
  1. Armyofsprout

    Humidity control issues. Help

    Hey everyone. I have a 2x4x7 grow tent that I cannot get my humidity low enough in my tent. I’m sure it’s because of my AC unit keeping the temps in the room down and that cold humid air bringing the humidity up some, but I just started week two of flower and I wanna make sure I have the best...
  2. olafthegreen

    Do I need a dehumidifier if so how big?

    Hi all, First time with an indoor setup and into week 4 of flowering now, things are looking good. The weather has recently got a bit warmer and wetter (as is traditional in the northern hemisphere at this time of year), outdoor humidity is around 80% at the moment. I'm finding all the fun...
  3. jjng5

    Dehumidifer inside vs. outside tent (with CO2)?

    Hello all -- I'm curious what everyone does to dehumidify during flower. SWIM has two dehumidifers that each can fit inside the flower tents, however they will take up valuable space. SWIM also is using co2 in both sealed tents with controllers and doesn't want to waste CO2 either -- because...
  4. NeWcS

    rh too high when lights off? 60%

    So I have been in a battle with PM for some time now. Nothing major and nothing that is affecting the plants. It shows up around week 6. Not on the fan leaves, but the sugar leaves, right next to the bud on some of the lowers. I haven't seen any in a couple weeks since I used Dragon Juice-PM(A...
  5. Traptito

    Co2 or not to Co2?

    What's up guys, So I'm finishing up a new 5x5 tent setup, so far I have all my bases covered equipment wise - I just have this possible option nagging me in the back of my mind. Long story short I live in a hot, humid fucking climate - this week in October temps ranged high 80s - 90 day, mid...
  6. Kami Samurai

    30 Pint Dehumidifer w/Lowest Power Usage

    So far I’m here @ 350 watts/Max usage
  7. N

    Grow tips

    Hello, everyone. I planted a couple of bagseed and one of them turned out male and the other one not showing any claws, so I figured it was female. This was when I didn't have any equipment to grow. So, the potted plant was grown outside in my balcony. After almost two months, when I got my...
  8. FirstTimeGrwrLngTmSmkr

    Ventilation/Air Flow

    Looking for suggestions on ventiativen my 15.5x17.5x7.5 grow room that has two doorways and one window. Also I'm trying to do this as inexpensively as I can... Is there an exhaust/intake fan window kit or something along those lines ? My room can get high humidity throughout the day and I've...
  9. Buckwheat007

    Humidity problem please help!!

    Hi wise folk of roi. I have a humidity problem, I've got a 240 x 12x 200 tent. Extractor running air out only into the room with carbon filter, ped fan circulating inside tent and small fan blowing air in air ports open when lights on got 2 x 400 at HP's and 7 on the go but the humidity sits at...
  10. Bustos

    water from Dehumidifier???

    So i am sitting in a 5x5 tent with my Quatum board LED panels with my first ever photo grow after a few waves of autos... I am using Autopots with airdomes also... as the week 8 & 9 approached i noticed the plants as they became hugely prolific the temps and Humidity went way up and the...
  11. W

    reyhdration, flavor, humidty, qwiso

    S.W.I.M is wondering cant find an answer. sorry if swims English is lame. go easy on swim im a newbie. After this month ill have about 100 plants under my belt and still learning so much love the hobby. S.W.I.M latest big harvest in my high humidity area has bought up a big issue mold wpm and...
  12. stupidcracker00

    Portable Dehumidifier / AC Unit Recommendations

    Yo what it do RIU, I am 50% done with my grow room build in my 6'2" by 6'2" Master BR closet, but one thing that I am having an issue with is heat and humidity. Being that the Master BR Closet is in the Master BR Bathroom, and the bathroom and closet have no ventilation, things get pretty hot...
  13. Bangaman

    My Grow Room Essentials

    I thought it would be cool to share some nick-nacks, gizmos, rare tools and grow room tricks I've come up with, borrowed and modified over the years. If you have any cool ones, please do share. That said, please do not knock what others say works for them and please share opinions on how to...
  14. RetiredNavySK

    Thoughts on a new grow room setup

    I am going to setup a forty foot high cube (thats nine feet six inches tall outside about 9 feetl) with a seven and a half feet wide. I am going to make two sections. Two sections that are 8x17 1/2 and then one that is 8 x whats about four feet leftish. Insulation will be 2x4 framed walls with...