zimmerman news

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essay following you on the phone what the hell are you suppost to think? I would think somebodys fucking plotting on me.. no drama you seem like your reading up on the topic right now..

More like, "no white man can challenge my status amoung my people." Your warped group think mind has no right to physically assault anyone just because someone hurt your feelings. If you were wronged that badly, convince Al Sharpton to bring forward hate crime charges against the wrong doer, the HOA.
wtf does cough syrup have to do with the shit? sip the fuck out of some and walk your ass around if you want to, smoke a sweet.. who gives a shit? its irrelevant..
...some fabricated lies that you want yourself to believe.

that is an apt manner of describing the myth that zimmerman had his head slammed against the concrete 25-30 times, as he claimed.

Yea, because its not even possible that there was cough syrup at the house. :dunce:

Nice logic there little girl.

was it in his system?

cough syrup has alcohol in it, smarty.

you're just trying to spread new lies to smear a dead kid. it's a sad reflection about who you are and what you believe.
wow all of you are really stupid, im not black and i have never EVER listened to a word al Sharpton has to say.. i don't believe in preachers in general. they are sound like pimps in a way. so what the fuck your getting at i have no clue
More like, "no white man can challenge my status amoung my people." Your warped group think mind has no right to physically assault anyone just because someone hurt your feelings. If you were wronged that badly, convince Al Sharpton to bring forward hate crime charges against the wrong doer, the HOA.

it's not assault if some stranger follows you home in the dark without identifying himself and you are in fear for your life and bodily harm from it. in that case, you are allowed to kill the person if you fear for your life because he followed you in the dark without identifying himself or his intentions.
wow all of you are really stupid, im not black and i have never EVER listened to a word al Sharpton has to say.. i don't believe in preachers in general. they are sound like pimps in a way. so what the fuck your getting at i have no clue

the have to repeat sharpton X number of times to earn their $0.07 per post.
there's the admission that the images you just posted did in fact come from stormfront. it's easy to run those images in my google box and find that one out.

so apparently, you DO "frequent" stormfront, as this is night two of it coming from you, both nights after the verdict.


so you copy and paste (see: repeat) stormfront images and links for two nights in a row, and i am guilty of repeating stuff for pointing out your consistent stormfront arguments?

wow. just wow. that was a talented attempt at turning the tables. it's too bad for you that the internet tells me exactly where you got those images from.

Ok, lets make you look like an idiot again.
http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-MWIGTKpBQ...AlZaDECg/s320/Travon_Martin_Day_Skittles_.png < Nope, not stormfront.
http://www.theblaze.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Trayvoning-Tumblr2-620x229.jpeg <Nope, not stormfront.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

I pulled these from the actual images themselves on this site where I posted them. (Right click, image info) Anymore bullshit lies you wanna tell?
that is an apt manner of describing the myth that zimmerman had his head slammed against the concrete 25-30 times, as he claimed.

was it in his system?

cough syrup has alcohol in it, smarty.

you're just trying to spread new lies to smear a dead kid. it's a sad reflection about who you are and what you believe.

It's fun making you look like an idiot. Here I'll do it again. I never said that he was on it. I said add one more thing to it and that is what you have. Hell, he probably has done it so much he was in a constant state of fucked up hoodlum, and he needed his fix so he went and got the other two ingredients to teach his little soon to be step brother how to be on that purple drank just like him.
it's not assault if some stranger follows you home in the dark without identifying himself and you are in fear for your life and bodily harm from it. in that case, you are allowed to kill the person if you fear for your life because he followed you in the dark without identifying himself or his intentions.

Zimmerman testified he identified himself. The jury rejected your claim Martin was justified in his attemted murder with not guilty of manslaughter. The judge didn't press perjury charges. Therefore what we observe by means of the jury verdict make us reject your hypothesis. We must, instead accept the null hypothesis. "Martin was a thug who let his pride make him attack the wrong man with a gun." I suggest you read a book on statistics and logic so you don't make these kind of conjecture mistakes in the future.
Zimmerman testified he identified himself. The jury rejected your claim Martin was justified in his attemted murder with not guilty of manslaughter. The judge didn't press perjury charges. Therefore what we observe by means of the jury verdict make us reject your hypothesis. We must, instead accept the null hypothesis. "Martin was a thug who let his pride make him attack the wrong man with a gun." I suggest you read a book on statistics and logic so you don't make these kind of conjecture mistakes in the future.

He is just going to respond with, but how do you explain that he said he walked up to him, blah blah. And, changed his story over 10 times, blah blah. He should have stayed in his car, blah blah.
all me and buck stated was the common sense and the simple truth we cant do nothing but repeat it its not that complicated. Zimmerman saw a kid walking grabbed his gun called the cops and started following him for no apparent reason.. thats the truth. wearing a hoodie (in the rain)is not a valid reason to deem someone suspicious.. all yall are doing is closeing your ears like little children..

This is an excerpt from a story published on Lew Rockwell's blog this morning. It seems there had been some robberies in the neighborhood. Isn't a "neighborhood watch" formed to "watch" people?

One black neighbor of George Zimmerman said the neighborhood’s recent history should be taken into account.
“Let’s talk about the elephant in the room. I’m black, OK?” the woman said, declining to be identified because she anticipated backlash due to her race. She leaned in to look a reporter directly in the eyes. “There were black boys robbing houses in this neighborhood,” she said. “That’s why George was suspicious of Trayvon Martin.”
This could become fun. If we just say what we already know he is going to say, maybe his will just go away and stop spouting off his broken record nonsense all the time. Check it out, I know everything he is going to say to me. I'll label this as Bucks common insults.

Bucks Common Insults to SirGreenThumb, ahem(SirGreenDumb)
You're a racist
Tell your ladyboy something (because I have an asian fiancee) Who's racist again. :lol:
Abortion this abortion that
Oh, you never get mad on the internet
Everything you post comes from stormfront
You're a liar and we all know it
You're fiancee has a dead in job at the post office
Oh, you're an internet tough guy

And that concludes the most common insults that UncleBuck uses against SirGreenThumb.

Hold your applause. :clap:
This is an excerpt from a story published on Lew Rockwell's blog this morning. It seems there had been some robberies in the neighborhood. Isn't a "neighborhood watch" formed to "watch" people?

One black neighbor of George Zimmerman said the neighborhood&#8217;s recent history should be taken into account.
&#8220;Let&#8217;s talk about the elephant in the room. I&#8217;m black, OK?&#8221; the woman said, declining to be identified because she anticipated backlash due to her race. She leaned in to look a reporter directly in the eyes. &#8220;There were black boys robbing houses in this neighborhood,&#8221; she said. &#8220;That&#8217;s why George was suspicious of Trayvon Martin.&#8221;

since martin was a kid walking home with candy and not a criminal, your post only illustrates that zimmerman is culpable of making a wrong assumption and acting upon it in a negligent fashion.

and lol @ lew rockwell, aka rawn pawl's ghost writer.
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