yellow leaves

  1. S

    Need help

    Hi guys I'm new to the world of growing but was wondering if you guys could help I have recently re potted my plants (Barneys farm blue cheese) as they were ready to go into the grow tent but after a couple of days the leaves have turned a yellow colour (as seen in pics) was wondering if anyone...
  2. ernsthra

    Whats up with this little one?

    Are anyone able to identify if this poor green is getting too much or too little nutrients (something else?) ?
  3. ernsthra

    Nutrient deficiency or nutrient burn ?

    Wondering if anyone knows what's causing the yellowing of the leaves here? Plants about 2 weeks. Thought it could be nutrient burn but then again it seems any discolouring can have a thousand reasons .. Thanks
  4. T

    Could someone with some expierence help me with my sick plants

    I have a few plants out of my outdoor garden that are having some problems. Some of the bottom leaves are dying and turning yellow (pictures included). It might be a ph or nitrogen problem but I need to make sure so I can fix it asap. There is 3 plants out of my grow. All plants are in a mixture...
  5. TyDeF

    Deficiency? Excess?

    I have a 12 plant aeroponic setup. Most of my plants seem to be doing well with the nutrient levels that I have in my reservoir, but 2 of them have some weird symptoms. One has weird yellowed patterns over all the leaves, and the other has just one small leaf section with dark green malformed...
  6. C

    HELP some leaves are turning yellor/brown and dying

    Hello there thanks for reading up and helping out. the auto flower plant i have has had a few leaves turn throughout its life cycle. I mean maybe like 4-5 at most in its 6 weeks and the other female regular plants didn't have any turn colors until this last week when i switched the light cycle...
  7. 40below

    First grow. Trying to navigate but pictures aren't popping up?

    So I'm getting a few different answers to my problem. The tips of my leaves are turning yellow. Everything I have searched leaves me unsure. So I'll attempt to post a pic with hopes someone with knowledge will help.
  8. DeMoNeye

    Critical Mass - Yellowing Top Fan Leaves

    Hi Growing 4 Critical Mass clones in 18L pots in Coca/Pebbles 60/40. Water to waste every two days of 1.5L Canna A+B, Boost, PK - this is the 3rd day of the PK week, 4 days to go. Foliar feed everyday with a 25% of nutrient solution and Wet Betty. 23rd day of flower. 400w HPS (9" above...
  9. Jblaze88

    1st grow 4x8 flower day 42 help

    I am brand new to this forum and excited to use it i should have started a while back. Anyways i am currently at week 6 of flower day 42 in my 4 by 8 setup. I have 7 flowering plants. I want to go over full details of my setup another time but im currently having and issue with my fan leaves. Im...
  10. gixxa

    any thoughts of what's wrong ?

    Fast & Vast auto - day 14 Both plants have a yellow water leaf nearest to the light which is only a 140w led. Gave them miracle grow at 7 day old- all ok. Gave them seaweed juice stuff at day 12- all ok and sprouted a little bit. ( The seaweed juice bottle says to combine with normal...
  11. Y

    what is wrong ?

    hey guys i am a first time grower i have a sativa plant and an indica which is close to being finished i presume ? i recently noticed it was getting burnt and i presume it is light burn so i have kept them out of the sun i have attached photos because i really do not know what to do now i have...
  12. Max Powers

    First grow, need help identifying issue!

    Start off by declaring this is a LEGAL recreational grow in a state that has legalized cannabis cultivation for recreational purposes. This is my first grow; I am a novice, I'm in week 5 of flower and I'm getting some issues and I don't have the knowledge or expertise to diagnose. Please help me...
  13. gixxa

    seedling stem broken under soil while transplanting

    Hey peeps. INCLUDED PHOTO... 80% Twisted & Broken stem approximately 5-10mm under soil while transplanting 10 day old baby.. The stem is still attached (JUST) and I have airated the soil and soaked it... 24hrs later and 1 water leaf is shrivelling and the other is hanging on for dear life...
  14. igz


    I have a spots on leaves and dont know what is! loks like spider mites but its not,i already check with magnifying glass and doesnt seen anything.I have biobizz light mix soil and biobizz nutes.Maybe mg/magnesium deficiency??any idea??
  15. 4

    Too Yellow! Red stems! Soil grow. PLEASE HELP

    These are at day 8 not sure what is going on :( I have them in peat moss smart pots that drain quickly. I water them with the dirt is dry on the bottom of the pot ( through its small water drain hole) and poke 1 inch down into soil to test as well. At first I believe I was over watering...
  16. T

    Help a newb out

    Almost 4 weeks and lower fans on some plants started yellowing and i do not know why? Simple pot soil, organic 5ml nutes, 150 hps, 4 cfl 6500 bulbs. I feed once week and water when dry with distilled water.. i ph to around 6 half everytime. My cfl stay on 24/7 and hps is 16/8. Run a can-lite...
  17. X

    Yellow spots!

    i started getting these yellow spots on my plant. Someone said they could be from not enough nitrogen in the soil but I'm not sure. If it is the case how do I fix it.
  18. B

    New growth tops dry and yellow

    hey guys! I'm so glad I found this forum full of helpful passionate growers. Anyways, I am just starting to switch my plants over to flowering. I noticed the other day that the top of one of my branches on one plant it yellow and dried to a crisp. It looks as though the other new tops growing in...
  19. Z

    Yellow leaf 2 week old

    Okay so i have a 8 site dwc i made with a 18gal tote i have about 15gal of watter in there with probly about 1/5th the recomended feeding schedual im using advance nutriants ph perfect 3 part system my lights a kessil h380 led and this is all in my 4x2 tent Okay so my leafs started looking...
  20. Eleusinian Dreams

    Yellowing Leaves - Durban Poson

    I am currently into day 38 of flower. For the past two weeks my Durban's leaves have been steadily yellowing. I am also growing two Pineapple Express. This is my first real grow and I vegged for 3 months. They are all in coco and 5 gallon pots. I am using Canna line Coco nutes with Floralicious...