during the heat of sex, she says cum in me??


Well-Known Member
Alright panda. I prefer it, with my husband for sure. His orgasm often gets me over the edge where I couldn't get before or without. It just FEELS better, and it feels better to have an orgasm with him inside me than any other way. Howzat?


Well-Known Member
Alright panda. I prefer it, with my husband for sure. His orgasm often gets me over the edge where I couldn't get before or without. It just FEELS better, and it feels better to have an orgasm with him inside me than any other way. Howzat?




Well-Known Member
I can see chicks point on the panties those things are way too expensive to jizz up but and I know this is gross before I even type it "a good push on the toilet will clear all those worries up".Hell I bathe religiously after a good knocking anyway just seems odd to just "give it a push and hose it off" the hey now must always be clean and I do mean squeaky.


Well-Known Member
I can see chicks point on the panties those things are way too expensive to jizz up but and I know this is gross before I even type it "a good push on the toilet will clear all those worries up".Hell I bathe religiously after a good knocking anyway just seems odd to just "give it a push and hose it off" the hey now must always be clean and I do mean squeaky.

Speechless .. what can I say . A squeeky clean One is like just asking , no Begging for a good tongue lashing ,, then after that , what happens .. It wants to go for a ride ... some point a little down the road It gets all messy again.. what a cycle we live in .. dropping loads and cleaning up ... If god did not want it to be eaten, He would not have shaped it like a taco.:hump:


Well-Known Member
Speechless .. what can I say . A squeeky clean One is like just asking , no Begging for a good tongue lashing ,, then after that , what happens .. It wants to go for a ride ... some point a little down the road It gets all messy again.. what a cycle we live in .. dropping loads and cleaning up ... If god did not want it to be eaten, He would not have shaped it like a taco.:hump:
True Vette, it is just up to us ladies to make sure the taco comes sauce free.:oops:


Well-Known Member
i feel you bro, it seems like todays women treat us like dogs then goes out , in her expensive sport car that she bought so she could prove to the guys she could, then go out and live the gossip girls ,lipstick jungle,the hills ,life...
damn the new age woman is nothing more than a female version of the way men act.

seriously ,look around.

not to start trouble, but has anyone noticed the role switch.
if another girl say to me wow your actually smart , im gona flip.

i may start a thread on some social views.
I feel ya, YES GIRLS WE KNOW YOU CAN ACHIEVE THE SAME AS US, but i see those women lack as parents, and they usually end up getting divorces and start dating other men with money, fucking women, I need to hibernate for a couple years at my cabin and just grow myself into FREEDOM 35!

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I always clean things before and after.And i make the guy do the same.Cuz I'm gonna put it in my mouth, and if he's been sweating in his shorts all day...ew....and as an aside, don't girls wear pantyliners anymore to keep things extra fresh?It's like replacing the crotch of your panties every time you go to the bathroom.
I can see chicks point on the panties those things are way too expensive to jizz up but and I know this is gross before I even type it "a good push on the toilet will clear all those worries up".Hell I bathe religiously after a good knocking anyway just seems odd to just "give it a push and hose it off" the hey now must always be clean and I do mean squeaky.


Well-Known Member
I always clean things before and after.And i make the guy do the same.Cuz I'm gonna put it in my mouth, and if he's been sweating in his shorts all day...ew....and as an aside, don't girls wear pantyliners anymore to keep things extra fresh?It's like replacing the crotch of your panties every time you go to the bathroom.
Panty liners? I think older women use those when they start to slightly loose bladder control or women who wear pads on the last days of the cycle but if you possess a normal healty vag I don't see the point, besides men like to sniff panties and the smell of a liner I imagine is about as hot as sniffing a depends to a dude.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I dunno, I use them because if you have colored underwear, the dye can irritate you. And I don't want anybody sniffing my panties anyway.And I don't care how healthy your vagina is, it's never exactly bone dry.
Panty liners? I think older women use those when they start to slightly loose bladder control or women who wear pads on the last days of the cycle but if you possess a normal healty vag I don't see the point, besides men like to sniff panties and the smell of a liner I imagine is about as hot as sniffing a depends to a dude.