The buds are flowing and the weather is beautiful. A fat joint tastes so much better sitting in the trees with the sun shining down.

My soil grow is nothing but AUH#1 right now. Fucking long ass flowering wonderful weed. The buds are so sparse and fluffy, and it certainly doesnt have the trichome shine of the SZ or WR or church. But alas, 16 weeks is a short time to wait for a really special high. Damnit!

I took the pollen sacs i pulled out of my SpruceZeus#1 and gave an AUH#1 branch a good rubbing with em. With any luck in 10 or so weeks I should have some Zeus's ultra haze feminized beans. And with more luck, I'll somehow get the budsize of AUH the bud density of SZ the flowering time of SZ and the high of the AUH. Yknow, a good ole 9 week 1 pound killer hybrid.
Oh dreams.

So what with my first table coming down, theres the task of getting it back up. Its all new to me.

I gave the hydroton a good picking through and a soak in a light bleach solution. Rinsed em well. They seem to be completely root free, and with the H202 I always run i'm thinking i should be home free.

Surprisingly the netpots were actually way more of a bitch to clean than the 'ton, who woulda thought it?

Not the choicest clones this round, but its all good.

Back on track loaded up with 22 Spruce Zeus plants!! I snuck 2 clones into one of the pots, just for shits and giggles. Depending how it goes i may sneak 1 per row next time, then who knows. I'm certainly not making optimal use of my space, maybe some square pots could be good for me.

Peas and carrots.


Well-Known Member
Time to get funky.

I must admit, i've been so busy running around outside in the sun with great people that i've somewhat neglected my grow.

Which is awesome when i come to do maintenance and can how much its grown in the span of a couple of days.

"waiter, there is a bud on my bud!!!"

that is all/


Well-Known Member
Well SZ...

What can I say????

I still don't like your netpots, but I'll forgive you... :lol:

Cheers Mate... and happy SUN!!!!


Well-Known Member
Well SZ...

What can I say????

I still don't like your netpots, but I'll forgive you... :lol:

Cheers Mate... and happy SUN!!!!
Bah, if they were giving me any problems i'd probably be quicker to replace them. But i've had nothing but happy roots, so if it ain't broke, don't break it.

Despite your fiery hatred of my containers (I shed a single tear), your comments are always welcome.

Last night i cooked up some ganja oil using trim and popcorn buds in canola oil.

Cooked on low heat for about 4 hours and strained.

Then I did some baking!!!


With 4 big handfulls of mini-marshmellows in the mix made for some awesome carameley crispy tops.

They're so fucking good I wish I hadn't made them so strong. Eating more than one is pretty much a guaranteed 8 hours of sleep.


Well-Known Member
Bah, if they were giving me any problems i'd probably be quicker to replace them. But i've had nothing but happy roots, so if it ain't broke, don't break it.

Despite your fiery hatred of my containers (I shed a single tear), your comments are always welcome.

Last night i cooked up some ganja oil using trim and popcorn buds in canola oil.

Cooked on low heat for about 4 hours and strained.

Then I did some baking!!!


With 4 big handfulls of mini-marshmellows in the mix made for some awesome carameley crispy tops.

They're so fucking good I wish I hadn't made them so strong. Eating more than one is pretty much a guaranteed 8 hours of sleep.
haha fff Zeus is a god. :clap:


Well-Known Member
I have my plants listening to the local classic rock station 24 hours a day, so its only fair you folks hear what they do.

April wine seriously rock so effin hard.

I just spent the last 45 minutes putting together an elaborate post (and smoking a bunch of dope.) I'll be god damned if I'm gonna do it again.
so i'll give you the abridged version.

Jock horror, 4 females.


Super sour SZ reveg. Almost ready to give me a cut.

Roots in 4 days is what i love to see.

Heres my stinky tables.

Heres my band-aid for my shitty useless ODORSOK. Not a viable altenative to a real scrubber. But alas, it'll have to do until i get off my ass and go buy one.
I've contemplated a uv ioniser, but i can't be bothered to run my exhaust all the way outside and i'm afraid of cancer.

Heres a nice plant, but not nice enough. I will not be keeping this WR pheno.

This one has the growth of a champ. I'd love to see a table full of these.

These ones look like the plants i lust after.

My mouth is watering.

Blah blah blah, something something.

Stupid RIU unstable servers.

Zeus Out!!!


Well-Known Member

nice dude... very nice... and the R'n'R is top notch too!!!

Cheers Bro! i gotta get trimming, I shoulda been done HOURS ago... but I get on RIU and....:eyesmoke::lol:


Well-Known Member
Yeah those donations must be rollin in for the new servers.
Especially when you get NOTHING in return...

Fucking lovin it though Spruce.

Classic chorus my man.
Gifted rock writers those AW boyz.
That's the shit you start singin when you wake up and it can get you through the whole fucking day.

I'm bangin that shit out tonight.

Tasty tunes,
Cool buzz,
...and I'm fine...

That smoke looks exquisite.

Thanks mate. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Langhorne Slim!!! Love this guy! Also his live show is amazing!! I'll also admit to a small man-crush on him.

Anyhow, moving on to something else i'm gay for. WEED!!!!

Lets start with the Church.

Here we have the SZ#3 2 weeks into flower

And we'll move on to the always unimpressive looking, ever stretching, even on week 17 of flower, AUH#1.

Now for some Rhino porn.

That song over yet?
Heres some nice summer hippy dippy tunes for ya.

Thats my story. A few more days of flushing and i'll chop chop those rhinos and get the next batch going, no break this time despite my somewhat poor cloning technique.


Well-Known Member
Gorgeous Zeus!

The buds on that WR look almost geologic! Like the eroded formations of a high elevation granite spire!!


Well-Known Member
Man that rhino is EXTRA rhino...ey. :blsmoke:

Friggin calyxes swelled like crazy! Nice buds man, very nice :clap:

+rep for ya man.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I agree. :clap:
Fucking amazing rope action going there mate. +rep.
Some of the best buds I've seen. :weed:

Did you fluke that rhino pheno from a pack of seeds, or did you acquire it by some other means?
What brand is it?
I fucking want some :lol:

Great work as usual SZ ;)


Well-Known Member
Yeah I agree. :clap:
Fucking amazing rope action going there mate. +rep.
Some of the best buds I've seen. :weed:

Did you fluke that rhino pheno from a packet of Nirvana seeds, or did you acquire it by some other means?
Thats from Nirvana. I've heard alot of hate on this forum about nirvana, and while i'm sure some of it is probably warranted, it seems a little excessive.
I'm 1 for 1 from them so far. With some jock horrors in veg that have had nice growth so far.
I like to think that most of the time its the grower and not the seeds that make for good bud. Obviously some plants are better than others, but for the most part you can get good weed from any genetics with enough love.
I fucking want some :lol:

Great work as usual SZ ;)
Thanks for the kind words.

C'mon over and i'll toss you a couple clones... =p :hug: