The Insidious Effect of Political Correctness by Dr. Ben Carson

I am waiting for my question regarding my use of the Tyrannical dictator designation in the other thread.

And Buck you are the search master of supreme skills
Oh well, you got me. Ouch.
However, in your utter and sheer display of hysterical desperation, you fail to recognize the bare and simple fact that Obama now has a record and history in office. These are the grounds upon which I now criticize him.

Dr. Carson has never held elected office.
He was busy saving lives.
What did Obama do in his past again?
Remind me please?

Then the heart of this is that politicians pasts are fair game but doctors - WHO POST POLITICAL OPINIONS, are not? To be truthful, I don't care what this writer did in his past. I do my best to deal with what is said in the present. Carson's snide hit piece is so full of characteristic authoritarian rehetoric that it took me two days to disassemble it. It contains classic elements of straw man, projection, motivated reasoning and parroting. What I thought most interesting was the person who posted the piece and his blind devotion to it. Hence it was an authoritarian parroting an authoritarian's parroting. Sorry, I just don't see any real value in such a continuation of such a lack of examination. That is why I am so frustrated with Uncle Ben, he refuses to come out and play, rather he plants these little convolutions of logic and professes that these folks "speak" for him.
Then the heart of this is that politicians pasts are fair game but doctors - WHO POST POLITICAL OPINIONS, are not? To be truthful, I don't care what this writer did in his past. I do my best to deal with what is said in the present. Carson's snide hit piece is so full of characteristic authoritarian rehetoric that it took me two days to disassemble it. It contains classic elements of straw man, projection, motivated reasoning and parroting. What I thought most interesting was the person who posted the piece and his blind devotion to it. Hence it was an authoritarian parroting an authoritarian's parroting. Sorry, I just don't see any real value in such a continuation of such a lack of examination. That is why I am so frustrated with Uncle Ben, he refuses to come out and play, rather he plants these little convolutions of logic and professes that these folks "speak" for him.

But, kind Sir I am not Uncle Ben, and it was not my thread.
Far be it from me to defend the other UB.

You, Canndo, need to recognize the difference between youthful transgressions and those of an Adult.
B. Obama made adult choices which I criticized. I could care less about his choom gang misadventures.
Buck criticizes Ben Carson the kid, as you also seem wont to do.
Look Bucky, Mr. Canndo is indeed serious, as opposed to your shrill and infantile prattle.

It is true that I did indeed, prejudge Obama based upon many of the things I read about him prior to the 2008 election.
I concluded at that time that this was not a human being I could support in any way shape or form.
I willingly admit that it was not only his repugnant ideology which turned me off, it was his associations as an adult with people I would consider loathsome at best.
Now in contrast, Dr. Carson's misbehavior and moral turpitude were things of his youth which he apparently grew out of.
The past behavior of Obama's I found to be unsettling were all after his having attained the age of majority.
See the difference?

mmmmmmmmmmm... ok, maybe. firstly, I just don't know what this Carson fella did in his early adulthood. I also know that Obama was pilloried for even being BORN, in his past. That is, unless he lied about where he was born as an adult. He was also denegrated for having smoke pot (not here of course) - as a teen.

But if we want to talk about the "past" then we must look at the formation of character which does occur even before if not mostly before adulthood. Was Romney's guiding a blind man into a closed door or pantsing a gay fella in college in his "past"? or should we use that to judge his character? I figure if a kid tortures flies, then lizards and then cats, then his moral judgement may forever after be suspect. Is this Carson's sort of adolescent history? I don't know.

And as I said, I really don't care. His past actions have no relation to what he published. His present actions do and they are the ones I take issue with.
But, kind Sir I am not Uncle Ben, and it was not my thread.
Far be it from me to defend the other UB.

You, Canndo, need to recognize the difference between youthful transgressions and those of an Adult.
B. Obama made adult choices which I criticized. I could care less about his choom gang misadventures.
Buck criticizes Ben Carson the kid, as you also seem wont to do.

My mistake was to include you in a post to Ben. the first line was his, the second directed to you.

I don't know if I can recognize "youthful" transgressions if those stray from cow tipping, shop lifting and the like into assault and battery. But then, now I get into the same problem of judging that which I do not know. People do change. But I DO know the propensities of conservative authoritarians. While we are not sure how this characteristic is formed, we can see it in early childhood. It is fairly obvious that this man is indeed a conservative authoritarian. His being so makes it nearly impossible to bring an original viewpoint to bear on any moral or now at least, political subject.

He is using his being a doctor as an argument from authority, an authority that he does not even qualify in his statement. He is also using his race as an argument in authority even though he would be loath to accept such argument from any one else. I know, unfortunately, that even bringing this up puts us on a precipice where I would rather not be, but I will not back down in spite of the danger.

same damn thread.
Wow I must be really high because you will find no criticism of the choom gang from me.
That post clearly refers to your highly predictable knee jerk response to any referral to the big O's choom gang days.
Your desperation is ratcheting up beyond that of which a mere mortal should be capable!
You are Super Bucky!
it doesn't matter who ben carson the THUG from INNER CITY DETROIT tried to MURDER as a teen.

and it's not important that ben carson was a WELFARE BABY or AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PRODUCT as an adult.

but bill ayers, jermiah wright, the choom gang, and even the president's birth in hawaii (read: KENYA!) are all fair play.
That post clearly refers to your highly predictable knee jerk response to any referral to the big O's choom gang days.

so you're willing to put obama's YOUTHFUL TRANSGRESSIONS that had to do with SMOKING POT into play, but we're not allowed to talk about ben carson's THUGGISH ATTEMPTED MURDER and put that into play?

quick, go find a copy and paste, baboon.
My mistake was to include you in a post to Ben. the first line was his, the second directed to you.

I don't know if I can recognize "youthful" transgressions if those stray from cow tipping, shop lifting and the like into assault and battery. But then, now I get into the same problem of judging that which I do not know. People do change. But I DO know the propensities of conservative authoritarians. While we are not sure how this characteristic is formed, we can see it in early childhood. It is fairly obvious that this man is indeed a conservative authoritarian. His being so makes it nearly impossible to bring an original viewpoint to bear on any moral or now at least, political subject.

He is using his being a doctor as an argument from authority, an authority that he does not even qualify in his statement. He is also using his race as an argument in authority even though he would be loath to accept such argument from any one else. I know, unfortunately, that even bringing this up puts us on a precipice where I would rather not be, but I will not back down in spite of the danger.

Interesting and substantive reflection and expression of your thoughts.
I largely disagree with your POV, but I hope that the gentle readers of this forum can observe your civility and pleasant demeanor and interaction with those with whom you disagree.
You make some valid points, a couple of which, I may have to grudgingly concur with.
I am largely blinded by my personal preference of the ideology expressed by Dr. Carson.
It will be fascinating to see if he decides to run for office.
My hunch is that he will.
We shall see.
Interesting and substantive reflection and expression of your thoughts.
I largely disagree with your POV, but I hope that the gentle readers of this forum can observe your civility and pleasant demeanor and interaction with those with whom you disagree.
You make some valid points, a couple of which, I may have to grudgingly concur with.
I am largely blinded by my personal preference of the ideology expressed by Dr. Carson.
It will be fascinating to see if he decides to run for office.
My hunch is that he will.
We shall see.

you are deluded.

ben carson running for president is as likely as the heartland institute being validated in their pro-smoking, AGW denial stance.

the party will not nominate a THUG from INNER CITY DETROIT with a violent temper and anger problem.

ANGRY BLACK MAN is not a successful political figure, ever.
you are deluded.

ben carson running for president is as likely as the heartland institute being validated in their pro-smoking, AGW denial stance.

the party will not nominate a THUG from INNER CITY DETROIT with a violent temper and anger problem.

ANGRY BLACK MAN is not a successful political figure, ever.

