"How to avoid being caught" BIG Picture (EXP)

I disagree with whoever said you shouldn't grow in a rental. Why not? As long as you don't damage the property, it's non of the landlords biz what you do. It would be fine to grow a legal plant... but cannabis you must grow in the woods, fuck that. Not many people can afford a house these days and landlords are charging 3- 4 x the mortgage value for a months rent, if you wanna grow, go for it just don't wreck the house.
It's scary that a brain this scrambled would be attempting to give advice on something that could land you in prison for years.
I stopped reading when you mentioned renting a place to grow. As a landlord i would hope no one was using "my" property as a grow! If you cann't afford to own your place to grow pot get your ass outdoors!!!! I grew my pot in the woods, made my money and bought my own place!!!

Now you grow at home? Dont grow? Good for you, whatever the situation.

"If you cann't afford to own your place to grow pot get your ass outdoors!!!!" Where did you get this from? Should i buy one more house only to do it? It works. But normally we stay 1 year máx. I dont like to accustom myself, etc etc. keep moving. Maybe some of my ex-landlords think just like you do, they did not know and most likely they will never know and the same thing applies to you, or are you different?
You are one very insightful landlord who likes to make surprise visits? And i realized that? Guess what. I will just walk. But ok I leased your apartment. You were able to deceive me about surprise visits and after a few months i receive one 30 days notification for visit. I am able to get my ass out in two weeks máx.
When you arrive for the visit i am already gone for about 15 days.

The keys (i switched the locked so now you have a better lock for sure, but you love the old lock cuz its pink. The old one should inside a drawer or a box.) Are in the mailbox and some neighbor have the key to open it. you will know each one. But i signed a lease for 1,2,3 or 4 years. If you only work that way, I will never signed anything in the first place. That can be problem for me. I dont walk into anyone house without the certainty that i can get my ass out when i want. Without this written and signed no deal. If we decide that i need to pay the next month after my departure and the caution for one more month, you will get what i signed for.

Landlord claims total ignorance no problems what so ever for you or him. The property is in good conditions for sure. Did i created some kind of loss? Financial or other? Tell me moral damages loss please. You burned my property and you know. I hope we can make it time to maintaining located only in the room. Our fault we pay for it. We never had a problem of this kind. Lets face it, 2 xl heaters can use a lot more power that all the grow equipment together. there is houses where they work 24/24 in the winter and dont blow but sometimes shit happens.

Outdoors? Yes of course. Starting at Abril till September. He owns a land we make there. I assume by the way you talk that your outdoors was allways made in your land. It would be kind of lame for you if it was possible to me tell you to buy your own land to grow, if you werent the owner of it ofc. Make money in the woods, buy a house. I guess you werent the owner, so ofc it belongs to someone else. The owner gave you permission to to enter his land and grow weed? If you had used to grown legally you would say something accordingly to criticize me. Making in your property is a bad thing, but if you do it in "no-man-lands" to make money and buy a house its ok?
Anyway somewhere between july, august and september we dont need your house or any other house.
I'm rather glad i didn't bother to read it.....not disputing it's validity (as I didn't read it)...it's just that I smoke/grow pot because I have glaucoma and I just can't waste my precious vision on such a pile spew
It's scary that a brain this scrambled would be attempting to give advice on something that could land you in prison for years.

Why? Because i have difficulties writing long and complex texts? And sometimes makes no sense? Is that your reason? I have some problems, but from the start that i mentioned that, but i belive that it is more than clear enough to understand the idea. if you didnt get there by yourself, is my scrambled brain fault? Weed scrambles peoples brains. Speaking of which, how is yours? i assume that you smoke weed, so take my scramble advice dont smoke it man. If you do you may end up like me, scrambled as it can gets. How about this as advice?
I'm rather glad i didn't bother to read it.....not disputing it's validity (as I didn't read it)...it's just that I smoke/grow pot because I have glaucoma and I just can't waste my precious vision on such a pile spew

Are you bored at some level? You didnt read it "not disputing it's validity (as I didn't read it)" but you can say "and I just can't waste my precious vision on such a pile spew" You dont know but you know? You dont need to read becasue you can know if it is a pile spew or not? makes sense to me.

All i can say is "People are amazing at all levels"
Jeeze why did i reply lol!! My outdoor grows were in the dark reaches of a swamp i actually used a boat and chest waders to get to it. And yes it was hard work lol. You guys have no ideal the implications and what a landlord has to go through. Thats probably why it bothers me when people talk about setting up a grow in a rental. Where i live when a grow is discovered. The house must be inspected, certified mold free, registered as a grow on deed. Oh and yes landlord pays btw. But that doesnt matter i guess cause we're all rich lol. Yup we charge 3,4x mortgage WTF!!!! And yes i think its a prick thing to do. I never grew in a rental and rented lots when younger. Grow outdoors, fuck that!! Why i ask? To much hard work perhaps? Really id like to know, maybe youll convince me that its cool to risk someone else's property for your gain. Oh and btw its 24 hrs notice here to enter lol. As far as damage, one extraction fan can destroy a house due to putting the place into a negative pressure causing moisture to be pulled into the walls but thats ok we're all rich and we'll fix it when you leave!
Expensive LED's are your only option to grow in non medical states if you wanna make a living.
Your dude that pushes the weight. You have 1 phone that you only talk on for 30-secs to a min maximum and it changes every 2 months. Short convos when and where in sensible terms. Nothing super covert. No names in phone. Just yours his. Hey bro I got these 3 fine chciks that are ready to fuck, you in?
Thatd the end of that convo. No more, and you tell him where to get it and etc.

