Well-Known Member

Iam using a 10 gal fishtank, with 5 med tiger barbs 6 ghost shrimp 1 of the poly somethings sucker fish.
The plant is in a small pot drill with holes filled with growstones that sits in a foldgers coffee container. I have a pump thats always on moving the aquarium water to the coffer container that has a drain about halfway up the container with slashes back into the aquarium. The aquarium has a normal fish carbon filter in it. I am going to change the coffee container to a home depot bucket to finish to plant off in, and change the drain to a homemade bell siphon. I know that plant has some issues, was topping tank off with ro water, had high ph and no minerals thats norm in the tap so I dropped the ph added some bacteria and tap bubbled out.
But its working, I want to move on up to talapia and shrimp, and vermicompost teas in a multi plant bed maybe after this is done. Or more expermenting first. Anyone else currently got a aquaponic system going to give some pointers?