"The big secret"

There were a few of the more” seasoned” oil heads over at ICMAG...
(well one in particular)

HATING on all E nails....

Claims they do not get hot enough and only produce a racy,10 minute short lived high.

Thoughts on this?
i believe that any 10-50mg dab would provide a racy short hi, thats why I do a bunch of little ones....

i stay medicated

thoughts on it...

they are stuck on combustion. Or crave that hot smoke.

ive scaled my dabs into many tiny ones vrs larger ones.

damn we're off topic here.

But i found it more flavorful and enjoyable when my lungs arent fluttering after a massive 100-300mg dab

so a bunch of little ones ,tiny, low temp/carb cap....carb cap is the only way taking these little dabs is as savory as it is.

but to answer i think they are looking for higher temp combustion.

i've found my friends who over heat their nails kinda watch the oil "dance" on the Ti and pull down more liquified bho into the water creating more globbed up and disgusting looking piece.

my rigs are all low temp small dabs and the accumulation of wasted errl in my rig is at a all time low.
There were a few of the more” seasoned” oil heads over at ICMAG...
(well one in particular)

HATING on all E nails....

Claims they do not get hot enough and only produce a racy,10 minute short lived high.

Thoughts on this?

It's ridiculous. Specifically the idea that they don't get hot enough. lol

The whole idea of a nail is to vaporize in order to enjoy the full terpene profile of their dabs, yet others are out their trying to burn their concentrates to get bland hits.

If you have fire concentrates, you should try to see how LOW of a temp you can get, not how hot you can get it.

Going out and spending $1000+ on an enail rig just so you can burn your concentrates is like going out and spending $65 for an eighth of top shelf tangie and putting it in a flavored blunt.

If you have an enail and carb cap then you can lower your temp to around 550 (550 coil temperature = ~350 temp of the nail itself). You can actually get fat rips while truly vaping. If one hit isn't enough just take two. Why are fools out there trying to burn their concentrates?

Jesus Lord.....

I was getting hated on for using an enail from this one fuck-bag over there..

I bounce back and forth with the enail back to torch and standard nail
/done..thumb as carb cap.

I will be playing with some low temps...


No worries Dan..
My Enail was free of cost.....

I'm disabled...

It has some benefits

Jesus Lord.....

I was getting hated on for using an enail from this one fuck-bag over there..

I bounce back and forth with the enail back to torch and standard nail
/done..thumb as carb cap.

I will be playing with some low temps...


No worries Dan..
My Enail was free of cost.....

I'm disabled...

It has some benefits

Paid full price for mine. Totally worth it. Haven't burned a dab since.
hah! Guess which lil shit talker got Clear to admit to adding food grade flavorings? When are they coming out with "chicken and waffles" flavored dabs?

Everything about their approach to entering the mmj industry was systematically deceptive. Making flavored hash oil and calling it "solventless" and "solventfree" is borderline criminal and outright dishonest.

and renaming bubble hash to raise prices isnt???? come on. you should have a background in chemistry and you should know that terpenes distilled from fruit are identical to terps distilled from marijuana. there is no difference from you or nikka calling bubble hash solventless and icewax . half the people who buy your product dont even realize its bubble hash. im not against full melt i actually prefer it. but i distill cannabinoids into individual cannabinoids and have the ability to make custom recipes for capsules. this is the next step in medicinal marijuana. the dosages and cannabinoid content is strain dependent and random with bubble hash and bho. distillation allows for even individual mollecules of isoprene to be isolated (mono terpenes). these terpenes in higher concentration than marijuana can provide create a synergistic effect. often times myrcene acts as a catalyst allowing cannabinoids to cross the BBB (BLOOD-BRAIN BARRIER) As well as opens cannabinoid receptors allowing for much lower dosage to be used of these precious cannabinoids and with a lack of testing on a large scale and research to prove that large dosages of a 1000mg or more have no negative effects a low dose that can do the same is much better. so why would adding these terpenes be bad???

other than stepping on your toes and taking a % of the solventless market away from you guys the clear concentrate and products like it are totally acceptable.
show me one lab test that shows anything in clear or distilled cannabinoids/terpenes could have any negative effects on the body when ingested orally.

medicine isnt smoked. Bubble hash, marijuana , bho are all recreational and are completely random in numbers. no medicine will ever be made from lighter fluid that we can both agree on but unless you can somehow isolate the terpenes before processing because once terpenes become dissolved and refluxed in non polar sovent the carbon skeleton changes and the terpene becomes a terpenoid slightly different wich much different effects on the body.

i hope one day everyone in this industry will put their egos aside and stop arguing over who should have the rights to sell the 100$ highway robbery price for a gram of home made semi educated medicine... the fact is nobody outside of a lab with a certified phd in organic chemistry should be making any sort of medicine to help people. :blsmoke::peace::peace::peace: one llove bruh
and renaming bubble hash to raise prices isnt???? come on. you should have a background in chemistry and you should know that terpenes distilled from fruit are identical to terps distilled from marijuana.

People will still cry foul at the 0.12% of PG. Ridiculous, but that will be the claim.

there is no difference from you or nikka calling bubble hash solventless and icewax . half the people who buy your product dont even realize its bubble hash. im not against full melt i actually prefer it.

That's totally true, but also a bit necessary. Everyone was calling any shitty mixed screen bubble hash made from year old trim "full melt". The words "full melt" lost all market credibility. A rebranding was necessary.

However now I'm seeing people claiming their shitty mixed old bubble hash with no melt to it is being marketed as "ice wax".

Exhibit A, this shit has no melt to it what so ever, yet it's now "ice wax":

but i distill cannabinoids into individual cannabinoids and have the ability to make custom recipes for capsules. this is the next step in medicinal marijuana.

I would love to learn how to truly isolate cbd (0%) for an Parkinson's patient. Trying to get 0% thc + high cbd, linalool, and myrcene into an oil. If you ever feel like sharing how to do this please hit me up.

i hope one day everyone in this industry will put their egos aside and stop arguing over who should have the rights to sell the 100$ highway robbery price for a gram of home made semi educated medicine...

I still think people should be honest about what they are giving people, even if it's harmless and recreational. But at a certain point if people are willing to pay $100 a gram, that's on them.

the fact is nobody outside of a lab with a certified phd in organic chemistry should be making any sort of medicine to help people.

Yet here were are. Sick people ask me for help because doctors and chemists won't take on the liability.
there are many medical uses for inhaling it over oral use..just saying

could always go get a degree too..
Terpenes are always a good discussion. The more I learn, the deeper the rabbit hole becomes.

Did ya'll know that the exact same terpene (as far as we can tell) extracted from two different spices can have a radically different smell and taste? Ostensibly because of smaller fractions residual in the oil. Stewart notes that they had identified about 150 fractions in orange oil at the time he wrote his book, and that there were still many times than many yet to go.

I have no problem with affordable designer oils any more than I have a problem with Budweiser or Gallo Tokay, because they wouldn't be there if there wasn't a market at that price. I use neither, because my own personal tastes run to nasty bocks and dark micro brews, as well as dark estate wines, but I remember back when I was poor, Gallo Tokay was right up there with scratch pizza.

It is we the consumer that will determine which products make it, by what we buy, so all we really have to do is educate everyone as to the differences, and consume what we personally prefer. A free market will shake itself out.

Mah Waya (wolf) senses make mah ears tingle, cause probably a greater danger is regulation that prevents it from being a free market. If it is regulated to only allow a few large corporate producers, we will have no premier extracts beyond what we make for ourselves. We need to press our legislators to insure that "micro producers" are left a market window to flourish in and exploit.

The fight isn't over on legalization, and you can without equivocation be absolutely sure of, is there will be a massive effort to keep all the surplus police on the dutyment and laws passed to continue to lock up brothers and sisters for violating them. Their kids, and the support staff families supported by our over crowded prison system still have to eat and pay bills, so where do you imagine their focus on average might be?

Lots of pressure and money on our elected officials, at a time that money is short supply, so keep the pressure on your elected officials to not cave in to them. Just because you are studiously avoiding politics, doesn't mean that it isn't having its way with you.

Back to the subject of the aromatic mono and sesquiterpenes, they are extracted and concentrated right along with the diterpene cannabinoids, but are more easily lost during solvent removal. Some aren't all that tasty in those concentrations, and are expectorants, making the oil harsh, so losing some isn't typically an issue.

The real issue is holding on to enough to smell and taste exactly like you want it to, which is typically where the experienced artisan part comes in. The unanswered question of course, is what do you do with those terpenes that are taken out, if you were able to save them?????

What if you were able to pick up a specific strains terpene mixture, surplus terpenes extracted from that strain, but not needed for the concentrate? Would you buy it and if so, what would you use it for besides attracting hot chicks and drug dogs in love?
Terpenes are always a good discussion. The more I learn, the deeper the rabbit hole becomes.
Indeed. Not only terpenes, but the science behind our sense of smell. It seems the the vibration of the molecule also plays a fundamental role to how the receptor identifies it.http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-21150046

I have no problem with affordable designer oils any more than I have a problem with Budweiser or Gallo Tokay, because they wouldn't be there if there wasn't a market at that price.

It is we the consumer that will determine which products make it, by what we buy, so all we really have to do is educate everyone as to the differences, and consume what we personally prefer. A free market will shake itself out.

Mah Waya (wolf) senses make mah ears tingle, cause probably a greater danger is regulation that prevents it from being a free market. If it is regulated to only allow a few large corporate producers, we will have no premier extracts beyond what we make for ourselves. We need to press our legislators to insure that "micro producers" are left a market window to flourish in and exploit.
If it is legalized, which it looks like it will be within the next 5-10 years, then why would large scale operations force out the small operations? I think they'll find their niche just like the beer industry you mentioned, and you have done your part by showing how everyone can make a top notch closed system. I assume you mean some government regulations which put the owning or operating of these facilities beyond the reach of almost everyone? I agree that we need to do what it takes to keep it in the hands of anyone who can take basic safety precautions seriously.

Back to the subject of the aromatic mono and sesquiterpenes, they are extracted and concentrated right along with the diterpene cannabinoids, but are more easily lost during solvent removal. Some aren't all that tasty in those concentrations, and are expectorants, making the oil harsh, so losing some isn't typically an issue.

The real issue is holding on to enough to smell and taste exactly like you want it to, which is typically where the experienced artisan part comes in. The unanswered question of course, is what do you do with those terpenes that are taken out, if you were able to save them?????

What if you were able to pick up a specific strains terpene mixture, surplus terpenes extracted from that strain, but not needed for the concentrate? Would you buy it and if so, what would you use it for besides attracting hot chicks and drug dogs in love?
How do you keep enough terpenes while still purging the solvent? I'd love to check out some of your creations. I hope the pharm is going to do classes this year.
As far as a product, I personally want every bit of the terpenes that were in the natural plant form to be consumed with the extract, so if putting it in the concentrate makes it harsh then I would want it in some inhalation spray, a drink, or something.
If it is legalized, which it looks like it will be within the next 5-10 years, then why would large scale operations force out the small operations? I think they'll find their niche just like the beer industry you mentioned, and you have done your part by showing how everyone can make a top notch closed system. I assume you mean some government regulations which put the owning or operating of these facilities beyond the reach of almost everyone? I agree that we need to do what it takes to keep it in the hands of anyone who can take basic safety precautions seriously.

Those talented small scale growers will end up working for the larger companies. I don't think the whole independent grower concept will last long.

Retail businesses control the market. Right now small scale growers can participate in the market because most of those retail businesses are extremely disorganized. In the long run those disorganized retail shops will get bought up by organized retail shops who will grow their own products rather than buy it from small scale growers. It's a matter of economics.

Retail businesses control the market simply because only a relatively small number of them exist. They are heavily regulated and only a few are permitted. In a few cities such as LA and SF we've seen what happens when a free market situation is allowed to develop. If left up to a free market situation you end up with a dispensary on every corner. However in just about every situation where it's occurred the result has been a crack down on the number of dispensaries tolerated.

When ever you limit the number of dispensaries the result is those retailers gain greater, if not total control over the market. When one of those dispensaries is organized the tendency is for them to grow their own bud, because it's more profitable to do so. Why pay a grower $2800 a pound when you can just produce your own pound for under $1000? The smart retail outlets will simply hire their own master growers and put them on salary.

It's a reality that's starting to come into place now. It's all about the limitations put on the numbers of retail outlets cities will tolerate.
Those talented small scale growers will end up working for the larger companies. I don't think the whole independent grower concept will last long.

Retail businesses control the market. Right now small scale growers can participate in the market because most of those retail businesses are extremely disorganized. In the long run those disorganized retail shops will get bought up by organized retail shops who will grow their own products rather than buy it from small scale growers. It's a matter of economics.

Retail businesses control the market simply because only a relatively small number of them exist. They are heavily regulated and only a few are permitted. In a few cities such as LA and SF we've seen what happens when a free market situation is allowed to develop. If left up to a free market situation you end up with a dispensary on every corner. However in just about every situation where it's occurred the result has been a crack down on the number of dispensaries tolerated.

When ever you limit the number of dispensaries the result is those retailers gain greater, if not total control over the market. When one of those dispensaries is organized the tendency is for them to grow their own bud, because it's more profitable to do so. Why pay a grower $2800 a pound when you can just produce your own pound for under $1000? The smart retail outlets will simply hire their own master growers and put them on salary.

It's a reality that's starting to come into place now. It's all about the limitations put on the numbers of retail outlets cities will tolerate.

this is true....
Terpenes are always a good discussion. The more I learn, the deeper the rabbit hole becomes.

Did ya'll know that the exact same terpene (as far as we can tell) extracted from two different spices can have a radically different smell and taste? Ostensibly because of smaller fractions residual in the oil. Stewart notes that they had identified about 150 fractions in orange oil at the time he wrote his book, and that there were still many times than many yet to go.

hemiterpenes are single units of isoprene and no matter what plant has it these types of terpenes will smell the same. in fact mono terpenes (two isoprene units) like limonene and terpineol will also always smell and taste the same because their carbon skellitons are identical. i can see sesquaterpenes and
polyterpenes with double bonds and even norisoprenoids could smell and taste different becuse they have long chains of individual isoprene units this would explain the residual oils. but none of that would be relevant if distilled. isoprene is isoprene and if u were to distill limonene insead of cold pressing it from oranges and distilled it from marijuana even a very good lab would have a hard time telling them apart. there are way more than 150 diff terpenes in marijuana myrcene is my favorite tho. it has a synergistic affect on cannabinoids it lets cannabinoids cross the blood brain barrier meaning small small doses have huge impact on the bodys endocannabinoid system.
People will still cry foul at the 0.12% of PG. Ridiculous, but that will be the claim.

proplyene glycol has been in every asthma and copd inhaler since the 50's . its basically a hygroscopic liquid.
in general, glycols are non-corrosive, have very low volatility and very low toxicity .
ethylene glycol is probably the only corrosive poisonous glycol to humans and animals.

"Propylene glycol is considered generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and it is used as an humectant (E1520), solvent, and preservative in food and for tobacco products, as well as being one of the major ingredients of the "e-liquid" used in electronic cigarettes along with vegetable glycerin. It is also used in pharmaceutical and personal care products.[SUP][4][/SUP] Propylene glycol is a solvent in many pharmaceuticals, including oral, injectable and topical formulations, such as for diazepam and lorazepam that are insoluble in water, use propylene glycol as a solvent in their clinical, injectable forms.[SUP][7]" - WIKIPEDIA information on PG[/SUP]

I would love to learn how to truly isolate cbd (0%) for an Parkinson's patient. Trying to get 0% thc + high cbd, linalool, and myrcene into an oil. If you ever feel like sharing how to do this please hit me up.

