New And Updated Rollitup

For some reason the site is displaying as just a sliver on the left of my phone. Have to zoom in now every new page to get it back to the way it was.
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Just wondering if this is only me. When the site first came back up I was getting an option to upload files from my computer. The last couple of days that option is not there, all I get is the option to insert a pic from an off-site URL when I click the image icon in the toolbar. I've cleared/reset all settings/cache/history on Safari, Chrome, and Internet Explorer, still no go. I can still up load single pics and 1Mb limit with the Upload a File option, but not the image icon...??
Thanks, one other thing that might be relevant. When I was having problems uploading, I tried turning off the "Use the Flash-based uploader to upload attachments" option. Then I went back in and turned it on again, but it didn't come back from about then on in, that is the upload from the computer option was still not there, even after turning it back on. Maybe the flag isn't getting reset for that option...?
Hi, just wondering if you've been able to get anywhere on this, still only seeing the URL option when I try to upload pics...

Also seeing my journals now but can't edit or post new entries... thanks...
Hi, just wondering if you've been able to get anywhere on this, still only seeing the URL option when I try to upload pics...

Also seeing my journals now but can't edit or post new entries... thanks...
Should be fixed in the next 2 hours. You are being promoted to established member then its being removed for some reason, looking into why now.
No same issue as the above message.... Working on it now

Sent from my SGH-I337M using Rollitup mobile app

I can't add to my journal.

Please fix or how to fix?. I can see it and upload pics, etc. It just won't allow me to post.
Should be fixed in the next 2 hours. You are being promoted to established member then its being removed for some reason, looking into why now.
Sweet, thanks, journal is back and operational, was able to create a new entry and comment on it.

Pic upload is still the same problem (no option to upload from my computer) but was able to use the file uploader fine...
Sweet, thanks, journal is back and operational, was able to create a new entry and comment on it.

Pic upload is still the same problem (no option to upload from my computer) but was able to use the file uploader fine...
i still have the upload a file button right next to post reply button, in between post reply and more options..
i still have the upload a file button right next to post reply button, in between post reply and more options..
Yeah, that button has been working all along, just used it to test a pic in a journal, it has a 1Mb limit though. My remaining problem is that using the icon pic uploader (5Mb limit) only gives me the option to type a URL to an external site, it doesn't give me the option to upload files straight from my computer, the option simply doesn't show anymore...
i have a question as to why it seems some members posts seem so spread out.. idk how else to word it, but for ex, the poster above me's post is very long, and all of mine seem to be short, and stacked up on top of the previous post.. just curious..

ok, now it's two posts above this one, but it's still way bigger then the rest of the posts..
i have a question as to why it seems some members posts seem so spread out.. idk how else to word it, but for ex, the poster above me's post is very long, and all of mine seem to be short, and stacked up on top of the previous post.. just curious..
We are just setting up the advertising spots for companies.