So, what does this mumbo-jumbo mean? JUSTIFIABLE HOMICIDE The killing of a human being is justifiable and lawful if necessarily done while resisting an attempt to murder or commit a felony upon
George Zimmerman EXCUSABLE HOMICIDE 3. When the killing is committed by accident and misfortune resulting from a sudden combat, if a
dangerous weapon is not used and the attempted killing is not done in a cruel and unusual manner. So, it is excusable only if there was no "dangerous weapon?" Yet it is justifiable, regardless of the weapon? So, in both 2nd and 3rd Murder, it seems to be the difference, (a slim difference, here,) between
sudden combat vs
attempt to murder. I say then,
sudden combat with a dangerous weapon used to end it is not a justified nor excusable killing and therefore un-lawful. Andrea Sniderman looks like a real nut and that trial is up next.