Kim Jong, execution by dogs


Well-Known Member
So what's the the rest of the world going to do about this! Kim executed his uncle and several others by wild dogs. They starved the 120 dogs for 3 days and then threw the victims into a cage naked. They watched this spectacle for an hour while the dogs devoured the victims. When will this world overthrow this barbaric regime?
So what's the the rest of the world going to do about this! Kim executed his uncle and several others by wild dogs. They starved the 120 dogs for 3 days and then threw the victims into a cage naked. They watched this spectacle for an hour while the dogs devoured the victims. When will this world overthrow this barbaric regime?

damn! any vid? me:wink:
I doubt if any video has been released. Un believable that we live in a world that will just sit back and let this maniac torture an entire country.
So what's the the rest of the world going to do about this! Kim executed his uncle and several others by wild dogs. They starved the 120 dogs for 3 days and then threw the victims into a cage naked. They watched this spectacle for an hour while the dogs devoured the victims. When will this world overthrow this barbaric regime?

Well, the rest of the world and the UN are just too chicken shit.
And if the US dares do anything about saving a country's people from a brutal dictator, all you have to do is look back to Iraq, Saddam Hussein and President Bush. It's just, but just not good politics.
Last I saw our shitweasel media was reporting it based on "an unconfirmed report" so unless they have finally confirmed it AFTER they reported it as news this morning (which may be the case NOW) it is just propaganda. Not saying he is a good guy or anything, just saying what passes for news nowadays is just re-reading press releases.
I doubt if any video has been released. Un believable that we live in a world that will just sit back and let this maniac torture an entire country.

can we send in the drones now? huh? huh? can we? can we? pretty pleaaaaaaaaaaaase?:lol:
If he killed his Uncle and similar people then it's just the regime cleaning house.
Let them kill each other - I'm sure Uncle Jong Ill (or whatever) wasn't executed for handing out CND pins in the street...?
He's lived as one of the privileged few and now his remains will need to be picked out of dog shit.
Boo hoo hoo.
Saddam used to tie people to trucks and rip them apart. Yet the world pissed and moaned when we unseated him. Now that a democrat is in office, we should start invading more countries.
So what's the the rest of the world going to do about this! Kim executed his uncle and several others by wild dogs. They starved the 120 dogs for 3 days and then threw the victims into a cage naked. They watched this spectacle for an hour while the dogs devoured the victims. When will this world overthrow this barbaric regime?

How about we just mind our own business and save a few trillion every year. Not to mention avoid creating even more enemies for the USA
I can think of worse ways to go.
Imagine getting drunk and waking up naked with winter woman sleeping on your arm
Just thought I would throw this report out there, got some interesting replies. I guess I'm a bit more compassionate than the majority, not try into start anything at all, and yes I understand that there are always consequences and complications involved in taking action in any type of international event (if indeed this is true). But, this guy is outa control. Pretty scarey.
wow 15 whole posts in politics before the childishness began, that might be a record for either side.