its easier than you would think..... you would want to take harlequin or acdc/cannatonic high cbd strains and pick them before the trichromes cloud up preserving more of the cbd acids. then you would want to soak in an organic solvent that has a higher boiling point than cbd like limonene. limonene is non polar and wont boil out at the temps needed for cbd. actually limonene boils at 350 degrees while thc burns from 315-325 cbd from 320-350 with no vac. at 29.9 hg the heat required will be much less due to the atmospheric pressure being removed (vacuum). you distill it just like alcohol. exactly the same. temperatures are the key. once it starts to yield and u see oil condensing in your flask keep the heat at that temp. also u want to smell and taste it. if it tastes like limonene your too hot. since cbd boiling point almost reaches that of limonene you can tune your temps by raising it slowly until you get limonene distilled into your cbd. you can find the right temps based off that. and u can always re distill the limonene out! very simple. when i distill for capsules i actually want some of the limonene to be distilled into the mix. i add myrcene alpha pinene, beta pinene, carotine, phytols and a few other terpenes. all have individual medical qualities on their own but when you combine them with the ability to control strict % of each. you can create custom recipes for individuals with different diseases. cancer would need 1:1 ratio thc/cbd with more antioxidant terpenes and epilepsy would benefit from a fractional percentage of thc with high cbd and terpenes like myrcene that affect the blood brain barrier and brain more effectively (epilepsy is triggered by the part of the brain where cbd1 receptors are highest) so adding myrcene would allow more cbd absorbtion with lower dose. its really cool how it all works. its horrible that people like me and friends of mine who do the same thing get slandered by all of these hash makers who have no real arguement other than some marketing schemes. isolation of cannabinoids and the ability to break down even single isomers (the building blocks of terpenes and cannabinoids) is the future of cannabis medicine.. imagine what can be done when we can smash atoms and start combining isomers in ways nature hasnt for the cannabis plant. we could genetically engineer 75% cbd strains if the government wasnt treating marijuana as schedule 1 narcotics more illegal than cocaine meth and heroin combined according to the DEA.

basically get a 1000ml vacuum/fractional distillation glassware kit. soa
Indeed. Not only terpenes, but the science behind our sense of smell. It seems the the vibration of the molecule also plays a fundamental role to how the receptor identifies it.http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-21150046

If it is legalized, which it looks like it will be within the next 5-10 years, then why would large scale operations force out the small operations? I think they'll find their niche just like the beer industry you mentioned, and you have done your part by showing how everyone can make a top notch closed system. I assume you mean some government regulations which put the owning or operating of these facilities beyond the reach of almost everyone? I agree that we need to do what it takes to keep it in the hands of anyone who can take basic safety precautions seriously.

How do you keep enough terpenes while still purging the solvent? I'd love to check out some of your creations. I hope the pharm is going to do classes this year.
As far as a product, I personally want every bit of the terpenes that were in the natural plant form to be consumed with the extract, so if putting it in the concentrate makes it harsh then I would want it in some inhalation spray, a drink, or something.

Large scale operations force out small scale operations by pricing and regulation. They can make a less sophisticated product cheaper due to scale and cheaper processes and afford lobbyist. Only your legislator stands between you and regulations that you won't like, cause folks are spending millions to have their way with us.

Keeping the terpenes starts with choice of solvents. A solvent that is easy to get rid of, serves our purpose better than those higher boiling point solvents that take the terpenes with them as they leave.

Retaining them during purge is where the artisan part comes in, and the way I do it, is place a thin film of it in a 115F vacuum oven at -29.5" Hg. That is hot enough for the bubbles to readily escape and low enough vacuum so as to not boil off the diterpene cannabinoids. In my experience, it removes the solvent about as fast as you can and still retain the majority of the monoterpenes.

As soon as I no longer see solvent bubbles, I cease and let it air and cool at ambient.

The starting half of the equasion of course, is that the terpenes must be present to extract them, and as they are all alcohols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, esters, or carboxylic acids, with a high vapor pressure, they leave with the water as the plant drys.

We like to extract on about the 7th day of drying in a cool dry place, about when the small stems snap, though others report better terpene retention by drying under controlled atmosphere and temperature conditions for a longer period.

