Can you live on minimum wage? (Calculator)


Well-Known Member
As if I'd tell anyone on an illegal activity website. :dunce: That made me laugh though. +Rep. Very few make me laugh.
So, you write? "I show them what I've written and my pen name, they're amazed." This a weed forum... Besides I want to be amazed! I got a Novel I want to pitch!

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
So, you write? "I show them what I've written and my pen name, they're amazed." This a weed forum... Besides I want to be amazed! I got a Novel I want to pitch!
Sorry. I've no idea how to go about writing a novel. Shit, it's been a year since I've read one, "The Stepford Wives."


Well-Known Member
Sorry. I've no idea how to go about writing a novel. Shit, it's been a year since I've read one, "The Stepford Wives."
No, I feel you! I was hoping you were Bill Gates or Stephan King! Anonymity is key in this day and age!

Don't mind Buck he's a dismal man who likes to F@#K treadmills!


Well-Known Member
Canna doesn't want to post his name and address on this site.
I don't think that's confusing.

Give us your name and address and I will pay you a visit.
Perhaps Canna should rethink his self righteous position in society if he's not willing to let people view it for themselves and reach their own conclusions. After all, anyone can claim royalty..

Perhaps he should work on being humble


Well-Known Member
Well, the real question to me is why does anyone think you can "make a living" from min. wage. You can't, nor are you suppose to.

It is entry level, or exit level. The beginning or swan song of wages. Do you think I am above going to a min. wage, job? I am not.

I am beneath staving and I have gotten help from self rule, before now.
it is now neither..that is the point..can anyone tell me what percentage of minimum wage workers are high school grads, SOME college and college grads?

hint: the answer has already been posted by yours truly in this thread and it's way MORE THAN YOU THINK:wink: