Well-Known Member
I am waiting for my question regarding my use of the Tyrannical dictator designation in the other thread.
And Buck you are the search master of supreme skills
Oh well, you got me. Ouch.
However, in your utter and sheer display of hysterical desperation, you fail to recognize the bare and simple fact that Obama now has a record and history in office. These are the grounds upon which I now criticize him.
Dr. Carson has never held elected office.
He was busy saving lives.
What did Obama do in his past again?
Remind me please?
Then the heart of this is that politicians pasts are fair game but doctors - WHO POST POLITICAL OPINIONS, are not? To be truthful, I don't care what this writer did in his past. I do my best to deal with what is said in the present. Carson's snide hit piece is so full of characteristic authoritarian rehetoric that it took me two days to disassemble it. It contains classic elements of straw man, projection, motivated reasoning and parroting. What I thought most interesting was the person who posted the piece and his blind devotion to it. Hence it was an authoritarian parroting an authoritarian's parroting. Sorry, I just don't see any real value in such a continuation of such a lack of examination. That is why I am so frustrated with Uncle Ben, he refuses to come out and play, rather he plants these little convolutions of logic and professes that these folks "speak" for him.