Yah, I started out wanting it all, but scaled back during actual testing. Some of the terpenes in concentration, like a-Pinene for instance, can actually induce Ashma attacks.
Retail businesses control the market simply because only a relatively small number of them exist. They are heavily regulated and only a few are permitted. In a few cities such as LA and SF we've seen what happens when a free market situation is allowed to develop. If left up to a free market situation you end up with a dispensary on every corner. However in just about every situation where it's occurred the result has been a crack down on the number of dispensaries tolerated.
It's a reality that's starting to come into place now. It's all about the limitations put on the numbers of retail outlets cities will tolerate.
I personally have a very laissez-faire attitude towards it. I wish the government took the same position. “One on every corner” you mean like Starbucks ;). It’s a perfect example of demand being much higher than one would logically conceive. When you crack down on the dispensaries they just turn into delivery only operations.
Why pay a grower $2800 a pound when you can just produce your own pound for under $1000? The smart retail outlets will simply hire their own master growers and put them on salary.
If you are a grower that is good at what you do then would you accept significantly less money in form of a salary from a retail operation, or would you just grow and then sell to the club? So there is no incentive for growers to become salaried workers, it took a law for Colorado to do so. Their distribution system is causing higher than normal pricing because more growers cannot come on line to satisfy demand. Retailers will plant more next season only to be shocked again by the change in demand. I also think your underestimating the work involved with growing. It’s a huge challenge to produce a large crop of clean pharmaceutical grade cannabis without spending a lot of time and money on it. You would still need trimmers, and although there will be a concerted effort to improve trimming machines they probably will not come up with a solid design for a very long time. So in short it takes time, logistics, and capital, all things that are of greater risk and distractions from the core business of reselling cannabis. Why doesn’t Starbuck own every coffee farm? Same reasons.

Large scale operations force out small scale operations by pricing and regulation. They can make a less sophisticated product cheaper due to scale and cheaper processes and afford lobbyist. Only your legislator stands between you and regulations that you won't like, cause folks are spending millions to have their way with us.
I don't count on my legislators for anything let alone to shield me from the dangers of a free market. The market will no doubt cause stresses to some novice growers who have got into this game without the experience needed, but for most this is going to be a golden opportunity. You see there is no established market for cannabis strains, and they have not been conformed to the demands of a free market. There is Macintosh, Fuji, Granny Smith apples to list a few, but there are probably thousands of cannabis strains that are available. It's going to take a decade or more for the free market to whittle down those thousand strains to maybe less than 20, and in that time big companies will only buy smaller companies that have a market proven product. Some will no doubt find a niche market and their prices will remain high because like the genetic variability of apple trees they can only produce a consistent product if cloned. So what I envision is a bifurcation of the market. Large scale producers will head to California’s central valley where they will produce cheap machine trimmed flowers, concentrates, etc. Their buds will be lacking terpenes with a very sativa airy structure and their concentrates will be infused with added terpenes/flavors. We’ll calls this group the “Gallo’s” or the “two buck chucks”, and just like the wine market others will move to the Napa valley and produce top notch buds and concentrates and will fetch a high price point because of this. Climate is a big issue and you cannot grow the same quality from the Central valley as Napa valley, and you certainly aren’t getting the same quality if it’s mass produced.
Did ya'll know that the exact same terpene (as far as we can tell) extracted from two different spices can have a radically different smell and taste? Ostensibly because of smaller fractions residual in the oil. Stewart notes that they had identified about 150 fractions in orange oil at the time he wrote his book, and that there were still many times than many yet to go.

And easy experiment anyone can do...

Go get two of the same edibles.

Go eat a piece of fresh mango (high myrcene) then eat edible #1. Notice the effects.

Then the next day eat twice as many dried mangos (still high in myrcene) then eat edible #2 and notice the lack of effects.

