drug test

  1. B

    DRUG TEST HELP - Will I pass??

    Hello all. I would love some of your all's opinion on whether or not I will be able to pass an upcoming drug test. Information: Age = Early 20's Male Weight = 160 lb, about 10% body fat, very slim Exercise = Cardio/Yoga/Weights everyday for last 5 years, can run marathon Usage = 5-10 dabs...
  2. G

    Cocaine drug test

    Hello sorry I'm very new here, I recently did a gram of Coke. And I will be getting tested for a government job, exactly 2 weeks after the usage. I drank beer that night as well. However this was only the 2nd time I had ever done cocaine. Will I pass a 150n/g cut off test?
  3. texasjack

    Abstained 5 months for drug test......never tested

    So I started looking for a new job back in February and quit weed because my industry does pre employment tests. I finally land something and low and behold i get the paper work and there is nothing about piss test. Started Monday and if I don't hear anything by Friday it's going down. I'm...
  4. THC Mikey

    Passing A Hair Follicle Test - Questions

    The information provided / methods being performed below may be overkill. I apologize and sincerely appreciate any feedback. Also, I apologize in advance that this isn't all marijuana related. I'm hoping some of you have some knowledge on it though: My System I smoked marijuana daily for about...
  5. J

    Stored marijuana with Tylenol, what could happen?

    Recently I let a friend store weed in my half full Tylenol bottle for about a day. Is there any chance of THC or any other indentifiers being transferred to the Tylenol from the buds? If so how much and so on? I had a drug test earlier this week and I completely forgot that I've been taking that...
  6. M

    [Drug test help] How fucked am I?

    Sorry if I'm posting in the wrong place, but here it goes: So I smoked weed for my first time in about 5 months last Saturday (10 days ago). I got "randomly" tested today. I'm a really skinny dude (120 lbs, 5'10") with an extremely high metabolism(no matter how much I eat, I just can't gain...
  7. N

    Casino drug tests in California

    I was just offered a job at a casino in California. Now i smoke daily, if it's a urine drug test, I have that covered. Now what I'm worried about is a hair test. I've seen posts about Vegas Casinos but nothing about California. Help please :?
  8. S

    Taking my drug test, passing or failing? - follow me on my journey!

    Hello everyone! First post here but I feel the need to share my story after countless hours of researching how to pass a drug test for THC and what worked for other people and what didnt. Some background - I have already got the job and need to pass the screening, now some perks of this are 1)...
  9. E

    Need help with lab test...

    I smoked about once or twice a month for about 8 months. I smoked 4 weeks ago and got real stoned. Took one hit out of a bong today but didn't get that lit. Maybe buzzed. Just found out I have a lab test in two weeks,do you guys think I can pass. Btw I'm 5'9" and 135 lbs.
  10. 7

    Drug Test

    I last smoked on October 23rd and have only smoked once before this. I have a hair follicle drug test coming up in early March and am wondering if I have anything to worry about. I'm not a regular smoker and its been well over 90 days since I last smoked (and I've gotten multiple haircuts since...
  11. TheGza1776

    I don't know where to post about a drug test result so I'm just gonna squat here

    Hey everybody, I've been creeping around this site in the shadows for a few months now and now it's time for me to come out of the shadows and ask for some input Right off the bat, I know this is a popular topic and there's a pelethora of info here and on other threads and I've read them all...
  12. B

    Xanax, how long does it stay in your system?

    Not a big user, however I have pretty bad anxiety & take it when I need it. Due to some personal stuff (medical) going on I took 8mg(not at once) on Wednesday, 5 around 4pm & 3 at 10pm if I had to guess. I get drug tested on Monday morning. I know, not very smart at all but I wasn't trying to go...
  13. C

    HELP: is 30 days enough time to detox naturally???

    Hello, I come searching for advice. I have a court ordered drug test that I must pass in order to avoid going to jail in Kansas for marijuana possession. I'm hoping someone will be able to help me decide what my best option is to getting a passing result. I've done a lot of research but...
  14. B

    Using anothers urine for a drug test?

    I have a drug test coming up on Monday at my doctors & I'm definitely going to fail my test. However, he uses these cheap dip cup tests that show the results instantly. This doctor drugs tests all most all his patients, literally has a drawer full of them. I asked my girlfriend to help me out...
  15. 1

    Will i pass?

    Hey guys, Relatively new forum contributor here. I just got some questions about passing a upcoming drug test. It's kind of getting to me and i'm stressing it because the job that this drug test is going for pays a good amount of cash so i'll just ask the questions and give the info. Will i...
  16. L

    S5 Synthetic Urine

    I was just wondering if anyone has had any experience with S5 synthetic urine ? There are reviews online but they're all from 2010. My mother in-law says it's the one she uses for her tests and it works great, it has uric acid and urea in it already. Any opinions ?
  17. L

    Drug Test

    So I recently posted about how I have a drug test coming up but I found out some new info and wanted to repost my question. (I'm 5'6" and 268 pounds) So the last time I smoked was anywhere from the 14th-17th of Novemeber 2015 and I have a drug test scheduled for the 14th of this month...
  18. L

    Drug Test Coming up Help

    So I was offered a position recently and have until Monday (12/14/15) to complete a drug test. I can't remember the last time I smoked but I know it was around the 14th-17th of November 2015. I tested negative on the two at home dollar tree drug tests I took. Because of a condition I have I...
  19. S

    Need some advice.. Feeling guilty

    So here's my situation. I was a heavy smoker for about 4 years - like two to three times a day for all those years. I quit smoking completely on October 1st of this year because I was feeling like it was consuming my life and that I was spending too much money on it and going nowhere in life. I...