zimmerman news

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Well-Known Member
I hope he gets the death penalty, but if he serves any time in prison at all, they will kill him. I checked your link and saw the mother was white and the murderer was black. But you won't see Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson talking about this on the news. You won't hear NBC doctoring audio tapes to make the perp appear racist.


Well-Known Member
I hope he gets the death penalty, but if he serves any time in prison at all, they will kill him. I checked your link and saw the mother was white and the murderer was black. But you won't see Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson talking about this on the news. You won't hear NBC doctoring audio tapes to make the perp appear racist.
Yea, it's not even being labeled as a hate crime.

But wait, he was 17 and had a firearm? How is that even possible? I thought gun laws were supposed to keep guns out of the hands of people like this? :dunce:


Well-Known Member
Going home with skittles and tea to make sizzurp.
All gangsta's love that shit.
Nothing new.
Tea and skittles suppose to make him innocent or something?
it was more the fact that he was committing no crime whatsoever and minding his own business that made him innocent.


Well-Known Member
Because he didn't call them for advice?
he called them for help.

they tried to help him by asking where he wanted to meet and telling him he did not need to follow the kid. hell, he heard the noise of zimm following and even asked him to make sure, and then advised him following was not needed.

zimm didn't listen and now not only is his life ruined, an innocent teen is dead.


Well-Known Member
There however is no major outcry over this. Go figure.
you won't see Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson talking about this on the news.
Yea, it's not even being labeled as a hate crime.
simple explanations often escape dumb racist assholes.

it's an open and shut case, the murderers were arrested, it doesn't fit the criteria for hate crime, and it won't generate more viewers clinging to their TV. coverage of this disgusting case would make people turn off the TV.

dumb racist assholes never see these simple explanations, only their dumb racist asshole rage.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
lol, dangerous criminal?

he was walking home with skittles and iced tea committing no crime, and had no criminal record at all.

how far detached from reality are you?
Parts of my right brain are as functional or worse than a Down's Syndrome child. Even I get it. Or is your implication the DA, 6 jurors, and judge are more retarded than I am? The police even didn't press charges until over a month later when the mack daddy cried crocodile tears a cracker killed his son. So who's detached from reality. I suggest you read another of your professional wife's research books so you can quote something obscure and prove to us all how smart you are.


Well-Known Member
simple explanations often escape dumb racist assholes.

it's an open and shut case, the murderers were arrested, it doesn't fit the criteria for hate crime, and it won't generate more viewers clinging to their TV. coverage of this disgusting case would make people turn off the TV.

dumb racist assholes never see these simple explanations, only their dumb racist asshole rage.
If its not a hate crime what would you classify it as? What other reason would there be to kill a baby? You have serious issues trying to justify someone shooting a baby in the face. Seek help. Seriously.

so what's your username over there?
LoL, Don't have one. I'm willing to bet you do though. I knew that post would lure you right in. :lol:


Well-Known Member
If its not a hate crime what would you classify it as? What other reason would there be to kill a baby? You have serious issues trying to justify someone shooting a baby in the face. Seek help. Seriously.
unless they were screaming racial epithets at the time, it's a murder.

LoL, Don't have one.
yeah right.

you removed all doubt very recently, posting threads from stormfront that you were reading removed any tiny little bit of doubt that was left.


Well-Known Member
Threads? It was one post. :dunce:

You are to easy. Hook line and sinker.

racists like you often need a lot of help spelling words that you should have learned in second grade.

and i'm sure you were just doing some light reading, enjoying some stormfront time, no big deal, all just innocent stuff. then you thought to yourself, "hey, you know who would also enjoy this stormfront stuff? some of my fellow racist scumbags on rollitup!"

anyhoo, thanks for the sig!


Well-Known Member

racists like you often need a lot of help spelling words that you should have learned in second grade.

and i'm sure you were just doing some light reading, enjoying some stormfront time, no big deal, all just innocent stuff. then you thought to yourself, "hey, you know who would also enjoy this stormfront stuff? some of my fellow racist scumbags on rollitup!"

anyhoo, thanks for the sig!
You're quite welcome. I love your new sig, it shows what an ignorant jackass you are. :clap:

Also, don't forget to sign the petition to have civil rights charges filed against zimmerman.

Also, once you figure out how to use proper capital letters and such, then you may correct someones grammar. (It also shows how incredibly butt hurt you are.)


Well-Known Member
so, i'm an ignorant jackass because you frequent stormfront and find their articles worthy of sharing?

you're gonna have to explain that one to me there.
You're an ignorant jackass for claiming I'm a racist for posting one article about black on white crimes being ignored by the media. How exactly does that make me a racist again? Also, how do you get I "frequent" the site after posting 1, count them 1 article? You do realize that the worldwide web is full of different links, that display previews of all sort of articles correct?


Well-Known Member
You're an ignorant jackass for claiming I'm a racist for posting one article about black on white crimes being ignored by the media.
look at the source you chose.

How exactly does that make me a racist again?
you're right, no racists hang out over at stormfront.

Also, how do you get I "frequent" the site after posting 1, count them 1 article?
everyone is so certain you've only been there once. :roll: yeah, right.

You do realize that the worldwide web is full of different links, that display previews of all sort of articles correct?
and you chose the one from stormfront!

good job on making this about your judgment as well. no one ever accused you of being too bright.


Well-Known Member
look at the source you chose.

you're right, no racists hang out over at stormfront.

everyone is so certain you've only been there once. :roll: yeah, right.

and you chose the one from stormfront!

good job on making this about your judgment as well. no one ever accused you of being too bright.
I chose the source to bait you.

I wouldn't know if racists hang out at stormfront. But you obviously frequent the site enough to know.

I'm glad that you consider yourself everyone.

Repeat, I chose it to bait you. And it worked.


Well-Known Member
I chose the source to bait you.
you can try to push whatever lame excuse after the fact, doesn't change a thing.

first it was "hey everyone, enjoy this stormfront article!"

then it was "i was trying to lure you in!" to a thread i'm already posting in.

then it was "well, how am i a racist for posting stornfront articles?"

then it was "you're stupid, you ignorant jackass!"

then you went back to "i was trying to bait you"

it's the stupidest evolution of denial i've ever seen, but again, no one ever accused you of being too smart.

sirgreendumb, the stormfront racist. how cute.


Well-Known Member
you can try to push whatever lame excuse after the fact, doesn't change a thing.

first it was "hey everyone, enjoy this stormfront article!"

then it was "i was trying to lure you in!" to a thread i'm already posting in.

then it was "well, how am i a racist for posting stornfront articles?"

then it was "you're stupid, you ignorant jackass!"

then you went back to "i was trying to bait you"

it's the stupidest evolution of denial i've ever seen, but again, no one ever accused you of being too smart.

sirgreendumb, the stormfront racist. how cute.
This will be too easy.
I'm posting this one for the pure comedic value of being called a racist and more than likely a cop. :lol:
And now your whole post has become a retarded rant with no actual facts. :clap:
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