"How to avoid being caught" BIG Picture (EXP)

The most important rule is:

The first rule of Fight Club is: You do not talk about Fight Club. The second rule of Fight Club is: You do not talk about​ Fight Club.
No I'm not bored..... I did skim read your post but it spews on and on with poor structure and shit English .....but it's your arrogance that annoys me...and as Aim-Aim says, it comes across as spam, especially for your second post

Do i look i care what annoys your not? My arrogance starts when your stupidity begans. Annoys you? Well, i still dont give a s*** about it. Poor structure and shit english or not, "not disputing it's validity (as I didn't read it)" This means you didnt read it, i am wrong? We need the definition of "read" from dictionary? I answered you based on that. You took a look, did skim read, whatever, i see other thing. Not my fault what you write scholar.

Btw i hope you the best about your glaucoma.
The most important rule is:

The first rule of Fight Club is: You do not talk about Fight Club. The second rule of Fight Club is: You do not talk about​ Fight Club.

100% True.

But if everyone do that, most likely we wouldn´t be able to learn everything that we learn here. Almost nobody will write anything :S
yes people are charging that, here anyway. maybe not 4x but 2x - 3 x .If I was paying a mortgage on the house i'm in now i'd be paying 200 a month. But I'm being charged 400 a month to rent ,and the house isn't even that good. BUt I can't get a mortgage because I would need to have about 10 k deposit which I and many like myself can't afford. People are getting scammed like this all over the world. But hey, lets grow our weed in the swamp so we don't cause these greedy ballwashing bstards any grief.
sorry, I was out of line, I realize you were just trying to help. It was just so long winded and hard to see any points you were trying to make.
Here's a few rules I go by:

PPPPP- proper planning prevents poor performance
LLSS - loose lips sink ships

Then the whole common sense thing!


For me the second is inside the first.

We all now what its wrong or not, i guess so.
For opinions like correct or wrong this isnt the place, shouldn´t be.
Caught means caught which means doing something illegal mostlikey. Why people need to tell others the fkn obvious? There is no problem doing that, you are warning maybr. But when that warning or whatever you want comes like a judging book or your saint private bible. Oh well i am going to start laughing hard on your face, internet, phone, face to face i dont care. Saints are in heaven, even there, i doubt about it.

Who am i to judge someone that i even know? And if i know, changes anything? NO! There is no saints on earth so dont act like one. You look more like a brainless soul to me. I am judging you now? Like i usually say,every action has an equal and opposite reaction and sometimes just hit us straight in the face.

But who cares about whatever is on the internet at all, besides their own interests? Get a real life humanbeing because internet isnt your court, forums, threads, replys, whatever, they aren´t your badass and saint private judging rooms. The way i see. But again who cares? Its internet.

I want to be like a god of some kind and be a judge. I feel bad for those people,truly. Ofc i do not, it´s your life and time not mine.
Do whatever you want, write whatever you need, perhaps to satisfy your ego or to feel better about a guilty felling due to some nasty secrets in the closet.

Bottom of this, internet or outside her, keep your amazing saint brain in your life, go to a church and ask how to apply a canonization for your person. Dont worrie, the priest will not laugh in your face, its a church man. Besides that, you can be the next saint, right? And they take very serious the saints as we all know. So you are good to go or not but just stfu to judge people that you dont even know.

Who is in the internet knows how to read and with that knows what each subject is about, or not.
If you can help, help. If you can make a warning about anything useful do it, even if you dont like it or dont agree. It´s up to you do it or not.
Now if you cant do nothing at all, why wasting time with others people life even more to judge? Get a pet, a girl fill your time with something that matters to you. I guess some people just dont have one mostlikely.

All this questions are WWWWWWWWWAAAAAYYYYYYYY of topic. But they are the problem of the most BS that exists in forums.

What is the point of being in here to find what we want? Do we really need to scroll and scroll and do more scroll and switch page and switch page and scroll to find what i need? most of the times its only judgement after judgement after judgement, is f****ng boring and bad.

At end each one of us choose what makes in life to be worthwhile. Even those who aim very low to make it worth i wont judge. Still dont give a shit about their life.
One more reason why i dont join forums beside others. If i join i will be able to post and write. I will see a LOT OF BS in my screen and its kinda of hard to handle myself and dont write something when people have mental diarrhea. I will waste time with bs, we can buy almost everything, time not yet.

