Indoor grow Pure Afghan Regular seeds x3 286w cfl grow


Well-Known Member
I'm probably going to scrap one 125w 5500k and replace it with 60w 2700k and will be adding 30w 2700k every week for 2/3 weeks

Here's some more pics for you all to enjoy :p : Sorry for the kinda messed pics

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Some dodgy re potting :p - They should do good and I'm early flowering in 3 days time so lets hope I get some good result and I've decided to change my estimated yield to about 30 grams which is enough to last me a month or two so yeah :D :lol:

There is a bit of curling going on in the last picture but hopefully all should be good

Next update when I flip to 12/12.... I need some opinions on how I'm supposed to flip without shocking the plant as I'm used to outdoor and not indoor :D
Looking very good man! Can't wait too see more.


Well-Known Member
i would keep the 6500k and add the 2700's into it. you will be allot happier with results.(edit) it didnt show his reply)
love and peace
I'm going to get rid of just one 125w 5500k and keep the other one and throw in some 2700ks which should be with me by tomorrow :D


Well-Known Member
until you can rape the pervs, keep running the 5000k for intense rape.
Will do... I have FIMmed one, Topped one and am LSTing the other one so I can compare the end results, I decided to do that because the sex isn't really going to show until 1-2 weeks after I flip to 12/12 leaving enough time for the recovery phase


Well-Known Member
i think this time im just gonna let my plants do what they do and see. ill take clones so i can keep things going. my gf's mom was here for 3 days and i couldn't change the water in my plants and i had a real low ph of 4. 3 of my plants started yellowing. I hope i got it in time.
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Love and peace


Well-Known Member
I don't remember saying that you need to rape the lights intensely :p
They are looking good so far.... are you thinking of adding nutes soon and if yes which ones do you have in mind?

One is actually really ahead, did you start it off early? Have you transplanted yet, if not you are ought to do it soon :D


Well-Known Member
Ty Ilyaas. Ive been giving them bloom 10-52-10 and coco water/molasses every 3rd day. with this system i have to really stay on top of ph. i learned 1 thing i will make my own soil from now on. im using organic soil and it has ferts in it. and it will for some reason make my ph go to 4 in 3 days. that is way too low. once i change the water and water them they love it when i get ph back to over 6. i want to do a hydro system down the road this system is allot of work. i am right now learning my plants and what they like. the only advise i can give you is keep ph in check both in water/feed going in, soil and what comes out by monitoring it and taking notes. mine coming out is 4 allot and soil is 4.3-4.7 on day 3 water going in is 6.7 till the ferts in the soil is used ill have this issue. and dont over do the nutes use 1/4 amount to start.
love and peace


Well-Known Member
I'm probably going to get a compost bin for the summer and make my own organic compost with no added nutrients :D - I'm going to take some pics of the Fim and Top cut when I get my 2700k light and flip to 12/12. I'm going to order some bio bizz bio bloom nutrients in about 2 weeks so my plants have all they need for the flowering phase of their life. Hopefully all should be good as I say in almost every post... :D

I'm hoping the LSTing pays of and I'm already noticing some good growth so once again... all should be good :)


Well-Known Member
till you get lights dialed in i would not do fim/top jsut let them grow learn them and clone them so you can try diff things and see what gives you the best quality and yield.


Well-Known Member
i got a good recipe for soil, but never made it. the man i got it from grow a lot in it, as in say 50 or more strains at a time. i could try to get you a copy, but it is in my email. i'll see what i can do. if you look around here on the site, you can find subcool's recipe, it is some great stuff too. i'm gonna try to change over to hydro if and when i get my shop built.


Well-Known Member
it shouldn't hurt to top/fim them, he's got them in veg. i tried a lite fim on my 12/12 fs plants, only one took it. i don't know what i did wrong on the others, i must have been stoned and did it wrong.

till you get lights dialed in i would not do fim/top jsut let them grow learn them and clone them so you can try diff things and see what gives you the best quality and yield.


Well-Known Member
im just looking at time total vs yield/quality. im seeing unless you grow a tree and scrog it under tons of light it doesn't payoff. I will when i get my tent so i can do a scrog.


Well-Known Member
till you get lights dialed in i would not do fim/top jsut let them grow learn them and clone them so you can try diff things and see what gives you the best quality and yield.
Too late.... I did say that I HAVE done so :D - But no probs there is like a 1-2 week recovery time.... flip tomorrow or in 2 days you decide :D


Well-Known Member
Checked out FIM and LST. Gonna do both. Dude in the video fim'd just before 12 and 12

Is that too soon?
I've just done F.I.M. pretty much 2 days before I flip so it should be OK.... P.S. LST and F.I.M. are both going to help the growth at the bottom and give you a bushy but a multi cola plant.


Well-Known Member
im glad i waited, i was gonna fim but the undergrowth is unreal on these blueberry's i let them stretch just alittle and i have 6 new growths coming on the lower nodes plus the top nodes are doing the same. i will use lst down the line but dont need to top or fim when they make their own branches , isnt that why most top/fim get more branches for buds and to keep it shorter. i dont need to worry about height. here look at all the new growth this last week has been amazing to watch. this is day 24 from seed.17 days in veg.
day24BB2.jpgDay24BB1.jpgday24.jpg today they got fed 10-52-10 (i mix 1/2 tsp with 1/2 gallon water) (then i feed the 9 plants 16 oz combined with 1 oz coco water) yesterday they got 1/8 tsp with 16 oz water. tomorrow is change water day again and just water. a few have some yellow again ph in soil was to high had gf's mom here thank god she wasnt here 1 week.
EDIT do you see my male in pic 3 left isde towards the back? he isnt growing any new growth just getting taller.
love and peace


Well-Known Member
Fuck Fuck Fuck, I ordered a 30w 2700k as I said and then opened it (everything is good so far) and the boom shit went down... it fell out of my hands and smashed into tiny little pieces.... but luckily for me I ordered a 28w 2700k lotus bulb the day before and will hopefully get a free replacement 30w light :D

The topping that I have done seems to be doing better than the and I'm an idiot I should have done the Topping and the other way around meaning I should have topped the one I .... I give up! I'm just going to say fimming now :D Anyway, I should have topped the one I fimmed and fimmed the one I topped.

The reason behind this is because the one I fimmed was bushy enough already but the growth from the nodes was already quite good so that gave it a sort of advantage... The one I topped is receiving more light as there is more space for light to reach the top nodes and create more colas... should see a minimum of 2 new colas in about a week and a half.

Hope this makes sense... :D

Once I get the lights which I did but then kinda broke, I will put the plants into flower in the hope that I get one female only as I have limited space and it would be better that way because there would be more lights going to that one plant so that's that sorted :)

I just want to say if I get any males I will not kill them but plant them outdoors in the UK's shitty weather away from my house and let it die itself and then grow back in the summer :D ... hopefully if I need to breed I can go and visit the plant and steal some pollen or even take some cuttings :-)

This is all for now but I will have some more pics in about 2 days as I should have the additional lighting by then.... BTW the *2 days period* starts from tomorrow


Well-Known Member
DCobeen your plants are looking good and are stretching which is in a way good as more light will get to the nodes at the bottom and make your harvest larger as you will have more branches or colas.... I recommend you start LSTing for about a week or so then a week later Top or FIM them and trust me they WILL love it :D

Lol. My previous post was fucking long!


Well-Known Member
DCobeen your plants are looking good and are stretching which is in a way good as more light will get to the nodes at the bottom and make your harvest larger as you will have more branches or colas.... I recommend you start LSTing for about a week or so then a week later Top or FIM them and trust me they WILL love it :D

Lol. My previous post was fucking long!
ty ilyaas. yeah i moved lights higher on purpose the blueberry's are thick and dense and you dont want them to be compact or they wont produce right. that is what my research told me. also this frist time im just gonna let them grow and mess with the clones later. i just need to see what these will do and then ill know better. i want to fuck with them trust me but my gut tells me patience learn them first fuck with the clones later. my gut has never been wrong.
love and peace