price per pound

  1. AcquMagister

    Legalization USD/lb, the Cali electric bill & the US electric grid, are we done for?

    Legalization USD/lb I got egiee gity viewing the first posts of another thread, but the posts are from 2015. Norml ( tells me 500usd/lb outdoor and 1,600usd/lb indoor is the market price in the legal market pretty much anywhere. But then again Norml has been fibbing about the legal...
  2. Lilvacationland

    Maine, demand, supply, and system of a down.

    Now, the industry here is wild up and down. There are really no solid prices than whatever you get a dispensary, this is what is making getting your business license so hard. If you are local to the area would like to share what expertise you may have in this field, please do share.
  3. C

    Indoor commercial grow cost per pound?

    I'm trying to get an idea of what it cost per pound to grow indoor on on commercial scale. I've asked a number of indoor commercial growers in California what their cost per pound for production is. The most common number they come back with his $275 per pound. This sounds ridiculously low to...