Indoor grow Pure Afghan Regular seeds x3 286w cfl grow


Well-Known Member
I might just get x1 125w cfl 2700k which should boost growth and I've considered to F.I.M or top at the 4th node but I might change my mind... They are at 3 nodes high yet and I have tried it before so it should work :D I want my plants to stretch before I do try any yield increasing techniques on them. Just in case there is any confusion, when I say 4th node I mean the 5th node will get cut when is starting to appear.

If I do try doing any of the above then it will be done on the plant that is ahead first and the other 2 last. I'm going to try and put up some pics on Monday when I start nutrient feeding and further details will be in my next update.... I think i'm better off growing in soil instead of doing hydro grows; maybe in the future?

Anyone noticed how there is only one person actually replying now, where is giggywatts?


Well-Known Member
I will F.I.M then and I was planning to flower early as I am running low on pretty much everything!.... So I will be flowering within the next 3 weeks so I am cramping everything in together.

I don't want to F.I.M to early though as the plants have a few nodes but are still really short so I have moved the lights further away from the plants so they stretch out for light.


Well-Known Member
after you fim wait till the new branches have grow a bit dont flower it till they have at least that is what i have read. this will be my first time at FIM and ill fFIM all 9 wait so i can take clones then gonna flower them all and sex them and pitch the males. i can say it takes time to get it rolling. once i have found the females and use their the clones as mothers life will be good. Again looking good.
Love and Peace


Well-Known Member
after you fim wait till the new branches have grow a bit dont flower it till they have at least that is what i have read. this will be my first time at FIM and ill fFIM all 9 wait so i can take clones then gonna flower them all and sex them and pitch the males. i can say it takes time to get it rolling. once i have found the females and use their the clones as mothers life will be good. Again looking good.
Love and Peace
I just realised that my plants already had nutrients going to them because the compost I'm using has added nutrients so I don't need to add any more on top of what they already have... This grow is like a mini experiment where I try out a whole lot of shit, I've seen people veg with 2700k so flowering with 5500k is possible so that is on my list. Unfortunately I don't actually think I have any time to F.I.M or anything like that in this grow so there won't be any of that as I am flowering in 2 weeks from now and that's that. As said before I've seen people flowering early and getting mad results and vegging with 2700k so it IS possible to flower with 5500k... well it should be :D


Well-Known Member
okay when veg 6500k have most of. then 1 5000k and 1 2700k or so. flower you want mainly 2700k with 1 5000k and 6500k. you want to reproduce what the sun does in fall.
Love and Peace


Well-Known Member
I will try getting some 2700k's if possible but there is about 2 weeks left for that... will upload some pics tomorrow when if get the mylar, the plant that was ahead is still ahead and the ones that were behind are still behind! Lets just hope the one that is ahead is a female, it has started the 5 bladed leaves now so that's good :D Will be really disappointed if the one that is ahead is a male :(


Well-Known Member
if i had to scrap 1 bulb it would be 5000k the plants dont like it if you put 3 bulbs use a clock face to understand me. 7/11/3 the 7 is 6500k the 11 is 2700k the 3 is 5000k they will first go to the 6500 what i mean is they will tilt their leaves too that light. remove the 6500k replace with 3k and watch it goes to the 3000k and 2700 it hits the middle of leaf is facing 9 oclock. the last light it wants from a cfl is 5k for some reason. that is what my plants did and i listened to them. took all 5k out. they now have a mix of 6500k 3000k and 2700k for veg 6500k being the most i use for veg now. i cant answer to flower yet , also im testing led for veg and with led they dont lean they love what they are getting 5 bands of led right now.
Love and peace all


Well-Known Member
Ok, much appreciated, I'm going to see what I can do and will hopefully put up some pics tomorrow if i get the mylar. I will be decreasing the lights by 15 minutes per day. And i'm probably going to get a 105w cfl e27 2700k.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I got the mylar and have quite a bit spare which might come in handy.... I've noticed that it has increased the amount of light reflected on to my plants way more than I imagined and hopefully it should sort of boost the growth on all my babies, the two that were behind are now catching up as you can see in the pictures.

There is probably a week left until I flip to 12/12 for flowering so I quickly need to get some 2700k cfls :D - So far this grow is looking good and lets hope it doesn't flop :p

Anyway, here are some pics for you to enjoy :D :


Pic 2 and 4- Growth at the bottom of plant number 1 (the one that is on the last pic)
Pic 1 and 3- My setup
Pic 5- Plant number 3
Pic 6 - Plant number 2
Pic 7- Plant number 1

All the plants are actually numbered :D Next update in 4-7 days :peace:


Well-Known Member
I like them they are looking great. how old form seed are they include germination time. and look into a uvb reptile cfl that you can run later when you flower. ill explain it more later.


Active Member
Dude, looking great! Your totally on your way :)! Im still waitin for my veg lights -.-

MAy i ask... How old were the plants when the first pictures were taken? Mine is 6 days today and it looks almost identical only i have slightly broader leafs (Not the round ones but the pointy ones) :P.