Buck your venom and bile is overflowing into what is left of your brain.
As if you could possibly contend with any certitude that Obama is even half-way competent... you would be doing so.
Defending the indefensible has rendered you even more goofy than is usually the case.
You are a funny fella.
Look at what Obama has accomplished.
Jimmy Carter at least is happy with this pathetic failure of a POTUS.
Are you happy with this Administration?
Buck your venom and bile is overflowing into what is left of your brain.
As if you could possibly contend with any certitude that Obama is even half-way competent... you would be doing so.
Defending the indefensible has rendered you even more goofy than is usually the case.
You are a funny fella.
Look at what Obama has accomplished.
Jimmy Carter at least is happy with this pathetic failure of a POTUS.
Are you happy with this Administration?

weren't you baboons spewing the same nonsense before obama got reelected in yet another electoral landslide?


yep, you sure were. and i have the (lol) copy and pastes from you to prove it.

Obama and Palin will surely criss-cross in the polls...unless he can develop some basic leadership skills and moderate his looney unpalatable policies.:mrgreen:

Man Up, Obama, or Make Way for President Palin:

Feb. 12 (Bloomberg) -- President Barack Obama is starting to look like the second coming of Jimmy Carter. If he’s going to avoid that fate, the president had better take radical action -- and fast.
That means doing more than offering belated talk about jobs, or waging ineffectual on-again, off-again bank warfare. What, after all, is the point of bashing Wall Street only to then blow bonus kisses to JPMorgan Chase & Co. chief Jamie Dimon and Goldman Sachs Group Inc. head Lloyd Blankfein?
Obama needs to ditch his professorial, community-organizer mien and start cracking some heads. Unless, that is, he is intent on paving the way for a Palin presidency in 2013.

nice job, waffle.

This is the inevitable outcome of electing a megalomaniacal ideologue.
The MSM was so throughly mesmerized by this inexperienced community organizer that they failed to do their job in scrutinizing this deeply flawed candidate.

He still has time to salvage his flaming trainwreck of an administration by moderating his radical policies.
He seems not inclined to do so.
Oh well, he will at least make Jimmy Carter look like a genius and a successful President.
I just hope he does not destroy my country in the interim.

We will all see how this plays out.:bigjoint:

at least that wasn't a copy and paste, although no less retarded than your current agenda driven rhetoric.

Yes Sir
Wow I can't wait to dig into a nice steaming plate of stagflation!
Just like Jimmah made it!

still waiting on that stagflation, oh master of predictions that NEVER come true.

That was quite a performance last night.
Obama now wants to double down on his most misguided policies.
Yikes, he has NO clue.
He inhabits a dreamworld of his own construct...disconnected, aloof, arrogant and defiant!
He will surely burnish GWBs legacy, and make Jimmy Carter look good in comparison.
A disaster in the making.

you just can' help yourself from repeating the talking points. too easily duped, you are.

I think the real question could she (Palin) possibly be worse than this feckless, flailing, indecisive, inexperienced narcissist currently bumbling everything he touches?
Great Asian trip Mr. Pres...good job.
What a disaster!

Obama is making Jimmy Carter look good.

But it is Palin who is the dummy???

i can keep going with these.

As far as I am concerned, Paul is by far the best candidate in the race thus far. I have major differences with him in a few areas, however on balance, freedom is the overriding consideration.
There is a full year remaining to spread the word!

not sure why this came up, but very interesting how you make such nasty and personal judgments on the president without EVER naming an actual policy position (strike 1), the way you derisively sneer at him as a "community organizer" in the same way a stormfront member would (strike 2), and now your support for the most racist figure in american politics (strike three) tells us everything we need to know about why YOU hate the president so much.

it's skin deep.
Interesting and substantive reflection and expression of your thoughts.
I largely disagree with your POV, but I hope that the gentle readers of this forum can observe your civility and pleasant demeanor and interaction with those with whom you disagree.
You make some valid points, a couple of which, I may have to grudgingly concur with.
I am largely blinded by my personal preference of the ideology expressed by Dr. Carson.
It will be fascinating to see if he decides to run for office.
My hunch is that he will.
We shall see.

While I do not know if you are a conservative authoritarian, I do know that it is nearly impossible for a conservative authoritarian to acknowledge certain aspects of what I am saying. There are certain inherent traits in authoritarians on the conservative side that make their comprehension of their own belief system nearly impossible. I know this may sound condescending but it has been shown to one extent or another in over 88 research studies. So many that a notational language has arisen around those personality traits characteristic of conservatives (and liberals of course). At a certain point, when one begins to comprehend the results of these studies and also sees the effects of comprehensive PR campaigns aimed at controling opinion. The chain mail posts of the likes of this person become transparent.