Like this one. I said i wouldn´t answer judgements of any kind but it seems that i need some training about self control.
In other hand the positive thing about this is, i actually amuse myself with the level of stupidity that people can get. I dont even need to make a joke about you, i dont need. You do that for me, how ironic?!

In the life outside is funny to see people acting and talking like saints to judge others, with knowledge or not about it.
But in the internet? We can find them all with the most amazing homilias ever.
Jeeze why did i reply lol!! My outdoor grows were in the dark reaches of a swamp i actually used a boat and chest waders to get to it. And yes it was hard work lol. You guys have no ideal the implications and what a landlord has to go through. Thats probably why it bothers me when people talk about setting up a grow in a rental. Where i live when a grow is discovered. The house must be inspected, certified mold free, registered as a grow on deed. Oh and yes landlord pays btw. But that doesnt matter i guess cause we're all rich lol. Yup we charge 3,4x mortgage WTF!!!! And yes i think its a prick thing to do. I never grew in a rental and rented lots when younger. Grow outdoors, fuck that!! Why i ask? To much hard work perhaps? Really id like to know, maybe youll convince me that its cool to risk someone else's property for your gain. Oh and btw its 24 hrs notice here to enter lol. As far as damage, one extraction fan can destroy a house due to putting the place into a negative pressure causing moisture to be pulled into the walls but thats ok we're all rich and we'll fix it when you leave!

Right after reading this, i would say, what´s the point of discuss whatever the issue is with genius and saint´s like you?

I dont know this or that, shitty music. You dont even know my name, how you know what i know or not?

"As far as damage, one extraction fan can destroy a house due to putting the place into a negative pressure causing moisture to be pulled into the walls but thats ok we're all rich and we'll fix it when you leave!"

I will answer only to this, the rest is just bs and i dont even want to

If you dont know how to avoid it, rental or not, well make your job right is all i can say.

Btw saint, keep your saint homilies to you and your kids.
Do i look i care what annoys your not? My arrogance starts when your stupidity begans. Annoys you? Well, i still dont give a s*** about it. Poor structure and shit english or not, "not disputing it's validity (as I didn't read it)" This means you didnt read it, i am wrong? We need the definition of "read" from dictionary? I answered you based on that. You took a look, did skim read, whatever, i see other thing. Not my fault what you write scholar.

Btw i hope you the best about your glaucoma.

my first grow was in 1977.....while you were just a twinkle in your father's eye, so I don't need your fucking advice or condolence....no I didn't totally read your crap post because as stated it's poor English and you are talking shit that's pointless to read....so learn to write English before spewing on like some expert
Hell there are at east 3 grows going on on my street. I'm one of them and I'm filtered growing in a tent in a cement basement room that has no windows. My woman doesn't help except trimming but of course she knows. She smokes 75% of it and does things that would get a lot more jail time than a smallish grow op. so no worries there.

One grow on my block might not be as obvious to someone who never ran a big grow (until they left the garage door open with a plant in sight ) they filter as I've never smelld em...BUT no one comes and goes that doesn't pull into the garage and close the door...no light is ever seen coming from behind the curtains even at night..never a glimmer of a reading lamp windows and doors are never ever open even on hot summer days....snow melts off their roof when it doesn't on anyone else's. The exhaust panel on the side of the house has moisture marks from so much condensation dripping and it blows constantly......then there is the whole having a momma plant in their garage and forgetting the door open null_zps00e39a92.jpg? They are damn lucky that I'm not a crook or a snitch. I'm 99% positive that they have a large grow op in that house.

The other grow smells to high fuckingnheaven and is in a house with a large detached barn/shed...with a school bus parked out front with Dead stickers and paintings all over it. It smells so fucking strong that just walking my dog towards that end of the road sets off my grow room nose. I've wandered up to look at their meter one night and it spins like crazy.

Ofmcourse this is Seattle area and there are 5 dispensaries in a 3 mile radius of my home too...along with me living in the ghetto where hard drug sales, robberies, and murder aren't uncommon.

With all of that my "legal" medical grow status and my small 1200-1600 watt room I sleep fine at night.

Most of that wall of gibberish from OP is common sense that anyone in the game knows already. So why repeat it?
Hey man, fuck all this drama afterwards, but I'll have you know I read through the whole thing the first time and was thoroughly enthralled. I appreciate the post.