New And Updated Rollitup

This shows how Im trying to clean the forum home page up. trying to seek I can use HTW (hack the Web) addon can be used with Stylish to save the style changes. See cleaned up the mes that was on the right side. Next I want to stretch the page over then change the site background color and then the section colors so they are easier to seperate and easier on the eyes.
Church the tool is pretty cool hadnt used that one before. Your changes do make it a lot better now just gotta change the colors dump this white background garbage and then remove the junk at the forum home page to the right....Gotta figure this editor out somemore lol
Hey Fletch, add this into Church's code, should accomplish what you're trying to do if I understand correctly:

div.sharePage, div.shareControl, div.infoblock .sharePage, div .visitorPanel, div.staffOnline, div.membersOnline, div#xeno_social, div#boardStats {display:none;}

to kill the sidebar and bring main container all the way over add:
div.sidebar {width:0;display:none}
div.mainContent {margin-right: 0}
I'll look into this for u now.

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Thanks, one other thing that might be relevant. When I was having problems uploading, I tried turning off the "Use the Flash-based uploader to upload attachments" option. Then I went back in and turned it on again, but it didn't come back from about then on in, that is the upload from the computer option was still not there, even after turning it back on. Maybe the flag isn't getting reset for that option...?
Anyone find anyway to turn the thread tracking it says like so and so is viewing 'New Grows" for last 5 minutes.....Dislike this stalker mode has to go
Anyone find anyway to turn the thread tracking it says like so and so is viewing 'New Grows" for last 5 minutes.....Dislike this stalker mode has to go
Take it to another thread please, do not hijack this one.

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The thread start date that appears directly after the name of the initial poster is real faint. don't know if it's my pc but it would be nice if it was more legible.

Is there a chart that correlates the "well-known member" "active member" titles to something like post count?

Do admin/mods have ability or permission to read personal conversations?
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Huh? This thread is about new updates to the site isnt it...Hold on let me look again...thats what it says sooo Im asking about the new site and if things can be done not sure how discussing the topic is hijacking the thread lol
Ok, thanks Sunni. Also, the Frenchy hash thread is down to 175 pages, it was at 334 before the switch. Were the other pages lost or was the thread compressed into fewer pages? I was reading it before I got blocked and the last page (174 or 175) is what I remember reading