I don't doubt you disagree with my point of view, partly of course because I consistently fail to describe it properly and partly becaause you seem to, perhaps, agree with Carson's assessment.

I urge you to read his piece several times with an eye toward repetition. Conservatives are drawn toward reading what they already agree with. They depend upon constant confirmation that what their beliefs are shared by others. that is why you will see far fewer of these sorts of chainmail "opinions" emanating from the left. That is why you will see them spread so quickly and penetrate the mindset of conservatives so completely.
Buck your venom and bile is overflowing into what is left of your brain.
As if you could possibly contend with any certitude that Obama is even half-way competent... you would be doing so.
Defending the indefensible has rendered you even more goofy than is usually the case.
You are a funny fella.
Look at what Obama has accomplished.
Jimmy Carter at least is happy with this pathetic failure of a POTUS.
Are you happy with this Administration?

This Obama talk is curious stuff.

Want to look at it? (im having my lunch cigar after having arranged to purchase a quarter pig in the morning - I get the head!).

So, what are you complaints about Obama? Is it that what he has done is not what you would have wanted? Is it that he didn't keep his promises? Is it that he accepted openly all of the expanded presidential powers handed to him by the previous administration and increased them still further? Are you upset, in other words that he is running along the same continum that was started in Modern America by Reagan and perpetuated by Dick Cheney?

See, the problem with those who so hate Obama that he can do nothing right is that they claim that he didn't do as he promised, even though those who hate him never ever WANTED him to do as he promised. One of the purported reasons they didn't vote for him is because of his promises. All the while, incidentaly, claiming that he never Could keep them "hows that hopey changie thing working out for yah?".

Don't think he is a good leader? Valid point, but that really is never what the game was about now was it? It was not "is this candidate or that candidate a 'good' leader" it was about who among those running would make "the best" leader. So, knowing what you know about Mccaine, would he have been a better leader than Obama during the first four of the most miserable years in the last 70 or so? And knowing what we do (admittedly far less) about Romney, would Romney have been superior to Obama as a leader? especially given all of the internatinal difficulties now confronting us as a nation.

Or could it be that you don't agree with his signature legislation, the ACA? Admit that he accomplished something quite extraordinary in this country, No president before him managed such a thing, good or bad as the results may be.

Another thing is that he, among all others has managed to break the color barrier to the Whitehouse. Fault him for his methods, fault him for his failures but you can not say that he is not, in several ways, very sucessful.

Or is it something else about Obama?
Oh, and one more thing. About Jimmy Carter. Another curious dilemma presents itself. It is the right's contention that character, morality and religiosity plays a large part in their decision to admire a man and agree with his presidential motivations. But for some reason they point at a man who's presidency was one of the most moral on record. He was embroiled in only the most minor moral scuffles. As opposed even to Reagan with his hostage recovery timing, and iran contra. Recall that the right pointed to character constatnly during the Clinton years - constantly. "character and morality makes the president what he is" was the refrain. Yet the right now points to this moral man as the poster child of poor presidents. while usually simply ignoring Nixon all together.

Strange, don't you think?
So, what are you complaints about Obama?

the fact that we even have to ask, after all the vitriol and thesaurus humping complaints of his, is very telling.

it's one thing to list policy positions with which you disagree. it is another thing altogether to just angrily shout pernicious babble all day long without ever telling us what for, which is what waffle does.
Buck's pissed a black right supremacist is doing better than himself. Isn't envy against the Torah? I think the Torah teaches we should accept our brothers and sisters. We don't want our friend to become like Miriam and get a skin disease and be shut out of the camp for 7 days. Making false talk about a fellow brother or sister only leads to personal suffering.
Buck's pissed a black right supremacist is doing better than himself. Isn't envy against the Torah? I think the Torah teaches we should accept our brothers and sisters. We don't want our friend to become like Miriam and get a skin disease and be shut out of the camp for 7 days. Making false talk about a fellow brother or sister only leads to personal suffering.

so all of a sudden you're a fan of INNER CITY DETROIT THUGS?