Thundercat's Groooooooow


Well-Known Member
Anyone here anything about Kitehigh......Was reading another thread and the op was acting like he died or something real bad?
Didnt want to ask,he seemed pretty disturbed.


Well-Known Member
Well sadly Beech I'm under the impression(prolly from the same thread) that he may have died. I know he had some very serious health issues, but I don't know the details, or anything for sure.

Dr. I hope to be going next week to meet the guy in person. I've talked to him in messages a few times now, and he just had a serious cut on his thumb which had to get fixed. Now he's just healing back up. So anyway as of new years eve he said to hit him up next week, and I can come by the shop so we can talk. With any luck I'll be on a torch for the lessons well before the end of the month. Now I gotta get my funds up again, christmas and taking trips has a way of killing them.


Well-Known Member
right on i hope to have me a set up in the next year. i have worked with soda lime glass but want an ox torch and a kiln. bonus is i can use the kiln to heat treat knivesWP_000323.jpgWP_000327.jpgWP_000332.jpgWP_000349.jpgWP_000353.jpg


Well-Known Member
Thats sweet DR.! I tried a little bit of knife making 2 summers ago, but then got in my wreck about 2 weeks later and never got to do any more of it. I really like the way you worked the handle.


Well-Known Member
Lol glad to have ya Smoke, I wouldn't even suggest reading every word. It goes back to my start on RIU in 08, and the first grow I journaled here. Around pages 20-60 is a big part of my mushroom growing. After that it goes to my flood trays in their first set up, and an on going evolution of those over the last 3 years lots that can get skipped but alot of pretty pictures along the way :).


Well-Known Member
Class 2008 hangout...Where did the time go TC?
Was good to see Twisted,we were real close.Hope he stays around,every one has kids now.
A sign,were all getting old.


Well-Known Member
It's fun feeling like a noob again with all you old timers about. I remember back when you guys answered all my stupid questions. :)


Well-Known Member
There are quite a few of us from 2008. Its hard to look back and think about my first grow. I learned alot on this site and playing around with my own ideas. It wasnt until recently that i even ever really met anyone from here. It is nice being in ca that way. Hope u all are doing well. :-).

Sb: getting old and kids has turned out to be a whole lot more fun than i ever imagined. :-).


Well-Known Member
It's fun feeling like a noob again with all you old timers about. I remember back when you guys answered all my stupid questions. :)

Dude! I remember your menorah grow. :-). I looked at that wishing i had space to do the same. I was messing around with 2 cabinets back then. :-). Times are better now after making my mistakes etc.... Ahhh. The good ole days. Lol. ;)

holy fuck im just getting higher from this canna coffee.


Well-Known Member
I love seeing all the 08 join dates, and the 09 too Jig :). It generally gets automatic rep from me when I see one. I suppose havin kids and such is all part of figuring out this crazy ride we call life! I know I'm very glad to have the friends and knowledge that I've found here! I wish I was closer geographically to some of you fellas, but at least glad we have RIU.


Well-Known Member
I love seeing all the 08 join dates, and the 09 too Jig :). It generally gets automatic rep from me when I see one. I suppose havin kids and such is all part of figuring out this crazy ride we call life! I know I'm very glad to have the friends and knowledge that I've found here! I wish I was closer geographically to some of you fellas, but at least glad we have RIU.
hell i had been growing in three states by 07 and was not growing again till 13. i do wish i had found riu and the 600 back then.


Well-Known Member
I had actually grown in 2 different states by the time I joined RIU, both times were fairly simple set ups. I've learned so much more sense I found this site, and generally stated using the net for actual research. Previous to that most of my growing knowledge had came from hightimes. You guys remember the old Grow America editions they did back in the day?

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
just want to say nice thread and grow. i am on your 2009 grow and about 1/3 of the way thru the thread.

i like your cfl hood you made. when i get a chance i will snap a pic of the ones i made.


Well-Known Member
THanks man, I've sort of been following your progress through as you are liking things :). I'm still using that same cfl hood in my veg area, with the same fixtures in it, the only thing that has changed on that one is the bulbs. I kinda wish I still had my 400w I was using in that 09 soil grow, but I know its being used well and I always get gifts from the guy that has it when I see him. I love seeing the hoods others have made, maxthc has some nice ones.


Well-Known Member
You still got a link to the dudes making his own hoods bro :??:
THanks man, I've sort of been following your progress through as you are liking things :). I'm still using that same cfl hood in my veg area, with the same fixtures in it, the only thing that has changed on that one is the bulbs. I kinda wish I still had my 400w I was using in that 09 soil grow, but I know its being used well and I always get gifts from the guy that has it when I see him. I love seeing the hoods others have made, maxthc has some nice ones.


Well-Known Member
I don't off hand Dank. Recently raiderman posted some of Maxthc's pics on his thread which included a pic of one of his hoods.