Never deal with more than 1 degree of seperation. Dont be stupid.

I agree don't have scales and bags, written records, gps's at the same place as the grow. Also, try not to have a bitch "girlfriend" :)
I actually attempted to read this.
Stopped reading at partner and how to figure out if one is good or not. That breaks rule #1. The most important rule. If this rule is even slightly bent you fail.
It's not who you trust 100% it's who THEY trust 100% (quote some random RIU poster, your quote stuck with me and yes I've used it irl) Your first edit should be deleting that entire section. I don't care who it is. I don't care HOW LONG you've know them, been friends with, dittled their pooter or whatever relationship you have with them. You have NO partner. You WILL get burned in some shape form or fashion.
The only partners you will ever need are at the top right of the RIU homepage. It's the search bar and the posters who will give you any advice you'll ever need to know. I'd personally pack a bowl and hand it to each and every one if I could to do the honors of spark and share.
The ONLY things exempt from this rule are dogs.
Some people here have the help of their spouses. They pull off some AMAZING grows. Unless you're in a marriage as amazing as these people are (lucky SOBs) Then a "significant other" falls under rule #1. Them knowing or being involved is the biggest liability on the planet. I'd rather grow 50 yards back in some woods behind a jail than let a gf know or be in on anything. A lot can happen in 3-7 months time in any relationship. Going from love to hate only takes 30 seconds. If you have to take a woman to a grow site...she better be a fleshlite lol.
I actually attempted to read this.
Stopped reading at partner and how to figure out if one is good or not. That breaks rule #1. The most important rule. If this rule is even slightly bent you fail.
It's not who you trust 100% it's who THEY trust 100% (quote some random RIU poster, your quote stuck with me and yes I've used it irl) Your first edit should be deleting that entire section. I don't care who it is. I don't care HOW LONG you've know them, been friends with, dittled their pooter or whatever relationship you have with them. You have NO partner. You WILL get burned in some shape form or fashion.
The only partners you will ever need are at the top right of the RIU homepage. It's the search bar and the posters who will give you any advice you'll ever need to know. I'd personally pack a bowl and hand it to each and every one if I could to do the honors of spark and share.
The ONLY things exempt from this rule are dogs.
Some people here have the help of their spouses. They pull off some AMAZING grows. Unless you're in a marriage as amazing as these people are (lucky SOBs) Then a "significant other" falls under rule #1. Them knowing or being involved is the biggest liability on the planet. I'd rather grow 50 yards back in some woods behind a jail than let a gf know or be in on anything. A lot can happen in 3-7 months time in any relationship. Going from love to hate only takes 30 seconds. If you have to take a woman to a grow site...she better be a fleshlite lol.
had to rep this. bravo
my take is with all the Gov spying and stuff, I'd bet they already know about 10-20% of the people here are growing...I think some of the bust/no bust risk depends on local laws, your personal record and how bored the local police are.... I'm thinking most places they got no time to bother with a "clean" citizen growing for personal reasons, keeps the hub-bub to a minium and hasn't raised many other flags.... if you start ordering tons of lights and carbon filters and leave them piled up on your steps all day, then you might be askin for it
all the Gov spying and stuff, I'd bet they already know about 10-20% of the people

Naw... they do not care about random posts here or on any public Pot site...
However what the government will look at and decipher, is your Private messages with links to other places...
Never sell....
No one knows....[no tell]
There is no smell...

Good Luck all.... Dial down the being paranoid....
What me worry ? I have two local cops living less than 4 houses away....
I feel safe...
Thank you good sir. That's the 1st rule for a reason. It's been spoken here too many times. I seriously think my blood pressure went up a bit when I read through that. I just hope OP reads it in an angry Samuel L Jackson voice. That's the tone of that message lol. Or Gary Oldman in The Professional when he yells out EVERYONE!
I've personally been screwed by every single thing I had mentioned in that rant. I'm sure I'm not the only one either. I speak from experience. Painful and even more so expensive experience. I wouldn't have even typed it out if I didn't.
I've also seen quite a few threads that involved "Me and my best friend are gonna do a monster grow" then it usually involves something about mad riches, bitches and smoking a 40 foot flatbed trailer's worth of weed. Then it never goes from there. Probably got busted while smoking in the parking lot of the store they never got the chance to walk into to buy solo cups.
My head hurts now.
Are you bored at some level? You didnt read it "not disputing it's validity (as I didn't read it)" but you can say "and I just can't waste my precious vision on such a pile spew" You dont know but you know? You dont need to read becasue you can know if it is a pile spew or not? makes sense to me.

All i can say is "People are amazing at all levels"
No I'm not bored..... I did skim read your post but it spews on and on with poor structure and shit English .....but it's your arrogance that annoys me...and as Aim-Aim says, it comes across as spam, especially for your second post
How not to get caught
1. Have a medical license
2. DONT TELL ANYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. Dont go around telling anyone who will listen that you grow
4. Keep the fact you are groing to yourself (are we getting the point here)
5. Control the smell
Here's a few rules I go by:

PPPPP- proper planning prevents poor performance
LLSS - loose lips sink ships

Then the whole common sense thing!