Both are mangos, both are high in myrcene, yet it's only effective when the mangos are fresh.
its easier than you would think..... you would want to take harlequin or acdc/cannatonic high cbd strains and pick them before the trichromes cloud up preserving more of the cbd acids. then you would want to soak in an organic solvent that has a higher boiling point than cbd like limonene. limonene is non polar and wont boil out at the temps needed for cbd. actually limonene boils at 350 degrees while thc burns from 315-325 cbd from 320-350 with no vac. at 29.9 hg the heat required will be much less due to the atmospheric pressure being removed (vacuum). you distill it just like alcohol. exactly the same. temperatures are the key. once it starts to yield and u see oil condensing in your flask keep the heat at that temp. also u want to smell and taste it. if it tastes like limonene your too hot. since cbd boiling point almost reaches that of limonene you can tune your temps by raising it slowly until you get limonene distilled into your cbd. you can find the right temps based off that. and u can always re distill the limonene out! very simple. when i distill for capsules i actually want some of the limonene to be distilled into the mix. i add myrcene alpha pinene, beta pinene, carotine, phytols and a few other terpenes. all have individual medical qualities on their own but when you combine them with the ability to control strict % of each. you can create custom recipes for individuals with different diseases. cancer would need 1:1 ratio thc/cbd with more antioxidant terpenes and epilepsy would benefit from a fractional percentage of thc with high cbd and terpenes like myrcene that affect the blood brain barrier and brain more effectively (epilepsy is triggered by the part of the brain where cbd1 receptors are highest) so adding myrcene would allow more cbd absorbtion with lower dose. its really cool how it all works. its horrible that people like me and friends of mine who do the same thing get slandered by all of these hash makers who have no real arguement other than some marketing schemes. isolation of cannabinoids and the ability to break down even single isomers (the building blocks of terpenes and cannabinoids) is the future of cannabis medicine.. imagine what can be done when we can smash atoms and start combining isomers in ways nature hasnt for the cannabis plant. we could genetically engineer 75% cbd strains if the government wasnt treating marijuana as schedule 1 narcotics more illegal than cocaine meth and heroin combined according to the DEA.

basically get a 1000ml vacuum/fractional distillation glassware kit. soa

That's amazing. Thanks.
I personally have a very laissez-faire attitude towards it. I wish the government took the same position. “One on every corner” you mean like Starbucks ;). It’s a perfect example of demand being much higher than one would logically conceive. When you crack down on the dispensaries they just turn into delivery only operations.

I have mixed feelings about it due to my experience in the industry. I think there should be a dispensary on every corner. It's good for everyone. Free market competition, lower prices, higher quality, less control over the business by retailers, etc. All these things come with allowing the free market to pick the winners and losers.

On paper it sounds great. However the reality is a lot more ugly. With an unregulated system of dispensaries that are all tolerated but not legally permitted my experience has shown me is that what that leads to is a system where total dirtbags thrive while honest people get screwed. It filters out all the people who want to play by the rules and rewards those who break the rules. More often than not those people who are willing to break those rules are also willing to steal from vendors, lie to patients, sell bullshit products, and generally be scumbags.

What we really need are well regulated permitted dispensaries on every corner. However counties and cities refuse to do that so we don't get that. That leaves us with two options. A very small number of well regulated permit dispensaries (not anywhere near enough to satisfy market demands) or a free for all system that is dominated by total dirt bags. Neither of the two realistic options are very appealing.

If you are a grower that is good at what you do then would you accept significantly less money in form of a salary from a retail operation, or would you just grow and then sell to the club?So there is no incentive for growers to become salaried workers, it took a law for Colorado to do so.

That's assuming growers are the ones who are going to get to make that decision. That's not how it's playing out. Retailers get the decision. Retailers can make more money just selling a lower quality product.

Many of the growers who really are that good already own dispensaries. And many talented growers simply aren't good at business. They may be able to grow amazing bud, but they aren't getting rich off of it. A lot of them would be satisfied working for salary knowing they never had to worry about where their next pay check was coming from. It also eliminates the huge expenses, liabilities, and risks that come with large scale growing. There are a lot of growers out there that aren't trying to get rich, they just want to grow ganja for a living and don't care about the money as long as they are paid enough to be comfortable.

I also think your underestimating the work involved with growing. It’s a huge challenge to produce a large crop of clean pharmaceutical grade cannabis without spending a lot of time and money on it. You would still need trimmers, and although there will be a concerted effort to improve trimming machines they probably will not come up with a solid design for a very long time. So in short it takes time, logistics, and capital, all things that are of greater risk and distractions from the core business of reselling cannabis. Why doesn’t Starbuck own every coffee farm? Same reasons.

Dispensaries generally have better infrastructure and financing to handle these issues.

There is money in it, so it's happening. That simple. Even in California which has an unregulated market that's the direction it's going.