What's For Dinner Tonight?


Staff member
presentation is awesome and i love making things looks beautiful for my side business and for work , but when i cook for me i shove as much food as possible onto the plate soi can eat after a 14 hour shift LOL


Well-Known Member
Fresh caught cray mornay chips n salad! Cheese a little over grilled but I think it enhanced the flavor some...man it was good!
Oh man that looks killer .
I love fresh crays although i have never done this dish b4 .
Well done !!!!


Well-Known Member
presentation is awesome and i love making things looks beautiful for my side business and for work , but when i cook for me i shove as much food as possible onto the plate soi can eat after a 14 hour shift LOL
Ain't it the truth... lol

I did a 16.5 hour shift yesterday.... oi vey. I was so tired yesterday, I was past the point of being hungry.


Well-Known Member
Haddock and chips for dinner tonight, I uploaded pics of last night's dinner but I am on the mobile so can't post em the now as it's a mind fuk


Well-Known Member
Indonesian Chicken Sate and Vegetable Bami goreng (or if you are Malysian - mee goreng). With kroepoek (prawn crackers basically)

eet smakelijk.


Well-Known Member
Made nachos last night mmmmmmm
cooking 247.jpgcooking 248.jpg
No finished pics sorry , to baked just got it out the oven added nacho sauce , chillies , sour cream and that was that , clint 1 - nachos 0 !!!!!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
King scallops or baby monkfish tails. Hmmmm. Got a shallot, mushroom, bacon, white wine, and cream sauce to go with, maybe both?


Well-Known Member
Mango curry chicken and falafel with hummus. Been smoking a lot of weed and love middle eastern food when I smoke.

thats whats up haahh there is a halal food truck down the street from me thats middle eastern right? Bangin food, good people I don't mind throwin them a couple bucks for a big meal when I am in a hurry.