New And Updated Rollitup

I still can't post imagess. I could this morning suddenly getting the same error as when the site came up on PC and android. Please confirm this is a glitch and how to fix so I can update...

It seems to upload then nothing happens. Before it uploaded then appeared..
I still can't post imagess. I could this morning suddenly getting the same error as when the site came up on PC and android. Please confirm this is a glitch and how to fix so I can update...

It seems to upload then nothing happens. Before it uploaded then appeared..
Im having the same problem and no mod has given me an answer.
i believe admin mightve said its being looked into but this thread is moving fast! ,however you guys posted here, so admin will see it
mods, cant do anything for you guys in this position, wed like to help but we dont deal witht he coding, we just delete spam, or help users in the right direction
Hello Admin/RIU, I see there was an old post about our photo albums being brought back. Any update on that? I had a lot of pics uploaded to vbulletin....thanks for any update, apologies if this has already been covered.
slainte, DST
So are we going to get an option for the forum to be at 100% screen size, or is this a drive to force people to buy the mobile app?
Reminder that I am unaware of how to change photo size back to Thumbs, so cannot update my threads until I can change it back. Why was the option made available between 'thumbs' or 100% if 100% gets blocked?

I figured as a pop up offered thumb or 100%, but then, I see no way to change it. Please provide a link
Still can't upload pics. Feel like i'm beating a dead horse...
i know, and i know its frustrating, but time zones are different and right now its quite early morning for admin, so he is sleeping, were gunna have to wait, it isnt just you either so know youre not alone!
Donpetro you're definitely not alone . been having a problem uploading pics since yesterday. I tried using different browser to see if it was chrome's fault.
seems like it's the RIU. Hope they fix soon :roll:
After you click on 'watched threads' there's another link that says 'there may be more to view' click on that and it'll show you all the threads you've posted in.
Is there not a watched threads for the app? I'm not seeing it.