Not even raining, bro.
Keep your delusions going, the only difference between your country and mine is you guys have bigger "ammunition clips".
But at least we get real people winning elections, with proportional representations ensuring the little people get a guys have puppet pseudo-celebrities and the electoral college system.
Not to say my country doesn't have it share of fucked up laws, but assault rifles are banned here because of the history of subversive organisations and we were dominated by the Catholic Church since our country was born so it's taking a while to repeal the old shit.
We also allowed gay people to be as unhappily married as straight people before the "land of the free", oh and our education and medicine cost 10x and 4x less per capita respectively (even tho they're "socialised") and our huge welfare programmes cost less per capita than your military spending. We also have more money per capita from industry and exports.
If we increased our territory and population to 10x what it is (just like yours) and the per capita figures remained the same, you guys would be like North Korea to us.
Enjoy your "freedom".