You and i really do have a very similar setup :P I might even get Afghan aswell since that strain is in my seedmix. Just a chance tho!

Good luck! Im checkin in on you every day :)

had some truly unintentional nuteburns on my seedling yesterday. Felt like my world was falling apart... haha.... well, it really grew alot the same night, despite the burns :D I did flush 1 time though.


Well-Known Member
I honestly can't remember how old they are but I'm guessing they are around 3 weeks veg from seed, I've seen some uvb reptile cfls on eBay for quite a good price although I don't have a t8 fitting so I'm better of with cfls. Also, if I rub the leaves lightly they smell of actual bud and it smells quite strong when you smell your fingers :D - that's good :D

Hope you get your lights johnkallaha and I hope your grow does good... The two plants that are behind had nute burn which was probably the reason why they were behind but I didn't flush and now they are used to it so hopefully they are not nutrient sensitive now :D

Well, off I go to brag about my grow all over :D


Well-Known Member
Because I'm going to start flowering soon; does anyone have any cheap flowering nutrients in mind that should be available on eBay and not crappy amazon or any other site. If I get to the point of flowering I will start adding nutrients at least 1 1/2 weeks after the flowering process has started to stop nutrient burn.

I might get x2 30w cfls 2700k to help out with flowering but as said on my very first post on this thread; this is a sort of experimental grow so yeah :D


Well-Known Member
if you use your reg nutriens and then add a bit of epson salt and molasses. in 1 gallon use 1/2 amount of reg nutes, then add 1 tablespoon molasses( to disolve it 1 cup hot water)/ 1/2 tsp epsom salt i use bloom all the way thru 10-52-10 and add molasses/coco water my bloom has what epson salt does. now also a great thing to do is have a fish air pump cheaper the better and have the air stone in a bucket of water all day use that water, big difference in root/plant health. just what i would do. i like organic in soil you really cant mess up. and never let your soil get 100% dry i mean never. when top 2 inches is dry and 3inch down is damp water. if you get it too dry then add straight water 1/2 cup per gall of soil. then add your tea(tea is your water/nutes and such) now i use tea for every water then the 5th one i use pure water. so you may have to lower amounts. start small and up the amounts slowly and see how they react. hope i explained it all good.

Love and peace


Well-Known Member
i use vigoro 10 10 10, and molasses, got both at a box store (walmart). i start the molasses just after they start to flower. i asked about using molasses before flower and was told to wait. a dap of epson salt every once in awhile. i never got no bloom nutes before, but i have thought about it. if money wasn't so tight i might would. do yall not have any garden shops, box stores or anything to that order? you may want to get to know someone real well, and maybe get them to mail you some nutes. you could join a veggie garden site and find what you need. other wise i would order a general hydroponics nute kit. say something like this.,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.60444564,d.eW0,pv.xjs.s.en_US.j4JTBSG9WkM.O&biw=1024&bih=667&tch=1&ech=1&psi=YeLqUqH3Ks2IkQeAlIDgDA.1391125084183.5&ei=ouLqUsLqBcSHkQfB3IGYDA&ved=0CEwQpiswAA,or.r_qf.&biw=1024&bih=667&bvm=pv.xjs.s.en_US.j4JTBSG9WkM.O&tch=1&ech=1&psi=YeLqUqH3Ks2IkQeAlIDgDA.1391125398555.3&ei=q-PqUp-IF9HQkQexooHwCQ&ved=0CGkQpiswAQ

i hope that links work. i know they are hydro nutes, but when you hear of people using fox farms they are using hydro nutes.

i know there are others but those are the better.


Well-Known Member
aint got no like button, o-well. they are looking good bro, keep up the good work. if you got room veg them a little more and maybe top them. if not then flip away. i grew mine 12/12 for the speed of having then done before summer. never know how long it will take to finish.

Ok, so I got the mylar and have quite a bit spare which might come in handy.... I've noticed that it has increased the amount of light reflected on to my plants way more than I imagined and hopefully it should sort of boost the growth on all my babies, the two that were behind are now catching up as you can see in the pictures.

There is probably a week left until I flip to 12/12 for flowering so I quickly need to get some 2700k cfls :D - So far this grow is looking good and lets hope it doesn't flop :p

Anyway, here are some pics for you to enjoy :D :

View attachment 2978268View attachment 2978272View attachment 2978271View attachment 2978270View attachment 2978273View attachment 2978274View attachment 2978275

Pic 2 and 4- Growth at the bottom of plant number 1 (the one that is on the last pic)
Pic 1 and 3- My setup
Pic 5- Plant number 3
Pic 6 - Plant number 2
Pic 7- Plant number 1

All the plants are actually numbered :D Next update in 4-7 days :peace:


Well-Known Member
[h=1]General Hydroponics Go Box Starter Kit GH5100[/h]is the one i would use. again organic is really hard to hurt your plants. the other shit can burn your plant ect. and molasses start right away just use smaller amounts. see plants are like kids if they never had it the longer youwait the harder it is to get them to use it. so start of small let them get used to it then when flowers start using more when into 5 weeks flower double it then run till the end.