What the fuck is wrong with me?


Well-Known Member
Well I'm going to wait till I talk to the guy again, and if he doesn't give me my money back/acid..I will get more than I would have gotten with the money..


Well-Known Member
Suppose this is all good :joint:
came out of this with a sheet (not sure if that's what it's called) of acid.
and an ounce of weed :joint:
hopefully not an assault charge though..

Skate Hawaii

Well-Known Member
Suppose this is all good :joint:
came out of this with a sheet (not sure if that's what it's called) of acid.
and an ounce of weed :joint:
hopefully not an assault charge though..
im not sure if this i what ur saying but u beat the guy up and took his weed?

Mr Kush

Active Member
Glad you're okay. Stay safe man, unless you have connections with someone trusted such as a friend or relative I'd be careful on who you buy that shit off. Dealers you're not familiar with can be rip offs and don't care about quality of the shit they're giving or what it might do to the person, they just want their cash flow.

I'm personally not into any other shit besides mary jane, it's the only one that won't fuck me up LOL.


New Member
exactly what i was trying to say. :hug::peace:
Glad you're okay. Stay safe man, unless you have connections with someone trusted such as a friend or relative I'd be careful on who you buy that shit off. Dealers you're not familiar with can be rip offs and don't care about quality of the shit they're giving or what it might do to the person, they just want their cash flow.

I'm personally not into any other shit besides mary jane, it's the only one that won't fuck me up LOL.


Well-Known Member
watch what you say, don't wanna see you get beat up next. it's an herb.
what:confused: I'm not sure if you're threatening me or not...anyway " A drug, broadly speaking, is any chemical substance that, when absorbed into the body of a living organism, alters normal bodily function. There is no single, precise definition, as there are different meanings in medicine, government regulations, and colloquial usage."



Well-Known Member
what:confused: I'm not sure if you're threatening me or not...anyway " A drug, broadly speaking, is any chemical substance that, when absorbed into the body of a living organism, alters normal bodily function. There is no single, precise definition, as there are different meanings in medicine, government regulations, and colloquial usage."

There you go man you just said it!! By Defenition a drug is a CHEMICAL!!! There for weed is not a drug. Its a plant.


Well-Known Member
Well, I got the drugs, didn't I? :P

I'm pretty small (5"7)
but I am really strong for my height.
and I know how to fight.. that's also a good advantage.. but always.. peace over violence..


Well-Known Member
I'm not a violent type of guy, only when the situation is forced upon me am I violent, and boy, can I be violent :P


Well-Known Member
Dude, what did you take??? did he ever tell you what is was. and was it paper or liquid "supposid" acid.
Glad this threat ended with some dude's teeth knocked out and you comin up. Even though YES violence is not the answer always, but it WAS in this instance.
Good fo You Homie