Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Or from something that wasn't once breathing, lol. A lot of the haters in that thread had a hard time grasping the true concept of "organic".
I was lazy with my last grow because my compost piles are frozen and I didn't feel like thawing some out so I had the wife pick me up some Miracle Grow soil from the store. OMFG I won't be doing that again. My plants are half the size they were in my compost mix. Lesson learned.


Well-Known Member
I was lazy with my last grow because my compost piles are frozen and I didn't feel like thawing some out so I had the wife pick me up some Miracle Grow soil from the store. OMFG I won't be doing that again. My plants are half the size they were in my compost mix. Lesson learned.
Yeah, I did that 2 cycles back whilst experimenting and am almost 100% positive that that's how I got fungus gnats.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I did that 2 cycles back whilst experimenting and am almost 100% positive that that's how I got fungus gnats.
I've read about Miracle Grow having bug issues, I keep pest strips in my grow area and haven't had any problems. Knock on wood.


Well-Known Member
My interest is peaked. Why did you almost get into a road rage fight?
[h=2]Choose Your Words[/h] [h=1]peak/ peek/ pique[/h]
Let's look at three homophones: peak, peek, and pique. Peak is a topmost point, such as a mountain peak, or to reach that point:
We're sort of at peak demand right now.
A peek is a glance or a quick look, like you do with the unwrapped Christmas presents at the bottom of your loved one's closet. It can also mean to glance or to peer at. It's frequently paired with sneak, which can lead you to use the incorrect peak:
Residents take a peek at bike and pedestrian safety plans
Yellowstone Offers Sneak Peek Of New Visitor Center
Finally, pique is to upset or excite someone. You will sometimes see peak one's interest for pique one's interest, but don't be fooled. If you're piquing someone's interest, you are exciting their interest not taking a quick look at it:
If that doesn't pique your interest, you can leave (but I'm keeping your shoes).
Here's your mnemonic device:

  • You have to reach to gain the peak.
  • If you peer at something, you are peeking.
  • And if you're piqued about something, there's usually a question in your mind about it.

Lol, sorry just fucking with ya.


Well-Known Member
Also, I went to edit my post above and add a smiley at the end, to make it more friendly and it kept saying the message I entered was too short, then it took me to the fucking captcha. Not to beat the server horse to death but, damn regina.


Well-Known Member
i go and drop off a "package" and i am behind this old jeep cherokee trying to turn against traffic onto a 4 lane road. the jeep and i are turning left into the median then on out into the lane. well the dumb blonde driving is taking her sweet time so i zip out behind them but still legal in the median/turn lane.

i motion to her to go ahead as there were no cars coming. i have a small car so she could surely see over me and see for herself traffic is clear.

anyway she just sits there so i say fuck it and buzz around them and get out in the lane when the guy in the passenger seat starts yelling and motherfucking me up one side and down the other. so i said i motioned to her the lane was clear and he keeps at it and i slam on my breaks and started to get out of the car as did he, then i remembered i had more weed and my PAX in the car. said fuck it, got back in my car and took off. she still sat there in that damn lane afraid to pull out.

i am cool and calm and all peace like but LEARN HOW TO DRIVE PPL :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
ya just gatta chill a bit more...

And then all will be better...

I once was riding with a nice woman that turned into super freak behind the wheel...

Yelling and cussing out anyone that drove 1 mph less than the limit...

It just aint worth worriyng about it I would tell her...

She didn't understand...

Fuck peeps that don't "GET IT"


Well-Known Member
Man I once lighted up a joint at some fucker yelling at me. The confusion on his eyes was priceless when I kissed goodbye and just went on :hump:


Well-Known Member
Choose Your Words

peak/ peek/ pique

Let's look at three homophones: peak, peek, and pique. Peak is a topmost point, such as a mountain peak, or to reach that point:
We're sort of at peak demand right now.
A peek is a glance or a quick look, like you do with the unwrapped Christmas presents at the bottom of your loved one's closet. It can also mean to glance or to peer at. It's frequently paired with sneak, which can lead you to use the incorrect peak:
Residents take a peek at bike and pedestrian safety plans
Yellowstone Offers Sneak Peek Of New Visitor Center
Finally, pique is to upset or excite someone. You will sometimes see peak one's interest for pique one's interest, but don't be fooled. If you're piquing someone's interest, you are exciting their interest not taking a quick look at it:
If that doesn't pique your interest, you can leave (but I'm keeping your shoes).
Here's your mnemonic device:

  • You have to reach to gain the peak.
  • If you peer at something, you are peeking.
  • And if you're piqued about something, there's usually a question in your mind about it.

Lol, sorry just fucking with ya.
Fixed it.

Grammar nazi. :lol: :wink:


Well-Known Member
i go and drop off a "package" and i am behind this old jeep cherokee trying to turn against traffic onto a 4 lane road. the jeep and i are turning left into the median then on out into the lane. well the dumb blonde driving is taking her sweet time so i zip out behind them but still legal in the median/turn lane.

i motion to her to go ahead as there were no cars coming. i have a small car so she could surely see over me and see for herself traffic is clear.

anyway she just sits there so i say fuck it and buzz around them and get out in the lane when the guy in the passenger seat starts yelling and motherfucking me up one side and down the other. so i said i motioned to her the lane was clear and he keeps at it and i slam on my breaks and started to get out of the car as did he, then i remembered i had more weed and my PAX in the car. said fuck it, got back in my car and took off. she still sat there in that damn lane afraid to pull out.

i am cool and calm and all peace like but LEARN HOW TO DRIVE PPL :eyesmoke:
You should have ran over kicked him in the shin then bounced. :lol: