Schuylaar's Sesh - SCOTUS Upholds Public Prayer..

Which exactly what Rob has been saying he WOULD NOT DO

racists say a lot of things to save face. he is still calling racist hostilities that cause harm to others a "RIGHT".

just let me know when i have the right to harm you, i'll be right over.
keep defending racists, rob. might as well throw in some good ol' historical revisionism and outright denial of reality while you're at it, you deluded old racist coot.
Why do you think he is defending racists? He is defending the idea of property and self ownership, he personally would welcome all black people with open arms if he had a business. Why do feel it necessary to distort other's arguments?
racists say a lot of things to save face. he is still calling racist hostilities that cause harm to others a "RIGHT".

just let me know when i have the right to harm you, i'll be right over.
You can't harm someone by not servicing them Buck, maybe you inconvenience them, but such is life. I know you think that any kind of inconvenience is akin to harm, but you really need to get out more and realize that the world is not perfect, never will be no matter how many laws are made, new problems erupt from each change, a infinite tail chase by the US dog.
spoken like a true angry old racist coot.

the fact is that the racist hostilities which you call "RIGHTS" are not rights and cannot be, because they cause harm. and no one has a right to cause harm.

you want to kick out black folks, rob? fine. open a private club.

I do not want to kick anybody out based on race. You seem to have ignored that I have stated that many times.

I just don't think I have any right to tell others how to use their body or their property, but you do. You avoid that point like a plague of gerbils with diarrhea bent on aggressing against a Wendy's floor.

You are arguing for taking away the right of a person to determine how they will use their own property. That makes you the same kind of person as Harry Anslinger.
Why do you think he is defending racists?

probably because he tries to turn "racist hostility" into "indifference" and deny that refusal of service to blacks caused any harm (it did).

he is literally calling the actions of hostile racists who cause harm to blacks a "RIGHT".

to anyone who is not completely and totally fucking retarded, it's pretty clear he is defending racists.
You can't harm someone by not servicing them Buck, maybe you inconvenience them, but such is life.

can you find even one single historian who will agree with you that denial of service to blacks before civil rights did not cause harm then?
he is literally calling the actions of hostile racists who cause harm to blacks a "RIGHT".
What harm? You mean like not selling someone a pair of socks or something?
Or do you mean something else entirely? Can you elaborate and be a bit more specific?
You are arguing for taking away the right of a person to determine how they will use their own property.

of course, because no one has the right to cause harm to others.

my right to swing my fist ends at your face. are you arguing that i should be allowed to punch you in the face with my fist, thereby shattering the old, decrepit, flimsy bones left underneath your wrinkly, sagging, old man skin?

or are you arguing to take away my right to determine how i will use my property?
keep defending racists, rob. might as well throw in some good ol' historical revisionism and outright denial of reality while you're at it, you deluded old racist coot.

Does that mean I'm not invited to your birthday party and I have to stay out of your yard too?
WE the People will punish the tax cheats when WE can.

Stay out on Mars if you wish.
Tax cheats, isn't the same as someone who uses the law as written to pay the least amount of tax allowable by said law.

So in other words, the ultra rich will continue to be taxed nearly nothing and so will the big corporations they own. The little guy are so numerous that they can carry all the weight.
If you don't know the difference between tax cheating and tax avoiding, it may be impossible to wealth build.
Does that mean I'm not invited to your birthday party and I have to stay out of your yard too?

no, your misery is that you have to endure yourself, shitty logic, historical denialism, defense of racist hostilities that cause harm, and all.
Which exactly what Rob has been saying he WOULD NOT DO, how many times does he have to repeat himself? No one gets kicked out of anything.
Apparently Buck has selective reading, and only sees what he wants to, and nothing else.